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S2 licensed
Here ya go
S2 licensed
Quote from Zero7 :Cheers mate! Looking forward to it. Do you prefer the 2048x2048 skin? NP if not.

Na it will be fine
S2 licensed
No Prob Zero i am on it
S2 licensed
Well i would like to present ITEK Racing new skin designed by teazR. Great job pal
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I agree, very nice. The lights seem a bit spritey though :\

Yea the lighting did suck but i have a new i-tek skin being made for the team so i will do a better render mebe today.
S2 licensed
nice work there morrow. Well i went to halfords today and got me a new set of wheels...What you think? Skin by teazR wheels by samyip
S2 licensed
Thanks XCNuse i think that will help me also...I can only do the basics myself....
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :heres a small update; i know the door handles are messed up.. and i know the side things.. (whatever you call them) on the spoiler are extremely wide, i havent spent much time on them yet, but .. this is where im at right now with it

Try and get that skyline finished m8 i would love to see that finished. Great work man
S2 licensed
Another one of mine...Again skin done by teazR
S2 licensed
I-Tek got a new driver..I would like to welcome yugo45 to the team. Still looking more drivers visit the i-tek forum to ask or just post here.
S2 licensed
lol very nice indeed papa. I still cant work out how to get background in with the pic yet. Here is one i done today of the xfr.

Quote from _Rob_ :Only showed you how to render last week, now you can already do more then me

lol guess i really want to get into this and thanks for showing me how to do it.

Skins done by teazR
Last edited by B11TME, .
S2 licensed
I was a little bored and seen this thread has not been used in a few days so here is another render.
S2 licensed
Quote from Zero7 :Fantastic, thanks m8!!

Really appreciate it.

edit: Attached files instead.

No Worreis here you go
S2 licensed
Quote from Losah :

If someone could make a render, it would be great!

Here you go
S2 licensed
Quote from Zero7 :Sweeeeet!!! Many, many thanks - I'm very chuffed with that! Guess what is taking pride of place as my desktop wallpaper!

Fancy a few more BTCC skins? It's a little personal project of mine to do as many of the 2005 season liveries. If you've signed up on the Master Skinnerz forum you can get them there under the "Your skinning Lab/Zero7's Garage". ... lay&thread=1125416996

If not, I'll post them here.

Thanks again.

Yea no problem...That makes 3 more you want then am i right? And i will try and get others done as well if i got time and some one else does not beat me to it
S2 licensed
Quote from orre :Thanks very very much Ladaraider and B11TMW Those were realy nice

No worries m8....Here is the halfords car asked for.
Last edited by B11TME, .
S2 licensed
Still looking more drivers if interested visit our forum
S2 licensed
Quote from ladaraider :Made few basic renders..



I should of said i can do them myself since i waited and no reply about getting my skins done but a big thanks anyway...I also did that frog render
S2 licensed
Quote from Sniiki :ORION, haha
But fs we are not Conan O'Briens here

About selling models...

One big thing is materials, very detailed and clear model will look very crappy with crappy materials.
I don't know anything about selling models but I think that if you are a newbie, you should buy materials also.
It's very difficult to make realistic materials (well maybe not for everyone) ie. that rubber material in that wheel took me many hours to get sorted out.

So if i buy a wheel i dont get everything i need for it?
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :er teazr it looks the same size.. actually it is lol

as for the 'its a damn wheel'
HA.. HAHAHHA .. have fun making a wheel and tire..

Dont need to make one there is plenty for sale Seen a nice set of OZ wheels i am tempted to buy because there is no way i could make a wheel sadly. Get back to me on that wheel MorroW.
S2 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :If its "just a damn wheel", why dont you make it yourself?

Wanna see the sort of price high quality models like that can fetch? Check this link.

Its just a damn wheel as in its not a damn car lol...And if i cud make a wheel as good as that i would sell it too And another thing...I been using 3ds max about 4 days now i dont think i am that good to make a wheel
S2 licensed
Quote from MorroW :They will never be free...point is that they are hard work and Sniikis want
to make some profit before. Later...who nows Anything is possible, but don't hope to much

How much is he looking for the wheel? And remember is a damn wheel lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from MorroW :Dude, resize! Even my quite fast connection takes more than 30 sec to load that pic

Render itself is

Page load time its perfect with me...The size i know is 1024x768. Thanks for the comment on render i only started using 3ds max for the first time 3 days ago and i have a long way to go before i am as good as you MorroW and a few others. ps When is them wheels you got getting released
S2 licensed
Amazing work m8 i cant wait to see the finished one. Keep it up
S2 licensed
Thanks to papafant i came up with this