Yea no problem...That makes 3 more you want then am i right? And i will try and get others done as well if i got time and some one else does not beat me to it
Dont need to make one there is plenty for sale Seen a nice set of OZ wheels i am tempted to buy because there is no way i could make a wheel sadly. Get back to me on that wheel MorroW.
Its just a damn wheel as in its not a damn car lol...And if i cud make a wheel as good as that i would sell it too And another thing...I been using 3ds max about 4 days now i dont think i am that good to make a wheel
Page load time its perfect with me...The size i know is 1024x768. Thanks for the comment on render i only started using 3ds max for the first time 3 days ago and i have a long way to go before i am as good as you MorroW and a few others. ps When is them wheels you got getting released