I had the same problem chaps....The way i fixed it was do not enter in all the details like msn icq etc...I found in my one that were is asked you for you messenger email like hotmail then it would not work....So try it without them and it should work. Hope this helps
I cant see why you would need a permission to have that track in game since alot of other games are putting it in as a addon. GT Legends has a pretty good beta ver of it and alot of other games like gtr ect. I think nordshleife would be totaly amazing in lfs and i think you would get such a buzz driving round that track in any of the lfs cars because of the feel. Comon devs give us the track
Mebe we might be able to get licensed cars now that there is a big name involved. How about the BMW M3, M5, M6 and mebe a Z4 or somthing....With this name under them i cant see why other big names would not want to get involved. One thing is certain tho lfs is really growing and i think it will just keep growing.
Since all these things with BMW now has started comming up and deals with the BMW team and lfs mebe some of this might be right since i heard one of the Devs got a new BMW M3 recently.
There would be no reason to give you 7 reasons. If you like car racing and want a good car sim then lfs is the best game to offer you just that. Everything about live for speed is good and parts that are not good are getting made to be good. This game is just going to grow and grow. If you like arcade racing games stay away lol. Buy it you wont regret it and make sure you got a wheel to play it because that adds to the buzz. Hope this helps.
Now that there is a f1 car comming to LFS you would think there would be a option for traction control for the f1 car. But if there is traction control for all cars it will spoil it so much. The F08 is a handfull on its own without traction control can you think of a f1 car without it?
I agree Aly. I was blocked a few times due to the little cars wanting to drive round the corners before i could overtake but the bigger named teams i had no problems with at all. I did have a little issue with the #1 car who almost pushed me onto the gravel but other than that i think it went great.
No reason why it cant be because you look at how narrow bl rally track is. The track might be wide and makes it look that way. Why would they have that dirst track go all the way round?
Anyone else notice on the new track config there is a path as well like a rally track? It runs along side the road track. Mebe aston is getting a new rally track as well in this config?
Humm i would like to point out that the quali times are wrong....If you had of waited untill i finished my lap you would of gotten the right time I quali 4th place. See in my screenie. Great race everyone and congrats to cyber. Was a big test for us as we had little time to train for the XRR since we never really used it before and i found it was a handfull to start of with.
Well as you know clown i got nKP on your word of saying its great but 20 min later i asked for a refund. If you like games that feel like they are on rails then nKP is for you. nKP did not feel real to me at all infact i would go to say that Project Gothem 3 has better pysics lol. But thats just me and what i think on the game and i can asure you unless there is a patch brough out that improves the pysics i wont be going near it again.
Some young guys at school just cant afford it...He is 15-16. I remember when i was that age that sort of money was hard to come by 10 years ago for me lol