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S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :
1) (This is in /no/ way meant as an attack on the devs, they do a damn good job). Whenever a new patch or feature comes out, there is /always/ somebody whining 'but...why didn't they do it this way'. It is insulting to the devs. Put yourself in their position. You have just spent X amount of time developing a labour of love, only to have people who know nothing about game/program/sim/whatever design, to come along and start flaming you.

Think of all those comments this way: If you didn't really give a damn about the quality and continued development of the sim, would you comment? The vast majority of the people that come onto these forums have invested time into being in this community. Think about it, we've taken time from our personal lives to have a second online life, if you will, and we all care about watching it develop into the best that it can be. I've been around for over 3 years, and have personally enjoyed the ride, so I thank the devs for all their hard work. But, when I find something that I don't think works right or needs improved, I will make my opinion known in a respectful manner, hoping that the devs read my comments and take from them constructive information that will only make the sim better.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :
2) The use of the words 'noob', 'n00b', 'newbie' and related words as an insult (No offense to Niko/LFSn00b btw). Why do the people who were here earlier see the need to pick on the members with newer join dates. We all have an equal right to be here and give our opinion. OK, so people may not agree with it, but that is no reason to start flaming. On a related note, what /is/ the point of the flaming bannana (sp?) smiley?.

Agreed.....the use of the "noob" related words are not really beneficial to anyone. I was, as we all were, a n00b at one point, and I am really appreciative to the guys like CWMAX, Operator0, Kirves, CheeseySlug, Forbin, and others that helped me with advice and setups in my quest to get better. Because of that, I've tried (admittedly not always successfully) to be mindful of my comments to inexperienced drivers.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :
4) The constant bashing of demo racers. I just don't get WHY people (S2 licensed) see the need to flame/bash/criticise (sp?) demo racers. LFS is a racing simulator. I am not going to get involved in the quite franky, ugly, drift/grip war, but if people want to drift, they should be able to. It's like buying a box of chocolates and being told you can only open and eat them a certain way

Demo racers are just that, demo racers. I personally don't have a problem with a person that uses the demo portion as a way learn about the game and learn how to drive in the game. I do, however, have a problem with demo racers that like to form teams and leagues. Demo is just that, a demonstration of what the sim can be, not an arena for you to play online for free and never reward the developers that have risked their livelihood's to develop their passion for sim-racing. If you race in demo, and like it, buy a license, and pay your respects to the devs.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :
5) The attitudes of some racers to mouse/keyboard racers. Not everyone is able to buy, or indeed, use a wheel. I know a friend in Ireland who wants to get into S2, but has no movement in his arms at all. At this point he could either:

a) Post here, or have somebody post here and get flamed/ridiculed
b) quietly go and buy S2, and get ridiculed/flamed in-game
c) Not bother and tell everyone how bad S2 is

See my point there?

To be honest with you, I don't really see your point about your friend. I'm sorry he can't be involved in the traditional sense. Regarding the mouse/keyboard racers....yes, I know it's difficult to get a proper controller. But this is a racing simulator and you really should try to get a wheel (any wheel, really) so that you can control the car in a more precise manner. Yeah, yeah, I know...there are many quality kb/mouse drivers out there. More power to you if you can do it well! But, I'm sorry, the vast majority of keyboard and mouse drivers certainly can't control a car as well as someone with more suited controller, and it's frustrating to get wrecked by someone using a keyboard.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :
8) The belief that LFS /must/ be the most realistic simulator ever. Hint here: NKPro, Look how realistic that is, and look how that's turned out. There is a line between realism and fun, and the people who want LFS to be just like real life, let me paint you the following scenario...

Umm...that scenario is really just rediculous. The thought that this needs to be "the most realistic" simulator is in regards to the physics and how races work. I don't really care whether we start qualifying from the garage, or right on the track. Sure, starting from the garage adds to the immersion, but does it really add anything to the racing? No. We want the cars to handle as close to real life as possible so that we can enjoy doing something online that only a few of us have experienced in real life.
S3 licensed
Per my teammate's request:

S2 Name: Racin Jason
Racer Name: CoRe.RacinJason
E-Mail: Contact via PM here, please
TimeZone: EST
Favorite Car: Formula V8
TeamSpeak: (yes/no) Yes
Will you be able to make it to all 4 events?: (yes/no/maybe) Maybe
S3 licensed
What about Patch X?

As of about 25 minutes ago, Scawen said that Patch X is still a few hours away. I assume Franky @ 500Servers will be updating customer's servers before the free ones. If the CoRe server is upgraded by race time, you're welcome to use it.
S3 licensed
Combos are posted to vote on for June 14th.
S3 licensed
While I will ultimately respect the decisions of the officials, I must protest any penalties received for unintentional disconnections, which are clearly discernable from intentional. We put a lot of time into preparation and displayed the pace to be on the podium in our class, and it is very dissappointing to be placed 5 spots lower based on a decision to be penalized after it was clear prior to the race that this would not happen.

I would just like the results to reflect the performance we put in on track, and not reflective of problems that are out of our control and not part of racing to begin with.
S3 licensed
Quote from ORION :
About disconnections:
Yes, you can reconnect and the tracker will continue countding you laps. You lose any unfinished lap, though, and the time you need to reconnect of course. We are probably not going to use penatlies of another lap, like they did in the MoE (iirc).

Relative to this, LOTA-1 should be in 45th place overall.
LOTA Thursday Night Thunder - 28-June-07
S3 licensed

Tired of not getting any variation in LFS pick-up racing? Here's your solution!

Races start around 9:30 PM EST on LOTA League Server 1.
3 different car/track combinations, chosen by the general public.
Three 8-lap sprint races on each combo.
LOTA League Officials online for your assistance.
No qualification, random restart grids.
No points, no series champions, just bragging rights on the line!
Flexible car/track schedule: wanna run more than 3 on a combo? Let 'em know!
Every Thursday when LOTA doesn't have a series running that day.

For more details and to check this week's combos, check here:
Last edited by banshee56, . Reason : updated date
S3 licensed
Post retracted. :hide: Apology offered to Android.

/me goes back to 3rd grade to learn about the ...n't contraction.
Last edited by banshee56, .
S3 licensed
CoRe has a server you can use on Friday. It's a 500Server in TX.
S3 licensed
Agreed....the whole LFS community is split between testing the latest test patch, the last test patch compatible with W17, or all the way back on Official Patch W. When X comes out, everyone will have to upgrade to X and then everyone will be on the same version again.

There are quite a few US servers out there, just give it a couple of days, and it will all sort itself out.
S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Hitting Eric gets you the Jackpot

Meaning what....a new track??

I am really looking forward to this patch with the very latest adds/fixes, like the voting system that will remove one of the more frustrating events within the workings of the sim.
S3 licensed
S2 Name: banshee56
Racer Name: CoRe.Banshee56
E-Mail: Please contact me via PM here
TimeZone: EST
Favorite Car: XFR
TeamSpeak: (yes/no) Yes
Will you be able to make it to all 4 events?: (yes/no/maybe) well...not the first one for sure

Umm...race lengths?
S3 licensed
One of the most important updates in this whole series of test patches:

Quote :Votes do not expire and are not reset when a player joins host
Ready on game setup screen is not reset when a player connects

S3 licensed

Glad to see you got your S2 license. Welcome to the fun side of LFS! Good luck on your team!
S3 licensed
My thoughts on that movie.....simply breathtaking.
Race 4 (Finale) Results
S3 licensed
Race 4

Qual Results (Click HERE for Replay):

Feature Results (Click HERE for Replay):

Final Standings are pending and will be posted soon.

For more series information and LOTA League information, please visit
Race 3 Results
S3 licensed
Race 3

Qual Results (Click HERE for Replay):

Feature Results (Click HERE for Replay):
S3 licensed
Any chance we can get a qual session that is evening friendly to those of us on this side of the little pond?
S3 licensed get back on topic....

Congrats to the LOTF team for their effort in the 24hrs race. I also drove 129 laps in that race and am amazed at the experience. Cheers!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from MARSH2a :Thanks to all the organizers and teams for making this one very enjoyable event.

Traffic was excellent. Passing was clean, everyone drove like true Pro's.

Thanks again!

Does someone from server #3 have the MPR of the start? Or the first 2 hrs or so of the race?

Quote from BinBalde :Please!
S3 licensed
I getting errors when opening the zip file for the Phlos created app.
S3 licensed
Any progress on the updates for Patch X? Looking forward to it!
S3 licensed
Any idea when the final results will be posted?
S3 licensed
It's a nice idea, but it seems like a bit of work though, since we already do these kinds of thing at our own league websites/forums (generally speaking from a league manager's standpoint).

Not to mention, you would either have to have a common format for submitting (which may not coincide with league manager's native formats), or have everyone do it manually, which would not be appealing to me.

From a non-league manager standpoint, it would be very cool to be able to look up a single person's results from multiple leagues.