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S3 licensed
"Hi! Have you ever visited No? Oh boy are you are missing out. We got drugs, we got chicks, we got porn......" Over and over and over and over.......WOW. Great commercial there FM!

And the stream is down!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
The Big One!!!
S3 licensed
w000t.....a lap completed under green!
S3 licensed
Looks like a grid at the Indy 500....first two rows are in line, the rest is mayhem. flipping over the pit wall on the start!!! LOL
S3 licensed
Yeah, must be. backing up and moving all over the place on the one seems to know what is going on.
S3 licensed
OMG.... "Oops...what are they doing?....." " the Safety Car is driving on down the track."

Cars reversing on the track.....ROFL

And then the Safety Car gets spectated for driving the wrong way on the track!!! LOL
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Who said what about chase cam?

I don't know which one it was, but they were talking about the DuPont skinned car. They were saying things like "why would anyone use the chase cam" etc. Sounded like they were making fun of the guy for choosing chase cam. Didn't like that very much, personally.
S3 licensed
Quote from [SWE]RE :All I see is the fragmaster logo for 23 seconds, after that it repeats itself over and over again.

I had that problem when opening the stream via clicking on the link, but if you "Open URL" from the WMP menu and enter that addy, it works fine.
S3 licensed
Broadcast works fine, but not very professional commentary IMHO.

Talking about land seals, criticizing and mocking a driver's choice of driver view (chase cam), one commentator correcting another and making him look stupid, race marshals coming on voice comms asking what they should be doing during the race, talking about whether LFS users (or the commentators) have real lives or not, useless babble back and forth, etc etc.

Oh yeah, and the track conditions say pits closed and red flag during qual. What's that about??
S3 licensed
Hey Fredrik! How's the army thing going? Still on track to get back in December?
S3 licensed
I see you've made the move to a new website address. Good for you. I've only watched one event, but have heard a lot about it from BigTime and Kaw. I hope to see this very unique series continue to grow and be a viable racing league for many seasons to come.

As I've mentioned to you via PM and through BigTime, CoRe Racing would like to offer server resources for the next full season to come.

Good luck and keep on racing!
S3 licensed
Welcome to the team, Arni! A pleasure to add yet another quality LFS veteran!
S3 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :I bet you get free beer........a lot!

S3 licensed
Yeah, was on last night practicing for a LOTA race and none of the PB's were being recorded, even though the website was still up. It's like the master server is running OK, but LFS World's connection to the master server is hosed.

EDIT: look at the 1 week charts as well...looks like the same thing happened 3 days ago, though not for as long.
S3 licensed
Mechanical Engineer since 1995.

I design high speed packaging machinery for the beverage packing industry....mostly beer and soft drinks in cans and bottles packed into cardboard packages (that last step is what my machines do).

My machine (I say "my" because I designed about 75% of it):

Running right to left in that pic, it's about 10.7 meters long (some of it's cut off in that pic), and can pack about 200 12-packs of your favorite beer in one minute.
S3 licensed
Oh yeah! CoRe Racing will bring 3 cars!
S3 licensed
Quote from SRR Marty :seems to be a translating error. What was meant is west-european summer time, and not eastern standart time

So the UTC times are correct?
S3 licensed
Quote from SRR Marty :
The facts:

Date: 25. October 2008
Start: 08:00pm EDT (which is 06:00 UTC)
Qualifying Start: 18. October 2008 02:00pm EDT (12:00 UTC)
Qualifying End: 19. October 2008 10:00pm EDT (08:00 UTC)

You need to edit your start times because 08:00PM EDT (20:00 EDT) does not equal 06:00 UTC.

EDT = EST = UTC-5 (-4 right now w/ DST)
Formula GP2 Challenge - Info & Results
S3 licensed

The Formula GP2 Challenge, a premier LOTA racing series, puts drivers in the high performance Formula V8 open wheel cars of Live For Speed. While the car remains the same, the FO8 engine is detuned via a 20% intake restriction to bring the power down by 120 BHP and increasing overall car stability. Designed for drivers still developing their open wheel skills, the GP2 series focuses on competition amongst the drivers.

The FGP2C is a 8-event series over 11 weeks with events featuring a 15 minute qualifying session, a 15 minute sprint race, followed by a 50 minute feature race with one mandatory 4-tire change pit stop. The two featured Championships will be the Squad Championship, based on 4-driver squads, and the traditional individual title. Drivers will count their best 7 events toward the driver's title while squads count all points earned towards the squad title. The FGP2C will use the standard LOTA points table with the available performance bonuses for qualifying on the pole, leading a lap, fastest lap, highest climber, and laptime stability. The event password is applied to the race server 36 hours prior to the event to provide a private final preparation environment.

The typical race day schedule:
9:00 PM EST - Drivers are encouraged to join and prepare. Officials set race conditions.
9:30 PM EST - Qualifying starts - 15 minutes.
9:45 PM EST - Sprint Grid Placement - 5 minutes
9:50 PM EST - Sprint Race starts - 15 minutes
10:05 PM EST - Feature Grid Placement - 5 minutes
10:10 PM EST - Feature Race Starts (earliest start time)

For more information on this series, please visit
Formula GP Challenge - Info & Results
S3 licensed

The Formula GP Challenge, a premier LOTA racing series, puts drivers in the high performance Formula V8 open wheel cars of Live For Speed. The FO8's 3.0L V8 produces 450 bhp @ 9000+ RPM and at just over 1300 lbs mass, it features an incredible 762 hp/ton power to weight ratio. Built for speed, the FO8 shines in the hands of the best LFS drivers while punishing those that don't pay it respect at all times. Make no mistake, the GP series Formula V8 will test your will, determination, and concentration every moment you're strapped into the cockpit.

The FGPC is a 8-event series over 11 weeks with events featuring a 15 minute qualifying session, a 15 minute sprint race, followed by a 50 minute feature race with one mandatory 4-tire change pit stop. The two featured Championships will be the Squad Championship, based on 4-driver squads, and the traditional individual title. Drivers will count their best 7 events toward the driver's title while squads count all points earned towards the squad title. The FGPC will use the standard LOTA points table with the available performance bonuses for qualifying on the pole, leading a lap, fastest lap, highest climber, and laptime stability. The event password is applied to the race server 36 hours prior to the event to provide a private final preparation environment.

The typical race day schedule:
  • 9:00 PM EST - Drivers are encouraged to join and prepare. Officials set race conditions.
  • 9:30 PM EST - Qualifying starts - 15 minutes.
  • 9:45 PM EST - Sprint Grid Placement - 5 minutes
  • 9:50 PM EST - Sprint Race starts - 15 minutes
  • 10:05 PM EST - Feaure Grid Placement - 5 minutes
  • 10:10 PM EST - Feature Race Starts (earliest start time)
For more information, please visit:
S3 licensed
Wow...never saw this one coming. Cyber was always one of those teams for which I held a ton of respect. Good luck to the other divisions of the team in other sims and to the LFSers as they go on without those beautiful Cyber skins.
S3 licensed
The best "reality" show ever: The Joe Schmo Show

One unknowing schmuck, nine actors as "contestants"...pure genius.
S3 licensed
Congrats from one 3-year team to another! All the best to your team and your new drivers!
S3 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :
Mathew Beatie 10pt P1 Penalty Talking during qualifying session 1. (RC.1) Mathew Beatie - RC.1 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Mathew Beatie 10pt P1 Penalty Talking during qualifying session 1. (RC.1) Mathew Beatie - RC.1 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1

Niko Puntola Warning Cutting on outlap during qualifying. (RC.2.4) Niko Puntola - RC.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Niko Puntola Warning Cutting on hotlap during qualifying. (RC.2.4) Niko Puntola - RC.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1

Felixe Funke 15pt P2 Penalty Not reaching Split 1 of cool-down lap. (Q.2.4) Felixe Funke - Q.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Kasper Johnsen 15pt P2 Penalty Not reaching Split 1 of cool-down lap. (Q.2.4) Kasper Johnsen - Q.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Chris Karsten Warning Cutting on outlap during qualifying. (RC.2.4) Chris Karsten - RC.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Igor Savi 15pt P2 Penalty Not reaching Split 1 of cool-down lap. (Q.2.4) Igor Savi - Q.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 1
Blas Aguilar Warning Cutting on outlap during qualifying. (RC.2.4) Blas Aguilar - RC.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Tony Lonnstrom Warning Cutting on hotlap during qualifying. (RC.2.4) Tony Lonnstrom - RC.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Jordan T 15pt P2 Penalty Not reaching Split 1 of cool-down lap. (Q.2.4) Jordan T - Q.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Andrei Radu 15pt P2 Penalty Not reaching Split 1 of cool-down lap. (Q.2.4) Andrei Radu - Q.2.4 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Chris Karsten 10pt P1 Penalty Talking during qualifying session 2. (RC.1) Chris Karsten - RC.1 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Mathew Beatie 10pt P1 Penalty Changing names to chat. (GC.3 & GC.3.1) Mathew Beatie - GC.3 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Niko Puntola 10pt P1 Penalty Changing names to chat. (GC.3 & GC.3.1) Niko Puntola - GC.3 - 1.jpg Qualify Session 2
Andrei Radu 10pt P1 Penalty Talking during a race. (RC.1) Andrei Radu - RC.1 - 1.jpg Match1 Race1
Mathew Beatie 10pt P1 Penalty Changing names to chat. (GC.3 & GC.3.1) Mathew Beatie - GC.3 - 2.jpg Match2 Race1
Lukasz Kaczmarek Warning More than two wheels, just barely off track, no gain due to lifting throttle. Match3 Race1
Andrei Radu Warning More than two wheels off track, no gain due to lifting throttle. Match6 Race1
Tony Lonnstrom 25pt P3 Penalty Cutting during a race. (RC.2.4) Tony Lonnstrom - RC.2.4 - 2.jpg Match7 Race2
Niko Puntola 10pt P1 Penalty More than two wheels off track, minimal time gain noticed. Niko Puntola - RC.2.4 - 3.jpg Match13 Race1
Niko Puntola 25pt P3 Penalty Cutting during a race. (RC.2.4) Niko Puntola - RC.2.4 - 4.jpg Match13 Race2
Kasper Johnsen Warning More than two wheels off track, lifted throttle, no gain. Match14 Race1
Niko Puntola 10pt P1 Penalty Talkinjg during Match15 Race3 (RC.1) Niko Puntola - RC.1 - 1.jpg Match15 Race3
Niko Puntola 10pt P1 Penalty Talkinjg during Match15 Race3 (RC.1) Niko Puntola - RC.1 - 1.jpg Match15 Race3

Not my series, but why are the above penalties (that I have highlighted) listed twice? Typo or two penalties of the same basic type and occurance?