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S3 licensed
Nice! Congrats on your new home, fellas.
S3 licensed
Nah....didn't think you were...just thought it was interesting how that activity and the UF1 just kind of mess seamlessly. Your idea looks like a lot of fun, as was ours. Good work.
S3 licensed
Gee...I wonder where else I've seen the pizza delivery idea....

Oh yeah:
Last edited by banshee56, .
S3 licensed
FYI....there are only 6 spots remaining for each series. Also, squad declarations have opened today.
S3 licensed
FYI....I used the Control Panel updater for three servers last night and everything went as expected. Thanks Dean!
LOTA Formula Challenge Series
S3 licensed
LOTA [Presents...
*** Summer 2008 Premier Series ***

The League of the Americas gets back to it roots with a return to the Formula V8 for two new premier series. The GP series features the full powered FO8 and is designed to test the best open wheel drivers in LOTA. The GP2 series features the same chassis, but with a detuned V8 engine via a 20% restriction on the intake, reducing the power by 120 bhp. The GP2 series is intended to provide a quality environment for drivers that are still developing their open wheel skills and/or are experiencing difficulties handling the FO8 at full song.

Drivers with experience and in the higher powered LFS cars (which includes the GTRs) are encouraged to register for the GP series. Drivers that are new to LOTA and/or the Formula V8 are encouraged to register for the GP2 series. LOTA Officials reserve the right to deny/change registration for any driver in either series if previous LOTA/LFS experience indicates a different GP/GP2 class is in order.

Each series will consist of a 15 minute qualifying session, a 15 minute sprint race (25% of event points), and a 50 minute feature race (75% of event points). Each driver must complete a 4-tire change pit stop in the feature race. Both premier series will run 8 events over 11 weeks (2 races, 1 break, etc.). Both series run on Thursdays, the traditional LOTA premier series race night, starting at 9:30 PM EST (UTC-5) on July 10, 2008. Each series is initially limited to 30 drivers (with a reserve list) and if interest levels warrant, we will look into multiple servers per series.

Preliminary rules and schedules are now posted. Current discussions are still occurring regarding field inversion. When this discussion, as well as all other rules have been finalized, a notice will be placed in LOTA news. Please take the appropriate time required to read and understand both the LOTA General Rules and the Formula GP Challenge and Formula GP2 Challenge series rules.

Registration for both series is now open!

For more information on this and other racing series, please visit the LOTA website.
S3 licensed
You owe me $495 for the car, helmet, and website graphics work.

Anyway...good luck with your team search.
S3 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :I think the barrier he's referring to is a temporary tyre-wall. If you have a look in-game, you'll see that it wouldn't be enough to seriously damage a car but nevertheless can result in a 'wrong route' spectate.

Sorry for the late response, but I was referring to what would happen if a car went through a barrier like that in real life. I am well aware of which barrier this is and that most LFS cars don't get near the damage they should going though this kind of barrier. Nonetheless, I think the wrong route area in this situation is way too close to the barrier.
S3 licensed
Pretty good coverage of how to do an autocross layout in the LFS Manual:
S3 licensed

Just are you detecting whether a car has changed all four tires?
S3 licensed
Quote from R.Kolz :
To give you a picture of what I mean here: Go AS3 and brake late before the chicane ( 1st split ) and push a car in front of you slightly. The car in front will go through the tire barrier there and prob. see itself in specate mode after 20 meters....

IRL this car would reverse and continue racing. True ?

Going through tire barriers like that would either render a car disabled or so badly damaged that they would spend extraordinary amounts of time in the garage making repairs.

The scenario where drivers get pushed into the "out of bounds" area I think could be a scenario where the driver (or his team) can send a request for SC period while the admins review the replay and determine if they were pushed. The admins could allow the car to come back in the race, though several laps down, which could very well be close to real life. The same could be true for similar incidents during SC, where drivers seem to sometimes completely disregard how one should be driving in a league race.

But cases where you lose control and go out of bounds, even on lap 1, are all on the driver, regardless of whether he has prepared for 4 weeks or just 4 hours.
S3 licensed
Well, you won't get the penalty until you are already in pit lane...but yeah, admins will need to make sure penalties aren't given out either while in pit lane, or while a penalty is already being displayed because of how penalties don't stack.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I believe it does, but I'd have to test to make sure.

A speeding DT received on pit entry doesn't have to be served before the pitstop, correct?

No, if you get a DT on pit entry, you can still complete your pit, because that was the purpose of entering the pit. You have to complete the drive through on a subsequent entry to pit lane, and then it won't let you do anything else.

I say it that way because if you complete the pit after getting a DT, and then come back in, you get the message "{driver} entered pit lane to serve drive through penalty", or something like that. And if you complete a pit stop and enter the pit lane after having left post-stop, you get the message "{driver} entered pit lane for no purpose".
S3 licensed
Here's a question related to the new rule about assigning penalties to incoming drivers...if a driver gets a pit lane speeding penalty upon entrance to the pit lane and during the pit stop, another driver takes over, does the pit lane speed DT transfer to the new driver?
S3 licensed

I didn't realize I had 1000 posts! Can I has my money bag now?
Last edited by banshee56, .
S3 licensed
Rooble! New avatar!! NOICE!!

S3 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :Hi there, I wanted to ask about pit stops in qualifying. Unfortunately, LFS Stats doesn't seem to extract the pit stop data from qualifying and I really need this data so that I can manage a league I'm running properly so is there any way to get it to check for pit stops during qualifying? Thanks!

An option to include (or exclude) exact pit stats (i.e. which tires were changed, how much fuel was added, etc.) would be more useful.
S3 licensed
no no no only CALL yourselves the crazies...I for one can vouch for the validity of claim to craziness by the noobs and by DSR. Definitely.....crazy!
S3 licensed
That's what, ah say, that's what LFS has been waiting on for five damn years......a crazy team! Promotech, xTIPx, and Butthole Drifters are now simply minuscule dust bunnies nestled in the corner of the utility closest in the hallowed history section of the LFS Library.

Oh, and Tommy, doesn't noobs lay claim to all those titles?
Last edited by banshee56, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :If ever a movie about LFS could touch you in a sexual way, this is it, sorry Nolan but this made me hard.

Seriously Ray, you're starting to scare me.
S3 licensed
Quote :Unnecessary chat is outlawed which means necessary chat is allowed (i.e. Admins 61 car passed me)

Boy, you had better very clearly define what kinds of messages (and how often) that can be sent.

Quote :Outlap, 1 pace lap, 1 pit lap (pits will be opened by the 2nd full lap).

On the outlap, I assume the pace car goes out at SC speed once the yellow is called. So, then you have basically at least one full lap while the field just drives behind the SC? Why not have the SC go out an go slow enough through the first sector until the leader catches up, and then open the pits as the SC approaches the pit entrance on the outlap? Yeah, there will be cars that aren't completely caught up yet, but isn't that the disadvantage that should be inherent in someone who has either wrecked or is just plain slow?

Quote :During an SC period you are to keep one car lengths away from the person in front of you. 1st warning, next warning will be a kick.

Why are you going to be kicking people after a SC space gap warning? have to be firm, but a kick is the appropriate measure? How about a "back of the lead lap" or a DT? If you hold true to this rule, you may well have to kick half the field.
S3 licensed
I've been following the post-race discussion because my guys were in this race, but have been silent so far. Now, there are some things that I see that I feel I must make comments on. I know there are some of you that will say "why are you commenting on a series that you don't even run?". I am doing so because I have significant racing management experience, both in real life with karting and online with LOTA, and I want to see leagues that my guys race in be managed at least somewhat well.

Quote from TomShanK :I have 2 suggestions, one of which I went over with Astra. Everyone seems to speed up as they come to the green, about ten miles per hour over the speed limit. It doesn't matter how many warnings people are given, it's still going to happen. What if we keep the safety car out on the track, and the green flag is signaled by the spectation of the safety car. He spectates (IE: just before the line), and the leader knows to accelerate because the safety car is gone. All people in line will notice "Safetycar has joined the spectators" and know to accelerate.

"It doesn't matter how many warning people are given, it's still going to happen." What the hell is this about? You give a warning...and if it's done again, you send the perpetrator to the rear of the field. Simple. To the point. If you warn people more than once, then you will never have authority. When the pace car leaves the track before the green, it should be just prior to showing the green, and the lead car should not be accelerating until the green is shown. The admin that is flying the flag should be spectating the leader, and if he goes more than a couple mph over the pace speed, don't throw the green. Rather, show the yellow again, explain what happened, send the leader to the back, and indicate a start attempt on the next lap.


Quote from TomShanK :
Long live no chatting. It was hard for me to do at times, but even I, a super-chatter enjoyed a race with no chat. However here is something I would like to try, and personally I think it would be a great idea. We had three admins last race. A safety car (2?) and Race Control (Also 2?). Some people have questions regarding the incident and what started it etc. SOme people wish to know what lap the leader is on (IE: if they're a lap down). There is some general information, as well as different questions, perhaps a small debate that might need to be handled. If there is something that is totally relevant and not stupid, you should be able to ask/tell an admin. (IE: toddshooter is driving eradically under cautions). However, something like (IE: OMG TODDSHOOTER IS A NOOB WTF HE JUST WRECKED ME!!!!!) would be considered biased spam and you may be asked to clarify and/or get a penalty for spamming the admin. The idea is still to get a no-chat atmosphere.

No way should you be putting in place a medium for driver to start chatting. Inevitably, there will be people that won't follow the rules regarding this, and then you'll get into a situation where if you don't penalize, you'll get questions on why they weren't. That leads to all kinds of bad opinions of admins, whether it be consistency, incompetency, or partiality. When a yellow comes out, have the admin (that is NOT driving the pace car) indicate why the caution came out, who is the leader, what lap he is on, etc.

And never never never never send messages out that could in any way be confused for a restart command. Never. Change the color of the pit lane message if you have to...but never make this mistake again.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Not specific to Y22, but a pretty annoying bug:

When doing a layout on any track, it's possible to get into a situation where everyone on the server goes JOOS - OBJS, and no one is able to connect to the server without immediately being booted. At that point, the server has to be restarted to clear the layout and the layout has to be remade.

I haven't been able yet to isolate what exactly makes it happen, but it's happened to me 3x in the last month or so.

Quote from morpha :You don't have to restart the server, a simple /axclear will do.
It really is a very annoying bug though.

To add some more info on this, DWB and I were on a server at Blackwood (BL2) and I was editing a locally saved layout while DWB was testing. There seemed to be some kind of issue where I couldn't select an object and then got the JOOS-OBJS error message. The /axclear command did take of the problem without a server restart and I went back on the server, re-loaded the layout and resumed my editing. This very same thing has happened to me probably 5+ times lately. Not really a big deal, but annoying nonetheless.
S3 licensed
Quote from mickyc30 :...i don't think there is a huge number of aussie teams about, but its worth a look

S3 licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :Pretty good vid. Nothing really to say about it apart from the fact that the member list showing was a little blank and an incorrect Canadian flag.

Incorrect? It came from here:

http://www.canadianheritage.gc ... CPSC-CCSP/sc-cs/df1_e.cfm

Anyway, great video, Nolan!

EDIT: W00000000T....1000th post.....can I has money bag now DWB???
Last edited by banshee56, .