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S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :That is the server config file. You need to make that line like look like this:


(Replace "admin_pw" with your desired admin pw, of course, also notice the single forward slash)

I would suggest using an admin pw without special characters.

Then, when you select the server to enter from inside LFS, put that same password in the password box.

Read the whole posts from people that are trying to help you next time, please.

Err....also read the config file which stats: "//Lines starting with // are ignored"
S3 licensed
if your desired admin password was "server_n00b", then that line would look like this:

S3 licensed
That is the server config file. You need to make that line like look like this:


(Replace "admin_pw" with your desired admin pw, of course, also notice the single forward slash)

I would suggest using an admin pw without special characters.

Then, when you select the server to enter from inside LFS, put that same password in the password box.
S3 licensed
Are there any published results? I want to be able to report correctly on the CoRe website about Nolan's and Kasper's progress during the Summer Series '8.
S3 licensed
Quote from kawi250f :requirements to join-
1. first if you want to join pm or email me. (tell me why you want to join and a little about yourself)
2. you have to beat eather me or f0cs. (we average about 15.03)

You're making a team where every member is faster than the founders. :banghead:
S3 licensed

I think you are already registered for the forums.....under the username Chano92. If you have any issues with logging in, let me know.
S3 licensed
Pearcy, stay out of this. As I recall, there was not mention of anyone's name or specific stats to begin with.

We give each application it's due attention. When someone applies, I check out LFS Stats, LFS Forum posts, team affiliations, etc. etc.

This thing came up when I got an email stating that we were being tested to see if we would attempt to get a driver from another team, which we don't do by policy. My post was meant to explain this. Pearcy, your inference about Xenoa's stats have nothing to do with the issue I had with the application that started all of this. All your post could possibly do is stir up ill feelings between people, which I don't have for XFR. So please, don't add something to this that doesn't belong.

Again, PwrSlave, I'm sorry. Xenoa explained his intent and actions in private to us and it's been resolved. Nothing more to make of this.

Wow....just wow....never again will I stir the pot. Just ridiculous how some have taken what I intended to be an explanation of our recruiting poilcy and have turned it into a personal attack fest against someone/team.
S3 licensed
Congrats Dan and Concept! Good luck to both!
S3 licensed
Nothing to see here....too much has been made of this already anyhow. I never intended to say who "tested" us, because it doesn't matter that much. I simply wanted to indicate that I wasn't happy about the suggestion that we would do something like that because we've all worked hard to build our team to what it has become. Everyone, please, it's over now. I don't hold any hard feelings toward Xenoa and XFR, especially because he came forward when he didn't really need to. Cawwa, Pwrslave, Xenoa, my apologies.

See? Dammit...I knew I couldn't rant without it blowing up. Let's chat about what we all love...LFS and racing.
S3 licensed
Personally, I would have been fine if this person would have asked us directly, but I just didn't like that he'd taken the time to fill out an application to try and catch us doing something we wouldn't do anyway.

Not really worth getting all that worked up though.....just felt like posting it.
S3 licensed
I don't know why I am doing this, because usually when I post a rant on these forums, it's not well received...not sure why, but here goes....

Just had to get something off my chest here....CoRe Racing has received a fair number of join applications over the past two weeks, one of which I took some offense to after finding out the true nature of the app. Now, I won't name and shame, but I will divulge the details of the app and the aftermath to illustrate a very important characteristic of CoRe Racing. Just for the record, everything in italics after this have been edited for anonymity.

Date this all started: July 8, 2008

Details of the application:
Quote :
Your Full Name: Some Guy

Birthdate: Some Date

Location: Some Place

LFS username: Common, I said no name and shame

LFS Experience: Enough experience i think
I drive most of the major leagues...OLFSL, IGTC, MoE, LFSWS

Why should CoRe consider you? Because u need more fast European drivers

I did a brief check both at LFS World and here for his LFS username (we'll call him SneakyMan during this expose, mainly because what I want to call him will get me likely banned) to see about his recent posts, LFS Stats, and any teams that he may be (or had been) affiliated with, since CoRe Racing doesn't consider drivers that are currently with other teams. I found a couple posts by SneakyMan that indicated that at some point, he was affiliated with a team (let's call them Team ABC).

At this point, the conversation at CoRe Racing's private area regarding recruiting goes like this:

Banshee56: It appears he is currently with Team ABC. By policy, CoRe Racing doesn't even look at drivers that are with a team and choose to apply to another team, so we'll have to look into the Team ABC thing.

BigTime: Big +1 to that.

B11TME: Anyone asked him his reason for leaving?

Banshee56: At this point, I don't think we've made contact with him. I'll email and find out. EDIT: FYI...I emailed him....waiting for response. I also registered on Team ABC forums and his last activity time was July 1, 2008 and last post was June 18, 2008, with no indication that he was leaving Team ABC.

Banshee56: Um, yeah.....just got a response about the Team ABC thing....

Quote :Hi!

I was just testing how teams would react if a driver from another team tries to leap Because there have been some "stealing" in last years in lfs scene and we have lost two great drivers... [rest of email removed for anonymity]

----------------- End of convo @ CoRe Forums ---------------

Now, here is where the "getting this off my chest" starts. Personally, I do not appreciate SneakyMan (and you know who you are) for pulling a stunt like this. CoRe Racing has built itself over the past 3+ years into a strong team because we stick to principles that include loyalty, integrity, and trust. Ben (DWB) and I speak as co-managers on behalf of CoRe Racing because we trust each other, and our guys trust us about the direction and integrity of our team.

Simply put, CoRe Racing DOES NOT STEAL DRIVERS, and I'm appalled that SneakyMan would think this enough to try and "test" us. We take pride in the fact that our team has grown stronger and stronger over the years because we've done it the right way, by being selective on who we ask to join the team. We are proud to consider each and everyone of our drivers as friends, and I can tell you that a guy that pulls a stunt like that has no place on CoRe Racing.

Thanks, I feel better now.
Last edited by banshee56, .
S3 licensed
Congrats to Tony and S3R!
S3 licensed
Wow...a new noob...haven't seen that in a while. Congrats and good luck TVE and noobs!
S3 licensed
ATTN: Server is setup.
S3 licensed
Very nice site!

One thing....perhaps include historical season standings?
S3 licensed
I can assure you that if Nolan is part of the admin team and it's run under LOTA, there will be some kicks in the pants where need be.
S3 licensed
Pure pwnage! Nice one, Nolan.

Glad I knew it was a RickRoll beforehand!
S3 licensed
I just want to make something clear...LOTA (as you may know it to be me, hollywood, and others) is not taking over specifically. LOTA is offering use of it's infrastructure to facilitate the series under the leadership of BigTime and lizardfolk.

Your rules and current standings will stay the same, it's just that you'll have a bit more automated and organized place to interface with the series.
S3 licensed
To expand on this offer with more info, LOTA is more than a league. Orignially, members from CoRe Racing, Chops Racing Canada, Land of the Free Racing (now S3R), and Blacksheep SimRacing got together to create a sanctioning body for league racing in the Western Hemisphere (we've since expanded internationally) after the old North American League (NAL) folded. What we wanted to do is to provide a base for different people to run their series using the LOTA infratstructure, including automated registration and protests, access to at least 3 full LFS servers (2 standard, 1 extra when needed), results/standings pages, and a full discussion forum. We have a comprehensive set of conduct regulations, and each series can create series-specific rules that govern things like race procedures, points tables, etc..

What will be different if this league runs under LOTA is that everything will be at the LOTA site. You'll still have your own series admins (with LOTA admins as a backup when needed), but you'll have the comittment of an organized base for the series and quality racing servers from on which to compete. Take a look, and if you have any questions or concerns, post them here.

Quote from BigTime :I've just been offered a wonderful opportunity...
Go check out and sign up. Have a look around, familiarize yourself with the rules, and get used to the interface... Unless we have some major objections, I don't see how we could turn this down. And yes, this is open to all nations!

To expand on this, I suggest going to the "Get Started Here" page.
TBO Series?
S3 licensed
We've been thinking about running a 8-race TBO series with random tracks. Good idea?
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :How much money is involved here?

Each new CoRe team member get a big sack of money.

Now, it's up to them if they decide to spend it, 'cause it's fake cash.
S3 licensed
In-game name: CoRe.Banshee56
LFS License: banshee56
S3 licensed
I hope your experience comes from demo....

Quote :Travelled distance: 87 Ml
Fuel burnt: 46 Ltr
Laps: 15
Hosts joined: 4
Races won: 0
Second: 0
Third: 0
Finished: 2
Qualifications: 0
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

EDIT: grrr...beaten by the "hazard"
S3 licensed
Now you have someone to "play" with, PMD.

EDIT: RM, is that you?!??!? Break your bank account on iR yet?
S3 licensed
Oh yeah.....welcome guys!