We'll be posting race results, and possibly stats from the races. If this does become a series, speculated start date will be around the first week in June.
Ages? You have got to be kidding me. Don't you mean hours? The first post about 3rd Division recruiting is only 4 hours prior to the second post about you leaving. This recent trend of people starting teams, leaving teams after a few days/weeks to start another, etc. etc. is REALLY getting old. The amount of effort (or lack thereof) that you guys put into making a team work is exactly why this new team will likely fail too. Sad, really.
The League Of The Americas is considering a new series. The MRT car has long been forgotten in LFS, but it is still a capable and fun car to drive. LFS veteren driver David "Le Kid" Sirois has been involved in running a custom track series for MRT drivers in Canada, and they want to bring it to the rest of us through LOTA.
To test this concept, LOTA will be hosting a 20-slot open test race this Friday evening, starting at 9:15 PM EST (GMT-5). The track layout is available in the official thread on the LOTA Forums.
The format for this test event will be:
9:15 PM EST - Server (LOTA Special Events) Opens - track loaded for practice
9:45 PM EST - Practice Ends - 5 minute break.
9:50 PM EST - Races start - Three 12-minute races. First race is random start, second and third races are reverse grid.
NOTE: They server will be passworded, which is available on the LOTA forums.
Please visit the LOTA website for more information on this event and other LOTA series.
CRAP! If I had only seen this earlier! Oh well, couldn't make it anyway, as I was out of town for Easter weekend. Did this race happen? Any plans for a repeat?
I used to love racing in the MRT. Like a few others, it was the car I ran the most in S1. Since S2 came, I haven't had the opportunity to race it much, because, like most others, not a lot of people want to race it in favor of the newer cars.
Regarding a league, we (the League Of The Americas) are currently looking into doing an MRT league on custom tracks at the autocross area. Each event is random start on the first 20-minute heat, with reverse starting on the second and third 20-minute heats, with each heat awarding points. This league will probably run on Tuedays. We are planning a test event soon (probably on Friday evening). Each track is custom designed for racing/passing room and to allow for space to get out of shape.
Your team affiliation status, or lack thereof, doesn't mean you can't, or aren't welcome to for that matter, join team or league servers when they are open to the public. You'll find that is one of the easiest ways to get to know a team, and for them to get to know you, in an effort to join said team. Teams like LOTF, I'm certain, would welcome and expect that you race with them for a while before any mention of joining a team comes up.
Well said, Scot. In this day of "I wanna start a team - here's my new team - my team is no more because no one joined", you dudes did it the right way. You had a group of guys that knew each other well first, then decided to start a team based on similar interests and personalities.
Personally, I scan this section these days just to look out for notices about the better LFS teams (not the "fastest" neccessarily, but teams on more solid footing) that have done something to really improve themselves, whether it is LOTF celebrating an anniversary, or Mercury adding another alien, Fusion announcing new drivers, or OCRANA joining SK. Those are developments that are great to hear about, because it is news that people are doing things to add to the quality of the LFS community, not just another fly-by-night team starting up haphazardly.
Sir, this is NOT a "join my clan/team/club/etc." thread. This is an informational guide for teams on how to start a team with a plan, desire, and dedication to make it last more than a day or two.
DAVO: Very good advice there. To share my experience with teams, CoRe was started by two friends who enjoyed racing against each other. They got together and decided to form the team, but didn't go blasting all over the forums "JOIN MY TEAM". They waited until they found people that they felt were good fits for CoRe and then asked them to join, individually. We've done it that way for almost 2 years now (April 9th ), and it is the only way, IMHO, to make sure the team-dynamic thing is something that won't make your team go bust after a week. Get to know the people before you add them to your team, especially if your team is very young.
Also, you have to make sure that the people you are racing with can race at relatively the same time. I was on Global Racing and 4Sight Racing before CoRe, and neither worked out because both of those team were primarily EU, which put us online at different times 90% of the time.
Since you are from the US, I'm sure you are wondering about finding populated servers in the evenings in our part of the world.
CoRe Racing, LOTA League servers, Chops, LOTF, Eagles, BlackSheep, DSR, and as always the STCC & Redline servers are generally occupied in the evenings. Come join us for some racing in the evenings. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Server Opens @ 9:00PM EST (GMT-5) - Pre-Race Runs Start @ 9:30PM EST (GMT-5)
3 tracks, 3 cars, 12 chances to show you don't have to push the loud pedal through the floorboards to be fast!
The League Of The Americas presents a special autocross event during the schedule break for its two main racing series. An opportunity to do something different, yet challenging and fun at the same time. Autocross is the ultimate test of driving skill and optimal car placement. This event is open to everyone!
Cars: XRG, MRT, LX4
Tracks: Custom tracks, not released until pre-race runs, to give everyone an equal shot to learn and master the layouts.
Event Format: 2 Pre-Race runs to familiarize with the car/track, 4 official runs to set and improve your times.
Racing Format: One car at starting gate at any time, new cars enter the course every 20 seconds. You must spectate as soon as you finish to allow another car on the track. This is very important to keep the event running smooth. Drivers that wait longer than 20 seconds to go to the starting gate will be skipped and you will forfeit that round.
Scoring: Cumulative best times from each car/track combo. Lowest overall time wins the event. Official results will be posted in this thread at event conclusion.
Name Format: To keep organized, your name will need to be modified a bit. For example, my in-game name is CoRe.Banshee56 (with colors). To make things easier, we'll ask people to insert a number before their name like this: 1 - Banshee56 This will help the event organizers to stay....organized.
Communication: During the racing action, text messages are not allowed. This is to allow the event organizers to call the next drivers to the starting gate if necessary. We will also have a Ventrilo server running for people to communicate. This information will be available in-game.
Server Info: We'll be using the "LOTA Special Event" server.
For official discussion about this event, please visit the LOTA Forum Thread.