I agree...each track had a spot you could do a "pit" procedure where the car can pull in, the admin can enable resetting, the car resets and returns to the track, and the admin re-disables the reset.
Also, there were several "ways back in" if you made contact and flipped over a barrier. Top notch job by David "Le Kid" Sirois using the Layout Editor addon tool and the one native to LFS.
31 in the race. 45 drivers put in a qualifying time. Take the top 25 from qualifying and put them in the race. Take the other 20, put them in a 50 lap race, and transfer the top 6 to the main race.
Or, even this: take the field of 45, put #1, #4, #7, etc etc in race 1, #2, #5, #8 in race 2, and #3, #6, #9 in race 3, and take the top 10 from each race. Kind of like what USAC does.
I wouldn't think so because the replay doesn't automatically stop recording when the final lap is completed. Hmmmm....I may have to do some testing on this also.
Though, it is possible that the replay will show the change in laps at the time it is done. Not such a bad thing, as it would be a visual indicator that the race had to be extended due to the GWC.
Not directly involved in this race, but I'll give some info and make a suggestion. When NASCAR does this, it's so they don't end under caution, and is purely for fan and TV interests. Also, when they do have a caution that causes this condition, they throw the red flag to avoid going around the track as many times as it takes to clean the mess up, which could cause fuel issues with cars, and that isn't good for TV ratings either.
So, when this happens, throw the red flag, stop the SC at a safe place (presumably on the back straight), and have the race steward (presumably with server admin rights) adjust the laps with the "/laps=##" command to make sure that when you go back to green, there are 2 laps to go.
That's actually correct, Ben. You'll see that on US military uniforms as well.
US Flag trivia: The blue star field, also known as the "Union", represents the unity of the states. The flag is worn on the right shoulder, because, in the military, the "place of honor" is to a military member's right, and is displayed opposite the traditional orientation with the stripes blowing back with the wind and the Union leading in the direction the soldier is moving, which is always forward.
/me shakes his head at inexperienced race organizer.
You don't list what track/car this race is, you waffle on the server name, you announce the event 1 day before the qualifying race, and the link that is supposed to have all the updated info has absolutely no posts in it.
Well, I was thinking about what I said and requested, and I realize that the "Following car..." part is more to specify which lap that car is on for the start point in the replay cutting process, not so that when you start the replay in LFS its is following that car. The paused request would be handy, still.
In LOTA, I process protest by first getting a replay snippet (thank you mprEDIT!!!!) that is as small as possible. This was a life saver in race 1 of our latest league in which we had 3 protests that were several laps deep into an hour long race.
If I know the accident happened on lap 3 in the turn at the end of the Blackwood backstraight, I get it on the lap of the incident, starting with going into sector 2 of lap 3 and ending with going into lap 3 sector 3 and indicate who to follow. Invariably, it doesn't follow the driver I asked about, and I have to pause, bring up the connections list, select the driver, and then start the replay.
Either fix (sorry if it has been already) the "follow car..." part, or start the replay paused.
All of the other issues, like remembering the mpr folder location have seemingly been fixed, and all the wish list items I can think of have already been suggested.
I have on more than one occasion literally voiced the words "mprEDIT friggin' rocks!".
Yeah, we'll get it going again if the guys show some interest, but for now, all we were really doing was racing our regular teammates, because no one came to the server on meeting nights.
Unfortunately, due to inactivity by the existing CDDT team members, and other obligations by the CoRe Racing team members, the CDDT is suspending operation. The team was meant to be a learning experience for it's members, and participation is paramount to that idea. For the time being, no more applications will be processed. Of course, drivers willing to learn in a respectful manner are always invited to join the CoRe server when we are online.
The Grand Touring Cup (Sportsman Division), a premier LOTA racing series, puts drivers in the high performance sedan-based GTR cars of Live For Speed. The FXO GTR (FXR), the XR GTR (XRR) and FZ50 GTR (FZR) allow for close, door to door racing, yet will challenge every driver to get the most out of each car. With each car having its own advantages and disadvantages, drivers must carefully choose the car that fits their driving style best:
XR GTR (XRR): Turbo-charged and rear wheel drive, the XRR will deceive you with its speed, and its tendancy to make you cry when you aren't paying attention.
FXO GTR (FXR): All-wheel drive and turbo-charged, the FXR is the easiest to drive and will eat up the other two in the corners.
FZ5 GTR (FZR): A naturally aspirated rear wheel drive monster, the FZR has an insatiable thirst for fuel and plenty of power at the rear wheels to keep you on your toes. Because of it's natural speed advantage, FZR drivers will carry an extra 15kg of weight.
The GTC-Sportsman is a 8-event series with events featuring 20 minute qualifying sessions followed by feature races lasting one full hour. Unlike previous GTC seasons, the Sportsman Division is all about pure speed. No restrictions, no mandatory pitstops. Just you, your car, the track, and 31 other drivers battling for the same piece of tarmac. Scheduling is based on a pattern of two events in three weeks (two races on successive Thursdays followed by a one week break).
The two featured Championships will be the Squad Championship, based on 3-driver squads, and the traditional individual title. Drivers will count their best 7 events toward the driver's title, with bonuses for competing in each event during the season, and squads will count all points earned towards the squad title. The GTC-Sportsman will use the standard LOTA points table with the available performance bonuses for qualifying on the pole, leading a lap, fastest lap, highest climber, and laptime stability.
Registration is still available! To register for this series, please visit the GTC-Sportsman area.
The Grand Touring Cup - Club Division, a premier LOTA racing series, puts drivers in the high performance sedan-based GTR cars of Live For Speed. The FXO GTR (FXR), the XR GTR (XRR) and FZ50 GTR (FZR) allow for close, door to door racing, yet will challenge every driver to get the most out of each car. With each car having its own advantages and disadvantages, drivers must carefully choose the car that fits their driving style best:
XR GTR (XRR): Turbo-charged and rear wheel drive, the XRR will deceive you with its speed, and its tendancy to make you cry when you aren't paying attention.
FXO GTR (FXR): All-wheel drive and turbo-charged, the FXR is the easiest to drive and will eat up the other two in the corners.
FZ5 GTR (FZR): A naturally aspirated rear wheel drive monster, the FZR has an insatiable thirst for fuel and plenty of power at the rear wheels to keep you on your toes. Beacuse of it's natural speed advantage, FZR drivers will carry an extra 15kg of weight.
The GTC-Club is a 8-event series with events featuring 20 minute qualifying sessions followed by feature races ranging from 170k-200k in length (approximately 60 minutes) with two mandatory pit stops. Following in the traditions of the world's leading touring championships, GTC-Club is all about driver consistency. Intake restrictions (based on Championship standings position) balance the field, resulting in closer races from week to week, which also translates into a closer championship fight. Series scheduling is based on a pattern of two events in three weeks (two races on successive Thursdays followed by a one week break).
The two featured Championships will be the Squad Championship, based on 3-driver squads, and the traditional individual title. Drivers will count their best 7 events toward the driver's title, with bonuses for competing in each event during the season, and squads will count all points earned towards the squad title. The GTC-Club will use the standard LOTA points table with the available performance bonuses for qualifying on the pole, leading a lap, fastest lap, highest climber, and laptime stability.