The online racing simulator
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S3 licensed
Well, improved collision system mean improved physics so I´m quite happy with this patch(except the pits wall shown on replay somwhere above me)

btw. red barrier bug was legendary... shouldnt there be some console command to activate this bug?

P.S. almost forgot... Great work
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :
I'm pretty confident it will work eventually, there's no reason why it wouldn't...

Just to be precise, LFS runs perfectly on Linux with WINE(translation layer between OpenGL and DirectX functions). Scawen even made new shadow rendering system for Linux users(if I remember correctly).
S3 licensed
Quote from :Take a good look at the LFS main menu when you start the simulator.

It depends on wheter you want to thank to Scawen(developer) or ScaViEr(the team - Scawen, Victor and Eric)
S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :I wish they would port LFS to OpenGL 2. It would be a lot easier and faster to control and mantain graphics, and they would also be able to sell LFS for many more people (it would run natively on Mac, Linux and of course, Windows). Besides, It could also easily be ported to iOS, Symbian, WebOS, Android and other mobile OS. I'd love to play LFS on my phone! Wouldn't you?

Well, LFS runs on Linux just great, almost as good as on windows(with wine). I would also love to see it remade with OpenGL(3.1+ ) but it would take a lot of time to do so.
You should also know that in OpenGL there are more low-level things that programmer has to take care of... unless you use some highier level library like GLUT or GLEW for game window and stuff... and also SDL for input management and sound etd(quite easy)
Last but not least, i would play it on mobile phone but only if I had external keyboard+mouse or wheel and external monitor

If I wrote something in wrong way, please forgive me... its Friday
S3 licensed
If thats Photoshop, youre doing it wrong
S3 licensed
Even if developers would decide to remake the textures and make them in highier resolution (1024X1024 and highier? >:-) ) thery would also probably make lower resolution versions for players with older computers.
S3 licensed
actualy, no, it´s not and it can be done in a few steps

1. download, install a calculator(3 in 1)
2. start LFS

S3 licensed
LFS does nothing for you, you have to drive ant take care of anything else by yourself :P
S3 licensed
Ban users by IP now when almost no one has public IP and most of internet users are put behind NAT with dynamic IP? Please no.
S3 licensed
Well, I believe that Scawen can change IP adress and remove code that was taking care of the credits thing in much less time than that(I´m amateur developer myself so I asume that it was done in 10 minutes or less depending on game engine)
S3 licensed
That would require suspension system update... I think that it would be fun to drive with such a car but if I was you, I would post this idea after new patch is released.
S3 licensed
(just a general post)

aw... instead of whinning we should make our ow simulator as Scawen said. I begun already 30 seconds ago, but im afraid that i will have max 10 minutes per day to work on it becouse I have other projects to finish

edit:don´t take it seriously
Last edited by Bigbob1993, .
S3 licensed
Hm, actualy I got so much bored of no patch coming in near future that I upgraded from S1 to S2 yesterday.
edit: unfortunately today is too much lag :/
S3 licensed
Only Scawen knows
S3 licensed
It keeps me switching to Travian from that site but I saw that pic. (lol ) Have you installed any modifications before this started to happen?
S3 licensed
Quote :You know your a LFS Fanatic when...

you begin to do LFS drinking tournaments over LAN with your friends (never been doing that, will try it this summer )

Just to explain: we choose some alcoholic drink. all races are 1vs1 2 laps. After race, the winner kicks a cup, the defeated one won´t drink anything. Player with 5 points (5 cups ) wins. Difficulty depends of alcohol, youre drinking
S3 licensed
But no failure is random. There is always a reason, why some part of car fails (too rough driving, changing gear fron 5 to R in 150Km/h etc). If the failures would NOT be random, I will be pleased to have that feature
S3 licensed
Quote from cooljai :It cant even handle 2 people

I know what are you talking about . I was second on race with 12 people, 4/5 laps when my father started downloading something.... i got kicked out of server and I was like :wtf2:

EDIT: NotAnIllusion: we have one of those 3g dongles
Last edited by Bigbob1993, .
S3 licensed
Now 6. I think we should post our suggestions here when the new patch comes.
S3 licensed
Wireless connection means highier lag, nothing strange, I guess that problem is in your internet connection.

Try to play lfs online (with wireless) when you know that there are less people connectet to The Internet That could result in lower ping and highier stability... i must do the same with my modem from T-Mobile ... really crappy connection sometimes
S3 licensed
Yes, we can make our own and use them until the devs fix the original ones
S3 licensed
Redstar, you forgot Victor: I think he s a web master and he also made sounds for LFS..... am I right? (i dont know, seriously)
S3 licensed
Quote from hp999 :1st stage of this thread - the progress report
2nd - excitement
3rd - curiosity
4th - Scawen making another post about him not dying
5th - moaning
6th - online racing
7th - telling stories
8th - defense

9th - analysing this thread :munching_
S3 licensed
Don´t think so. Im not sure if Scaven ever promised something like this.
S3 licensed
Quote from wee-m8 :
Man, there may be difficulties, it may be hard, not too hard, to make it take 2/3 years, i've seen games happen in atleast 30/40 days
not 30/40 years.

Try to make game and think if you would post this again. Even if you have like 90 people working on a game, it can take one or two years to develop it and there are still TONS of things missing, becouse the developers have very strict deadlines to finish project and they must consider "what is possible and what is required". LFS is a different case and also very interesting imho. three people are developing LFS as a hobby, from what I heard(saw) they don´t get enough money to live from it(with enough comfort) so they have other job that probably has nothing to do with LFS.

You must also consider the complexivity of the game. The more complex tha game is, the harder is to improove and expand it. I believe that there will be a moment when Scawier realises that three people are not enough. But I believe that this moment is still far away and devs can hopefully keep up with other sims for some time.