i had 8600GT (burned down) and I know how you feel . But I didnt notice any FPS drop in garage.... maybe this problem occurs after playing for longer time.
You re welcome. By the way, cars could look great with Blender´s new rendering engine(Cycles). .
Opening the models converted to old .blend file in newest blender should lead to loss of some materials and there may be texture problems but mesh should be imported just fine.
By the way, I hope it is not software piracy and that Scawen or Eric will not be angry
EDIT: the link for addon https://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=80064 (use Blender 2.62 to import).
I remember that I could import those CMX files into Blender somehow in the past... maybe you could find addon for Blender that does that and then convert to 3DS? But i really dont know how I did it, it was like 4 or 5 years ago.
Great news. I will download new update when I have new PC next month* . Maybe you should consider bundling DX redistributable package with LFS installer so less skilled users will have no problem running this game.
And the westhill looks wonderful. Thank you all for this.
* now running on integrated ATI Radeon x1200 because my Nvidia 8600GT burned out
EDIT: By the way, there is a graphics bug in windowed mode:
GPU: The up mentioned ATI Radeon x1200... don´t worry though... that piece of cr*p has only support of DX9.0b and I will have new in 3 weeks ... man, that GPU is just ancient.
But Iposted it in case that someone else with more modern GPU has problem like this
let the conspirations begin . Come on, now, I can run LFS with 2X more anti aliasing, so Im fine, untill I buy a new pc (next month )
I bet that if you would release test version of physics that you areworking on (even unoptimised) it would cause so much hype that all players would return But anyway, good work so far... and good luck in your next work.
Dude, Microsoft killed a LOTS of projects, their strategy is to buy a project from independent company and then destroy/cancel it. From graphics area, they destroyed Truespace 3d and they tried to do the same with Blender... fortunately they didnt managed to knock out Blender foundation
Lets sum it up. If LFS wants to get rid of DirectX, it needs to be replaced by SDL(window management, input,2D sound), OpenAL(3D sound) and OpenGL(graphics).
Mantle is HUGE LEAP BACKWARDS into ages when game developer had to do the graphic engine separately for each graphic card brand! I repeat again, DirectX and OpenGL are abstraction layers to prevent this.
OMG, Intel and Nvidia alredy have APIs like Mantle but who the hell would want to write the same game (rendering engine) three times for each graphics card brand?! The amount of graphics bugs would be astonishing.
And im not talking just about recompiling for another platform+ some minor changes, but probably it would be like porting from DirectX and back... three times.
Stop believing this marketing bull.... please.
EDIT: Nvidia and Intel cannot support Mantle because it is a low-level aPI for GPU´s with completely different hardware architecture.
Mantle is a brand-specific low level API for AMD graphic cards, just like NVAPI for Nvidia. OpenGL and DirectX are abstraction layers that are used to access the same/very similiar function on different GPU´s.
Yes please! This could be made as an option in menu. I would give up my 2XAA to have this and still run the game smoothly on my PC
However, it is up to you, what will you spend your time on... this is just my little wish