But that was the reason I brought it up... The fact is LFS allows auto clutch, and unless you use an axis for the clutch, you should leave it on auto... That is, if it gives you an unfair advantage to use a button clutch.
Sorry, I understand the first post was a little unclear on the point I was trying to get too...
I like where you going with the whole street car to race car transition but it was simply way to drawn out. I would have also liked to seen a little more zoom on a few scenes. Still it wasn't a bad movie and considering this is your first (I think) video, it was fairly good.
We handle all driver applications in the most professional way possible. Without investigating each and every application to the fullest, it is unfair to any and all the drivers that apply.
Well, I will say that from the past, I've never had any issues with you guys and I consider the team, on a whole, to be well mannered and well organized. For this I'll change my comment too, "If I had posted this I would have released the driver's name, since I lost about 95% of the respect I once had for him."
As for, "it pissed me off to read here about we be spammin the sh1t, bcz we dont." This may be true, but why else would your driver be testing the integrity of others? To keep it private? That seems like a big waste of time ether way.
And I'd like to wish the very best of luck to you as well. After hearing your response I want you to know that I didn't mean to offend you or the team by my comments. I just want you to know that I'm very offended by xenoa comments and I hope your guys (as a team) have a serious talk with him about his respect for others.
Now I'm going to have to go along with Ben on this one. We can all put it behind us and forget about this. I just wanted to make sure you understand that I'm not upset with your team, just this one driver. Good luck with your future ventures.
If I had posted this I would have released the driver name and team, since I lost about 95% of the respect I once had for them.
Well the part that really upsets me is the fact that he came to us asking to join the team. Even if we would have allowed him to join, that's not stealing, it's simply accepting... If we would have accepted they would have probably started spamming the forum with a bunch of BS, that in all actuality, they are responsible for.
I really want to apologize for this... I try not to be so harsh but sometimes subjects, such as this, just let the beast out. Though I don't agree, I should have said this in a more civilized manor...
That really might be a nice add-on to the game to be honest... If you run so many degrees under the standard, your FFB goes up a certain amount. Only problem is some people don't run FFB.
However the radius in which a car steers is adjustable with all cars (without a complete replacement of the steering system) while having faster shifts (this is usually depended on the driver or transmission) is not.
Well that would be like saying that people who have low FPS are at a disadvantage and deserve a pat on the back... The fact is that once you get into a high end level of sim racing (IE world record pace) the wheel nor anything (including this marco) else, other than driver skill, should have anything to do with the pace in which a driver can perform. If you can't compete with your wheel, then upgrade IMO.
Well my response to this is really simple... Some people left foot brake while others right foot brake. If you want to be on the level adjust... Adjusting is not downloading a script that makes you shift faster.
Such as?
So your acutally going to sit there and say a mod that allows drivers to shift faster (THAT IS NOT PART OF THE GAME) should be allowed. Other than the radius of steering, there is nothing to back up your case... Well hell if that's the case why not just start editing the engine... After that we could make the car lighter. Then we could add NOS after that.
The simple fact is, if you allow someone to modify the way the transmission works, then everything should be adjustable, or it is a cheat... No modifications to the game should be allowed unless all driver experience the same results, period.
[quote=chanoman315;867135]:/ .... not many people feel comfortable or get many fps by using it.... or have a good monitor to feel it realistic .../quote]
Feel comfortable with what, digital gauges or on board views?
Well if you dont think having a .1 to .2 difference isn't a notable advantage in a race then you just simply have NO, and I mean NO clue what so ever, of what racing is.
You can change the degree in which a wheel turns... The only side effect is that the wheel will become harder to steer (the force in which it takes to rotate) when you decrease the radius.
How often have you seen an F1 driver rotate the wheel more than 360 or 480 degrees? I rest my case.
As for the views, I think cockpit should be enforced at all times... As for the gauges, nether matter... Most of the good drivers do this by timing, sound, and sometimes feel.
Agreed, but having a different controler and using a cheat that makes the car shift faster don't even fall into the same realm...
The simple fact of the matter, this Marco (or what ever it's called) adjusts the game in a way the devs did not want it adjusted. Secondly, it give everyone that doesn't use it a big (an advantage is an advatage rather it's .1 or .001) disadvatage... I don't see how anyone can look at this as a form of fairness. People kill me saying that it isn't a big advantage.... ANY ADVANTAGE IS AN ADVANTAGE!