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Okay, there are _many_ issues with the idea of just upgrading the video card. I have looked into all options, and will list them here if I need. But put simply I am hoping someone has direct, first hand experience with it. I agree it's completely expensive. But if it allowed me to continue using triple monitors while racing, and using my PC as I do now - then it'd be worth it as the "last resort".

To answer your question though, I'm on XP. Beside that I'm not a fan of AMD/ATI cards/drivers. Although I have put serious consideration, and almost purchased a 6950. In the end, my research has shown me that eyefinity does not work with XP. And I am not upgrading to Windows 7 on my current machine, as I already feel suffocated by XP (as far as memory goes). I only have 2gb, and can't (and also don't want to) get anymore as my PSU wouldn't handle it. Long story short, my system is ending it's termination date and I don't want to upgrade unless the upgrades move on.

I didn't explain that well, so just trust me when I say TH2G is (I believe) my last resort to iRacing in triple monitor.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :For Windows use, Triple Screens FTW - However it's nice to be able to hit maximise a program to each specific monitor (which you can do using Windows), but i'm not sure if you can with TH2Go as it feels windows into thinking you have 1 huge monitor...

Does anyone know this? I'm looking into getting TH2G as SoftTH is too slow for iRacing where it needs to copy the memory. But I am extremely attached to triple monitors with the ability to maximize on each screen, and would be quite upset if I paid $300 and could no longer do so.

I've been (and still am) in the process of looking around here - but is there a good review on TH2G, pros and cons?
S3 licensed

320 times (from work) and I only started December 6th!!!!!

I don't want to know what my home computer says, although the reformat in August probably dropped it quite a bit.
S3 licensed
I believe this thread is at least two-weeks early, an as such I have not committed to any goals/plans for 2011. However several ideas are on the table;

I plan on releasing my indie project, which I was hoping to release in 2010, but it continues, depending on available time.

I would like to build my next PC, but that depends on extra finances.
I would like to get my motorcycle fixed up and go riding more this year.
I would like to go on a few weekend long hiking trips, hopefully including my dad for some of that 'quality' time.
Perhaps I may continue the pay off the smaller student loan, I will have a better chance starting the new-year with a solid job.
Head-to-Head Racing Series will make a return, in some fashion or another.
I'd like to start my other planned league(s), with time permitting.
Maybe finish my scrapbook from my adventure almost 2 years ago!
Maybe go to the LFS Karting Event, cross the puddle for the first time and hangout.
Maybe I will create a more realistic reading/writing goals of like 12 books and 12 2-5 page stories.
Take more photos?

These are all just thoughts, I will come back closer to the new year to commit to those that I deem possible, and important to me at that time.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :
there needs to be one for 2011 now

In a few weeks, yes. But it is a tad early I think.
S3 licensed

Okay guys & gals, 2010 is nearing an end shortly. Just over a month remaining. I can say I haven't made many of my goals this year. I wanted to pay off my "small" student loan, of which I kept paying the minimum amounts, and I am glad I was able to do that all year considering I only had 3 months of work in the Game Industry. (Changing very soon). So that goal will continue into 2011, since I will have a solid position, it seems at this time.

As for reading, I did read a lot more this year than I have in the past, which I consider good. However I only read about 12-14 books from cover to cover. Probably two or three more if I added up the miscellaneous articles/chapters. And certainly well over if you add any reading from the interwebs, which I don't count.

Writing, well this was a flop. I think I have seven, one page stories I wrote, not including forum posts, blog posts or other internet related writing. So, I busted on the reading/writing end for faults of my own, where-as I can't feel bad at all about the financial goal. I don't think I will continue the writing goal at this time. I have other ongoing plans/goals etc that seem to have higher priority than reading/writing to me. So on with those.
S3 licensed
I am about to put some more effort into the A.I.R.S. project using LFS for a few days. I don't expect to make leaps of progress, actually I am planning on rewriting a lot of the networking, and making an official protocol for the A.I.R.S. project so that at a later date it will/should be compatible with more than just LFS.

At this time I still don't want to release this publicly, due to the setup of the PPJoy virtual controller being less unfriendly than I would like. I will be sure to share replays of my programmed driver as it makes progress as I already did above.

I plan on making an LFS communication program that takes all Insim, Outsim and Outgauge packets, and converts them into packets that AIRS will use. The communication program will also receive control packets from AIRS which it will use to play LFS via the Virtual Controller. None of this is news to those who followed along, really all I am doing is separating communication portion of the project into a separate Communicator.exe.

Once this step is done, I should be able to run the Communicator.exe and LFS.exe on my laptop, while programming/running AIRS on my desktop. Finally.

Unfortunately I don't see much going on beyond that at this time. I've been swamped with my Indie Project, making code samples and doing programming tests. Trying to find a job, which I may have finally done. Helping and visiting family... But, with this puzzle piece out of the way, I should be able to start the more interesting pieces since I have been offered a little bit of help.

Thanks for the interest, and hopefully I will work on this project more in the year to come.
S3 licensed
I can't say this is the most recent image, but the area is typical... I took the screenie while eating some Chinese Take-out...

TV Remote
Bowl of Chinese
Laser Pointer (cat)
Camera cloth, (camera would be there, but was obviously in use!)
Some birthday cards, months after...
My dead cellphone, though I want to use it again eventually (my other phone sits next to it, but is likely in my pocket)
S3 licensed
Small updates, but still even little progress is still progress. Which is a good thing. ... s-deadline-come-and-gone/

Thanks for the support guys!!
S3 licensed
Not one bit at all, I've been updating my twitter "" whenever something changes on the project. I am looking into writing another blog post shortly, maybe tomorrow night?

But yes, feel free to post about it, share the links etc.
Last edited by blackbird04217, . Reason : added my twitter info
S3 licensed
You can get fuel through outgauge, but it is not shared over the system; ie - you would need each player to connect to your specific outgauge application. I don't think it should be added to InSim for security reasons alone, what if I don't want people knowing my fuel usage? There is a reason F12 while spectating a car besides 'yours' doesn't show fuel.
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :I'm following this

Quote from TehPaws3D :Hey that looks pretty nice, Well done.

Quote from shaun463 :Looks like some damn good work.

Thanks for the support guys, time has been extremely limited over the last few weeks, and I am about two and a half weeks behind where I want to be, but I am committed and I will see this project through to the end.
S3 licensed
Well guys I have the very first gameplay footage video available. It actually is _not_ footage of the gameplay, but is from a replay.

I haven't got sounds, and didn't even make a voice over : / but it is just a teaser for those that wanna follow.

S3 licensed
It is very likely that won't happen, although I promise it will have a pretty unique feature that I hope will be enjoyed by many. It isn't that parts couldn't be purchased and added to build your own car, but that isn't in the plans at this time, and I sorta feel it takes away from some of my goals with the project.

That isn't to say this is as serious as LFS though, because it isn't.
S3 licensed
New updates for anyone who is following along. Also, I think I've picked a name, although I haven't set it in stone yet; Scrapyard Racing Inspired byTehPaws3D. The theme will be lighthearted, fun, and somewhat 'junk' or scrapyard based.

Anyways, for the new updates read here: ... ckbirds-lack-of-gameplay/
S3 licensed
Well guys I have new updates to the blog. Not a whole lot has been completed progress wise, but I added a couple more screenshots and discussed current plans and the little progress that has happened: ... /blackbirds-falling-down/

As always, enjoy. Also feel free to follow along at:
S3 licensed
I'm not sure it is entirely fitting, and the game isn't really about building cars; although I have a setup phase planned where you can setup the car for a particular race. It will be surprisingly simple compared to LFS's setups, but it will be fun...

I'd have to say, even if the name isn't entirely fitting; Scrapyard Racers is along the best name idea I've seen yet; though I have not picked it for the final name.
S3 licensed
Friendly reminder, this project is not a simulation focused racing project. It would be more like Generally, for those that played/remember it. With some emphasis on strategy and resource management to give a better idea for those trying to pick the name!
S3 licensed
Well the editor is nearing completion, best name I've come up with so far is The Best Racer : / Or Tim Beaudet's Racer. Heh, yea...

Anyways, I've added a new post, for those who want to follow along. I appreciate the kind words guys, and hopefully some of you enjoy watching this project progress from just an idea, to something real. ... /blackbird-week-1-wrapup/
S3 licensed
I can say it won't rival LFS, and I can (probably) say that it won't be as arcadey as hyntty wants! However I believe/hope the physics will be somewhere in the believable realm, but also easy to grasp. I want turns to require braking, but I think the brakes will be a little more over powered than realistic, just for easy controls.

A demo is in the plans, certainly but I don't want to talk too much about what/how it will work since it hasn't got to that point, even though I have an idea how I want it to work.

TehPaws3S - Yes in the editor you build the track with nodes, which basically hold a little bit of information that can be manipulated. Then the track is build procedurally off these nodes. This reduces the work load quite a bit. I need to get some food in me, and then get back to work since I have a long way to go...
My Indie Game Project
S3 licensed
Well I've made a leap that I've wanted to make for a long time. I will be making my very own indie game project. I'm hoping lots of you will buy it, and it will certainly be priced within reason! No, the game is not complete yet. Actually I only started developing it last week, so I have a long ways to go.

It won't quite be a simulation, but it will be a racing game. It will be quite unique at that, although I will save the twist as long as I can. I've had this idea in my head for 3 or 4 years now and made a prototype version back in March. The prototype showed some promise, so this time I am going all out. It is my goal to release something before December 31st 2010.

I don't come here to advertise as much as I come looking for support, ideas, thoughts, and just to share my progress. I've already written 3 posts so far, but each time I post another entry I will link it here, so that it is easy to follow along the progress of this project.

I haven't thought of a name at this time, so I have a little challenge for anyone in this forum that is up to it; Suggest a name for the game, if I decide to pick that name, you will get a free copy of the game.

Blog Posts about the project: ... blackbirds-splash-screen/ ... /blackbird-menu-progress/ ... /blackbird-week-1-wrapup/ ... /blackbirds-falling-down/ ... ckbirds-lack-of-gameplay/ ... s-deadline-come-and-gone/

Scrapyard Racing Development Videos
Video of Replay Footage:

Follow the project and other developments:
Last edited by blackbird04217, . Reason : Added new link
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Reminds me of the (now defunct/hibernating?) Head-to-Head Racing Series, except there was only one car per track and no layout was used...

I suppose hibernating works, though I wish we at SRS could run it again.
S3 licensed
Gaah I should have heeded the warning... SOO ADDICTIVE.
OpenSource Simulator?
S3 licensed
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in doing an Open Source, C++/OpenGL Racing Simulator?

Back in the days of RSC there was a project motorsport or something like that going on, although that is so far out of date. TORC is also too far out of date, and isn't the direction I was thinking.

Perhaps karting, or just a particular subset of racing. I am interested in this since I am considering to build an environment for my AI project, and since there are programmers around here, I say why not if people are interested. I have 6+ years of C++ experience; primarily with Windows development.

Any comments or concerns?