Okay guys & gals, 2010 is nearing an end shortly. Just over a month remaining. I can say I haven't made many of my goals this year. I wanted to pay off my "small" student loan, of which I kept paying the minimum amounts, and I am glad I was able to do that all year considering I only had 3 months of work in the Game Industry. (Changing very soon). So that goal will continue into 2011, since I will have a solid position, it seems at this time.
As for reading, I did read a lot more this year than I have in the past, which I consider good. However I only read about 12-14 books from cover to cover. Probably two or three more if I added up the miscellaneous articles/chapters. And certainly well over if you add any reading from the interwebs, which I don't count.
Writing, well this was a flop. I think I have seven, one page stories I wrote, not including forum posts, blog posts or other internet related writing. So, I busted on the reading/writing end for faults of my own, where-as I can't feel bad at all about the financial goal. I don't think I will continue the writing goal at this time. I have other ongoing plans/goals etc that seem to have higher priority than reading/writing to me. So on with those.