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S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Nice design!

Thanks. But it would look better with content on it, wouldn't it.
...for which, atm, I need a scroll bar design.
S3 licensed
Quote from MudPuppy :I'm stuck; I got S1, I don't want S2 yet as there is no rally cross content in it yet.

If S3 comes out and there's RC content then I don't want to buy S2 to get to S3.

I guess I am saying if the devs don't support what I wanted to buy then I don't buy it, and that seems fair enough. If S3 comes out without RC content I don't want that either. It's about having choice.

If what I wanted is not supported in S2 why would I need to support S2?

The Devs choose to support end users or not, so end users should get same choice to support Devs or not. That is at least equitable.

Can you imagine having to buy MS Office to qualify to buy Windows7? No, neither can I, since it is not even a remotely realistic proposition!

I thought that you have to buy Windows to be able to MS Office tho... Which is kind of... Buy the base, to be able to buy extra content - matters for LFS too, doesn't it?

On topic: I don't know what you expect in the official LFS forum. Everyone would tell you to buy as soon as you can, and so would I, if it wouldn't sound so banal already..
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :I've seen some bad websites, and some even worse flash ones, but yours just takes the biscuit. Any sane person would've given up waiting on it to load after a few seconds.

I warned about it, being heavy. At the moment I'm just wondering what more to sign out and/or replace with vectors...

And I don't think that it will be much of a problem for people with fast connection... For me it loads it pretty fast, when I upload a new version.. But still, I know it's pretty unfriendly right now
S3 licensed
Sorry to ruin all the fun and play the boring one here but doesn't this classify as naming&shaming?

..Banning them from -OsT- Servers too
«THC» Team: Recruiting web designers
S3 licensed
I hate when I have to start writing something... The blank page always seems impossible to fill...

Anyway, on topic: Technical Team is currently looking for web designers, to help along with the development process of our website.

The development has been canceled many times, usually due to brand new designs. Right now we believe that this is the final design(version 13 iirc... not counting all the versions we totally discarded), and 75% of the animation process has been finished. The site, at it's current state is very heavy, but we are working hard to optimize it as much as we can.

What we really need: People that are good with any vector program(eg: Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw). Photoshop is not preferred, but compromises can be made.

Current requirement: A design of a scroll bar is needed. The style of the design has to match the site's design as much as possible. Currently there is a temporary scroll bar, which is barely even noticeable. It consists of a 1px wide black line and a gray ball in 15px of diameter.

Dream solution: A glassy guide, with a glassy (scroll). The scroll can be in any shape you think would fit. Still, preferred shape is either oval or a rectangle with oval edges. The scroll has to be somewhat connected with the guide, to form something like an elevator. Also the guide has to be connected to the edge of the main box - to form something like the outside-elevators(that can often be seen in movies). Anyway: This is a dream, and no one said that such thing would fit the best for the site's design, if it would fit at all.

And last thing(I think(not at all really)): You are free to do whatever design you would like the most. Nobody will make you stick to the dream solution. In fact this "dream solution", might cause the site to look overdone, but I have too-bad imagination to speak as a designer.

What's required in your reply: A picture(preferred: jpg/png) of the scroll bar, placed in it's position. It would also be good, if you include your age and name, but this is not really necessary, as this is a public forum, and we understand what some people don't like to share personal information.
Anyway: If you will include fake age, then, please don't include it all. Thanks.

Resources: First of all, here is the link to the server, we use to test the site:
And there are some screen-shots of the place, where the scroll bar is needed (you can see in the actual design, the lists are a bit different, in case you care):

And really really last thing(I promise): The EA logo is a fake. One of our ex-team members claimed that he has spoken with EA... And the designer decided to include their logo in the design. We haven't changed it yet, since there are really more important things to do right now, and it will be removed in one or another way, with the advertisement system, which will actually be one of the last things we will do.

You will not be asked to join the team, or wear tags in LFS. Also, you will not be allowed to do so, if you are already in another team. This situation is actually a bit more complicated, so people that are already in another teams can pm me for more information.
And something more important: We would not accept people, that have left their previous team, with the only purpose to join «THC».
Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikjen :Thought it was because the insim isnt coded properly ?

The code is just not structured(wonder if i got the right word here), but overall the coding itself, minding the small amount of buttons needed, is alright. After all I don't think that there is a big difference for the application's performance(if there is any difference at all), whether if you hold the code for bigger systems in classes or just type it freely(like is done in this insim app.).

The 2 main problems are that people, who try to change it will have a rough time, understanding how it works and when they need to change something they will need to go through lots of code, till they find the right place/s. That's all..
S3 licensed
Quote from cashielg :hey when ever i tr to start it it says that the password is not the same as host but it is! plz reply soon thnxs

A little tip: Just like you wake up in the morning, in a rush for work/school/wherever u go and you need to find your keys for example, you start thinking what did you last do, when did you last see them, which places did you last go, remembering they were with you - The same method can work out good in remembering what changes you last did to the code or the settings file, also reading the first replies from people who had similar issues, to see what they have done wrong might help you(an advantage in front of the situation with the lost keys, where nobody can help you... especially not in the morning, when everyone's in a rush, looking for their keys too).... So... Think of what you changed, read the instructions again ...aaand - don't mind my bullshit
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :hi
i running the LC cruise Insim
and i still get the message : TCP : Cleared emergency store

and it floods like hell

it happens when i'm alone ( as host ) and with more guests.
can this be fixed??

Of course it can... Host your server+insim app on a better server, and make sure you host them in the same place... Or the other solution would be: Add delays between each button that's been sent, to avoid too high(not in general ofc, because the insim doesn't send much buttons at all, but in your case) connection usage.

As for if you are asking if someone can fix this for you, then don't look at me.
S3 licensed
Quote from T-RonX :I'm working on version 1.3 which is based on version 1.2 (which i never released because of a bug i couldn't fix) and rewrote the core of it.

Obviously it will be Z25 compatible and will have some very nice features like requesting a packet directly instead of calling an event. All flags will be pre-parsed, and finally it will have UTF-8 support.

Awesome! I can finally get rid of some files in the folder, made for the only purpose to store special characters in case I need the insim hosted on other PC ...I hope?
S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :[..]
Oh and while we're at it, engine braking is ridiculously low :b Just happened to notice this while experimenting now xD

Uh huh.
Maybe we need to bump an old improvement suggestion or make one if there isn't.. But maybe we have to wait for after the new patch comes, I don't know

Sorry for off-topic, but this is something that makes me feel like I'm in some sort of a... uhh ... game
S3 licensed
Quote from Azzano62 :lol its my code FlamexXx couldn't code why do you think he had me in [Lc] and also why do you think he never released the big update that he promised because he cannot code and broken hasn't even started on a shop script yet as i know as we test ideas and help each other out.

I have

I have made 3 lists in the application(like a few months ago) ready to use but nothing more..
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Still doesn't changes the fact Leecher Cruise code had to be leaked.

Leecher cruise code? Can you explain what you mean with that? And why did you aim at exactly this 1 sentence of what I said?
S3 licensed
Quote from Azzano62 :PoVo its nice to see you dont give credit to the person that sent you those codes in the first place also knowing you posted most of my source codes in this insim onto the lfs forum, I do now want to start an argument but i wish you did give credit to the main coder which was me anyways hope people like it.

Totally +1... Admit it povo, you didn't really code all of this. You just did some slight modifications.

Maybe I'm a little harsh but I'm being fair here, since it's harsh to post someone else's work on the forum too without even letting them know or at least giving them credit... No?
S3 licensed
Quote from gru :ok, lets stop argueing, U use clsPlayer, fine, i joined it with clsConnection, fine too

Why didn't you say that earlier, lol... Now I see what you mean...

@morpha: Define more efficient.
It's true that we can argue like this forever lol, but let me ask a simple question: How could it be more efficient when it's just making the list bigger.
Example: My clsConnection list has too much variables, and I can't imagine it having player information in it too. It's going to be a pain to read. Also when I need to go through all players I wouldn't need to check a variable if they have left the pits or not, because I wouldn't even have to deal with the ones spectating.

I don't say that my method is more efficient, but I don't think that there is any place for the word efficiency in here anyway... True, he doesn't have 2 lists to worry about, but I have less variables when I need to deal with something.

Depends on what suits you better really..

Just my opinion.
Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from gru :cause thats more operations program has to make
1. loop through Players list to get UCID
2. loop through Connections list to get clsConnection object

if U store PLID in clsConnection U can skip step 1 (and remember that U have to handle MCI event few times per second)
ok, U have powerful PC, it will do job anyway, but still

also tell me, how many times U use only clsPlayer?
i bet in most cases U use clsConnection also, so isnt it better to have only one class representing player?

That's one of the things I said - get connection id by PLID (for which you will need to store the PLID in the connection, which is also just 1min of editing), and then I said that if you're lazy you can just waste a 1 or 2 more additional operations, which won't really slow down your PC at all. My PC is not powerful at all, and it still handles my almost 1mb application.

E: Tbh, I'm not sure that I understand you fully.

E2: Take a look at this code and tell me how will it slow down your PC..
[COLOR="Blue"]namespace[/COLOR] myApplication
[COLOR="Blue"]class[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]misc[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]static public[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]clsPlayer[/COLOR] convertToPlayer([COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]clsConnection[/COLOR] C)
[COLOR="Blue"]for[/COLOR] ([COLOR="Blue"]int[/COLOR] i = 0; i < [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Form1[/COLOR].Players.Count; i++)
[COLOR="Blue"]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Form1[/COLOR].Players[i].UniqueID == C.UniqueID)
[COLOR="Blue"]return[/COLOR] Form1.Players[i];
[COLOR="Blue"]return null[/COLOR];

Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from gru :im not so sure about it. loop through connections list inside of player list loop is not readable and easier IMO
i prefer to store PLID in clsConnection and get whole player object with one method instead of looking for it in 2 lists

sure, of course its better to save speed and position on MCI event so U can have it in any point of code, i just dont see advances
in storing this info in 2 classes

Then why don't you build a method to get a connection id by PLID, and a Player id by UCID? That's quite simple to code.

Or if you're lazier you can just make a function to convert a clsConnection to clsPlayer and the opposite(that means like 5 lines of code at max).
S3 licensed
Quote from gru :read this thread

also check MCI handler in modded version

basicly U have to loop through MCI.Info array instead of Players list
BTW U dont really need clsPlayer class, it only makes code more complicated.
check modded version (link 2), it stores all info in clsConnection

It doesn't make it more complicated, it makes it more readable and easier to get information about a player's car at any point of your work, instead of setting a var, which then you have to check in MCI thread, etc...

But it still isn't something you need to fix the MCI handler.
S3 licensed
What's the point in answering a thread, with the only purpose of flaming a potential customer of the devs?

Also that's how people get a bad first impression of the community ...and they have a point there
S3 licensed
Quote from vencipower :something fast

Is this really LFS?

It's just awesome!
S3 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :I was thinking of leaving anyway so you lot can stop your bickering now and btw Techarmy THE servers were going to go down anyway I just found out that Storm-Servers are shutting their services down forever

Trying to pick up your dignity from the floor? I think it's kinda stuck tho and you gotta try harder.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :We say good bye to (THE STIG) but hello to Mamoru


...will I be invited to the party? ^^
Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :Well at least your thread and server IS going and going untill its gone and you know it.

Yep, but at least I know my capabilities.

And 1st: It's not really my fault that storm are going down. Aaand 2nd: It's not 100% sure they are. Aaaaand(last i promise ) 3rd: It's not for sure that my server will die after and IF storm closes.
Self corrected..

Anyway, George(sorry, but I like how BoothyWoofy sounds too), keep on trying with your projects, but please at least don't post in the forums before you even have a plan of how are they going to work. Thanks a lot if you take that note.

ps: Could this thread be locked already please? It's not only because there will be no league, but also because it would stop me from posting ©®ap too..
Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from NightEye :Cars as lyt objects can have value for the 'driving lessons', as learning how to handbrake-park your car, etc.

Sorry, but there is no h-brake parking lesson..., or is there? I, for one never saw such thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :I could ask you exactly the same question..

Quote from boothy :How many were there yesterday?

I'm interested in finding this out too.

And, tbh, I have the feeling that this thread is going to join it's brothers - the closed ones. Don't know why, I just feel it.