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S2 licensed
Me too. Like Velociround, i wasn't complaining AT ALL. I was pointing this out.
Please read the Entire post if you're going to reply.
S2 licensed
you can just put 36£ into your LFS acc, buy S2 and hold those 12£ for when S3 comes =D
S2 licensed
i did a sketch on my physics book while in class..i will put it here tomorrow. not that good but it does have some measurements.
Are you thinking something simple with no lateral force simulation?
S2 licensed
Quote from Velociround :I don't have time to read the rest of the thread, I'm still on that page (13 out of 18) so I'll just reply to this post, save the page and read the remaining pages later.

4 years ago, all (computer) games used to cost 30 dollars in Brazil. All of them. It didn't matter if it was new or old, produced by small/indie or big companies, all games used to cost 30 dollars (which used to be BRL $100). The only games that cost more were console games (now these would get very random prices! From BRL $100 to BRL $350). Since dollar is getting weaker (or Real is getting stronger, I don't now), computer games may cost more dollars nowadays, BUT because of different and newer exchange rates, they still cost the same price in Real: $100. Practically all newest released games in Brazil cost this same price. Only very few cost more than that (about 5 out of 100 released games, which would be R$125 or R$115), but they are usually special editions (such as black box for NFS), and very few people would purchase these games if they didn't come with any bonuses because they think it's ridiculously expensive. Actually, we can even pay much less for the games if getting them off places that sell them in dollars (such as Steam. I usually save 30 to 40% by purchasing games in dollar when compared to Real, even if they're not off on Steam itself. Now, if they're off, I can get even more discount ).

Anyway. About 4 years ago, LFS S2 would cost almost BRL $100 (GBP $24). Nowadays, again because of different exchange rates, GBP $36 will still cost BRL $103, which is about right.

Well, you asked what games we got for USD $30. Now I suppose you already have the answer: all of them

The conclusion I can take off this is, well, no matter how much it costs in dollars, euros or British pounds, we Brazilians will always pay BRL $100 for it if we get them on most of this country's stores, or we can save money by purchasing them in dollars.

Agree. But you forgot to take in account that, we who bought LFS at that time, paid BRL 100,00 for an S2 license. now we are going to pay like... BRL 36,00 for the upgrade =D I'm in NO WAY complaining, just pointing it out. At this price, LFS is still worth it.
S2 licensed
Well i'm not interested... But where are the linkies?
S2 licensed
So when is the S3 (or should it be renamed to L3? License 3? Access Level 3?)
Pre-order is going to be avaliable?
Rickingham's name in LFS will be ROC? RNH? ROC seems more like it.
ROC and SCI.
S2 licensed ... endido-de-ajudar-em-farsa

Well it's in portuguese, but in resume it says that Pat Symonds blames Nelsinho, by saying the crash was his idea (Nelsinho's) and he regrets being a part of it.
What an ass. I don't belive it. I wouldn't think Briartore would listen to Nelsinho's ideas, since it's know that they weren't that friendly to each other.
S2 licensed
I think people saying regret aren't taking this pool that seriously (myself) and/or are being sarcastic(myself)... i mean... seriously?
S2 licensed
Velociround, could you post your settings/or the file? i would like to try yours. I know you already posted it but i'm having a hard time finding it =/

Thanks in advance man.
S2 licensed
I regret immensely.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :So guys, this is a bit off topic.. but not that bad.

How about that F1 thing with Renault.

Do you really think he wanted to crash?
S2 licensed
Good choice... Well i can't think of any other vehicle...
You won. Damn!
Ok im off now, see you!
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Dam u take my comment to serioulsy im not that broght of s person either.

And i say no to radical the licence probably is to expiensiove since its featured in some big budget games

Nah, i was just kidding. Damn drink. Ok, but why not radical, its just going to prove (/Fanboy_mode On) that LFS is better than the rest.(/Fanboy_mode Off)
What other vehicle you would eXpect from them?
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :That actualy sounds realy smart for somebuddy like you :razz lol joke joke)

But yes I se that happening this makes the future of LFS realy possitive

OH i c what u did there.
that was low.
But i an't wait. Well i can.
The Radical has everything it's needed to be put in LFS. I think.
S2 licensed
This thread is like lightning!!!!!
I bet we are going to have like "reak severs"where they only allow to drive real carsn on rockingham (the ham rocking) i think this is a big step, since after this, other companies will see LFS as a very true to life sim and will give the chance to implmement more real stuff.
S2 licensed
hey can lazercs can the clouwds, its just neesd more tecnology
i wanan preorder"!!!!!
S2 licensed
Og god im drink.
BS the clouysd dont look the same.
S2 licensed
This patch is accumulating greatness.
S2 licensed
Sorry for my stupidity, but that car is what i think it is? the sentimental of the three?
S2 licensed
I think we all missed... well i never imagined neither heard about something like this. I bet there will be some easter eggs metal gear related!
Hideo Kojima + Castlevania!
S2 licensed
I think it may be old news, but some people might not know:

Get ready for Tactical Vampire Action.

PS: Kojima is HELPING, not making the game himself.
S2 licensed
The game has potential, it seems very good, i had a chance to play 2 laps before crashing, good graphics, but its not optimized, and we haven't heard from EA about the issues...
S2 licensed
Damn, bad news. It still crashes, but only if yure not using the default video settings... so, either you play with lag, or you play with less lag an crash do desktop. Way to program EA! I think they should hire Scawen.
S2 licensed
If you got Shift and it is crashing at T1 of the test lap:
It happens when you brake, (for keyboard users, don't know about gamepad or wheel) and if the resolution of the game differs from the desktop's.

im having a hard time fixing it =/ and the game is poorly optimized. But drives good. Damn i think it would be better to wait and have them release an optimized version for the PC rather than a rushed port.
S2 licensed
Chriss dude, just how??? =D
Can't wait to play it... Hows is the crash physics? do they really break and bend or just small scratches?
And i read somewhere that "when you crash, if you don't die, you camera shakes like hell" What do they mean by "die"? can you die?

Could you try and hit the wall as fast as you can for me?