I was at a Lan House playng Counter-Strike when i got sick of it and left the server. I started entering all games intalled on that machine when i found lfs... ``wow in this game you can turn a wheel as much as you want, its realistic, not like need for speed or other stuff`` I got home, put Live for speed on google and found the website. started playing demo untill i found someone with international credit card to help me buy it (my dad wouldnt but now he enjoys this game.... bastard).
it was more than 2 years ago, S1 only (i think, the car windows were fully black and no damage.)
im curious but this is confusing...
so load equals amount of weight of the car it has to ''hold''
what youre saying is more load = less grip
and if i turn the tires too fast it will be under too much load and loose too much grip(interrogation)
that means i must turn the wheels sloooowwwwlllyyy to get the most out of the tyre(interrogation)
PS:i got no interogation button and sorry for my english.
Ill get mine on Xmas (loooonng wait till there)
damn i get crazy when i see a video of it...
mines worth 900 Reais (like almost U$ 400,00 yeah i know its xpensive but hell... thats the best i could find)
Earlier today i went on a kart track because im willing to buy a kart for real. well i got there and there were like 6 people "playing around" with their toys, heh.
after this event, im suddenly starting to smell alcohol(135cc karts five geared) while playing LFS and when i skid the sound feels more accurate and the rubber... well the rubber... omg
RESULT1: ill surelly buy a kart
RESULT2:I gotta smell more alcohol...?
EDIT: after re-reading this, i died alittle on the inside.
This suggestion is relative. It can be either an improvement or just a simple suggestion (wich is not an improvement, just a different thing to produce almost the same effect or...) Enough.
I've been wandering, it would be nicer(or not?) if the engine sound wasnt preset and then modded by the ingame sound editor, but, it could be like GTR 2, where it has different sound files and, depending on the car/rev/situation, it would play a sound file and loop it (i think thats how GTR 2 works kinda) this way i think the car sounds would be much better to mod (like adding new sound files instead of adjusting the base sound).
If you like, maybe instead of that, you could just make it so you could replace the base sound of the engine, and THEN mod it inside the game. (but i guess the options would be different since i guess the actual engine sound is hard coded and builds up depending on the setting, and a preset sound file already has it build and you could only adjust thing that can be done with any sound file)
I dont find the basic sounds bad (and DaveW's sounds are pretty good) but... thats i thing ive been wondering.
PS: in case anyone knows, are the base engine sound equal to all of the cars? (like they only difference is the options in it)
Hello all. Lets discuss about the cockpit discussion shall we?
I have a theory about people who use and who doesnt use the cockpit view.
Please read the post first THEN take your conclusions.
My theory is that most of (not all) people who use the cockpit and consider it a realistic view, do so because they drive/drove cars in real life. So what i am saying is that most of (you read, MOST OF, not all) people who use views other than cockpit (chase, bumper, custom not in car) maybe havent yet experienced driving a real car. I say this because, say it, if you drive in a real car, and then buy a Simulator that "almost" makes you feel like driving a real car, well, you want to look trought the driver's eyes.
So this is basically it, and now a few observations:
- This is a theory i came up after reading a few of the cockpit view posts. so i may be wrong or not quite right.
- if you drive/own a car in real life AND drive in chase cam or other than cockpit, well youre not different. youre just yourself.
in case anyone asks, i drive my father's car (in real life of course) and use the cockpit view unmodified.(i own a shitty wheel, still waiting for the G25) but i dont own it, so why i play LFS? to feel and do what i cant in real life: Race.
thanks for your time.
EDIT: I am not discriminating
if you use or not the view.
i started this thread because i wanted to know if these updates Scawen has been doing were related to the patch Y. everyboddy knows(or doesnt) whats on the way, what we dont know is when.
So i think everyboddy nocited that Scawen has been updating the game again (till X6) so i wonder... is that the beggining of the Y beta? or am i just dreaming?
Im not here to cause false spectations but... well maybe i AM having false spectations?
so after i bought S2 a few weeks ago, ive been playing with my mouse (ever since demo almost 2 years ago) but i had a wheel and it didnt worked. the wheel (Genius Speed Wheel Force Feedback) had no AC/DC adaptor so i coudnt play with it until today. my brother found an adaptor with the same output valuse as described under the wheel itself. so we conected it, installed the driver and... what the hell...
i can say that the feedbacks is good, the pedals are nice, the ONLY thing i think this wheel lacks (i mean only 2 things) are the turning angle (110 omg)
and the response (theres some kind of lag between me turning the wheel and the game wheel turning) but, after suddenyl breaking my own record in AS Cadet with the XFR (from 54secs to 53secs, dont laught[i know you did]) i got kinda happy.
the real question is, is this wheel (Genius speed wheel force feedbackl) good compared to the momo ones? (if anyone already tried this one)
is there a big difference between this one (or the momos) and the G25 (wich will be my next wheel)????
i like to write alot, heh
EDIT: im having to use some center desmultiplication due to the fact that this wheel CANT F****NG keep straight (because its low sensitivity and not fast response)
EDIT2:by some i mean 0,60...
EDIT3: no more edits i swear
EDIT the Fourth: yeah i fixed the times and no i dont play with the wheel and driver showing =D