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S2 licensed
The comenter said it could rain on the last laps... Wha
EDIT: Alonso's engineers just confirmed that there is a chance of rain
S2 licensed
Vettel, Kubica and Alonso are doing very well. I expect to see them fighting for the lead in '09.
You guys are lucky! The brazilian comentator is an ASSHOLE. arroganto fool shall feel the power of the dark side.
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Yo.. Brazilians.. MassaCheer=. HamiBoo=SUCK. Cheering your hero is great, but I've never heard anything so pathetic as booing every time Hami or one of his family goes on the screen. Geez, that's a really pants mindset.

I'm not HamiBooing. I'm MassaCheering!
(In fact i find Hamilton an Excelent driver)

Quote from SamH :Correct. It's pants and its fans behave without any honour at all, and what I USUALLY enjoy about F1 (and my other fave sport, rugby, actually) is that it is USUALLY followed by people who are above that. Except in Brazil, apparently. And Italy and Spain, I guess.

I agree. I hate football. When there is a game near where i live, at the end there is allways police working to stop the idiots. And my cousin almost became one victim last week.
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :You know it was the FIA's screw ups that messed up Lewis?

Never said anything about Lewis screwng himself. I am just saying that because of Ferrari, Massa can't do much but to hope Lewis finishes ina much lower position than him.
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnUK89 :Massa should have done better through the rest of the season then

You know it was Ferrari's messes that screwed up Massa
S2 licensed
What makes me mad is that all Felippe can do is stay in the lead, while Hamilton can overtake other cars to gain points...
S2 licensed
Feels like its drift time
S2 licensed
Felippe is 2 seconds away from the second already
S2 licensed
The track is half wet and half dry lol.
S2 licensed
Outch onboard camera with Coulthard
S2 licensed
Too bad for David.
I didn't wanted Piquet to spin also...
S2 licensed
Srsly u guys...
U guys!
S2 licensed
thats why Chris's tire blew then. OR was Yann? Or both?
S2 licensed
Great race other than my car trasmission ratio was sucky and i was no match for you guys... yeah
Started late with low fps but near T1 i reached the pack. then i got into a fight with Chris but then he had that incident that was weird and hit me.
The rest of the race was kind of giving space for the leaders, wich there was one time that i almost took one out!...

PS: We should have more miniFBM races, treat it like a bonus race =D
S2 licensed
This addon really ROX
Veloci é o CARA
S2 licensed
I'm on the work of implementing some real physics, thats why the delay for the next update. I think this is a project that i might not let forgotten =D. And i haven't forgotten, when i release the new physics i will release the source code also.
S2 licensed
Actually i agree 100% with you. the ONLY downside in real physics is the engine part...

UPDATE>>> first post
S2 licensed
NEW UPDATE released. see first post...

Damn this slip angle ability is giving me headaches, if you brake while going sideways the car goes to oblivion!!!! (FIXED)

new map on the making (bigger one, scrolling effect will be added, but the game may get bigger due to the size of the track...) (Still on the making)
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
yeah, thats because in reverse the negatie speed is getting negative drag wich means limitless speed LOL im fixing it OR i may be starting to put some more heavy physics in it =D

One thing that still breaks my head is the fact that i need a close engine equation for calculating the torque at cranckshaft... but i cant find any... im using a sin based torque curve wich does the job but not like i expected. Do you know where i can get one? i already searched but i keep finding the Project Torque sites...
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
UPDATED > first post
Sure i can, i will link it to the first post soon, i just have to do something here.
oh and i implemented alittle tweak so if you brake too hard the car doesnt turn at all =D

Note: The physics that i am applying to this app IS BASED IN SOME PHYSICS LAW but its not perfeclty implemented, its not an engine.

I will be making a 2nd version (like S2 lol) that will have a bigger track to run and will be using better physics (closer to simulation thatn this one)

EX. the car now turns around an axis. on the next update it will have tires draw along with newtons based forces and will take in consideration the weight, weigh distribution... blah blah STUFF =D.
S2 licensed
Also you have some kid of freedom since you'rew designing your own wheel, so you decide what kind of iputs to build.

So the ballscrew is screwing your project?:razzjoke) I had to say it...
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
Thanks jason, ill keep that i mind, you just gave me a heads up about the friction stuff =D
S2 licensed
Thanks alot again dougie! yes i can get the XRT high ress =D
about MRO: I had forgotten about it, but i already played and its alot of fun, BUT i feel that turning on that game is weird, its like you can only turn every 10 degrees
@ MR B: yes im thinkg of that, im gonna look for the circle equation for colision and i need to find the shorter distance of one point to a line =D i know i have it noted somewhere...
EDIT: Last update for the night!!! more tomorrow
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
UPDATED> get in first post.

That is very good. wel IF you can only take higher res´pics with 16:9, then take the bigges res you can with all BL car park as near as possible, ill make possible ajudtsments. ill use this one too, since is very good =)
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I've made my own Z-compatible camera hack, and taken an image at 1280*720, at 1150 metres. If you'd prefer a different angle, resolution or height, let me know. I can do up 1900*1080, but it involves adjusting my monitor. Let me know if you'd prefer that I could lower the FOV too if you like, maybe it's a bit high?

Apreciated dougie, ill check your picture =D
ok, that was a excelent pic. but i need (if its not too much to ask) a 1900x1425 resolution (4:3) of that with a low FOV (i need the carpark focused, i need it big =D) then ill make the apropriate adjustements.
By the way Thanks in advance dougie =D.

Now for the other replies:
@ mutt107 go to google and search "generally forums". you will find the official forums hosted on rsc forums.
@ S14 DRIFT i agree because it doesnt have enought good features yet.
@ kingfag yeah dev-cpp was giving the problem, im using codeblocks now. on the forum they say that dev-cpp has this kind of bug. and the acceeration isnt infinite anymore =D
@ gnomie thats because the way i simulate the turning and the location of the turning axis of the car.
@ marzman dont worry though, its very safe to drive (untill i implement the hardcore physics =D)
@ Nitrous13270 brake reworked, its strong now, but dont expect brake fading.
@ Stefani24 yes, physics are from my head, i try to make this as close to gran turismo style driving according to my experieces. the REAL deal is coming later hehe
Last edited by Calvinaquino, .