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S2 licensed
X-site, manager and drivers, why bring it up here in the public forum? Why don't you file a complaint to NDR and let them make the descision?
It's too much bs in this thread. Tommy and Racer Hero have got their permision to race .... read the rules guys!!

I have no idea if NDR descides to let Maddin drive or not ... but at the end of the day it's THEIR descision!!
S2 licensed
What a fuzz over allmost nothing?!
All in here knows and accept that the big teams use GTAL to set less experienced racers in endurance racing heat. I just don't understand why not Racer Hero or Tommy (or Maddin) can race here. For sure they need this experience for reasons only the team themselves know. I can't see any alien with a lot of MoE experience have any desire to drive here, maybe to help out with a helping hand, but I don't think they see any glory to win in GTAL among amateurs.
They'll probably wount have the time to do any praccy here since they'll be ocupied with MoE anyway.
S2 licensed
I voted no, since we are eager to get into this league ...
Imo we don't learn much from guest teams. As I understood the GTALeague it's suposed to learn noobs and rookies how you do endurance races with driver swaps, setups and tactics. Your place at the grid and the result table speaks for it self at the end of the day. A guest team don't change that or put you down a place unless you don't beat them.
For us on the waiting list we learn more by racing then watching!!
S2 licensed
I hate prequalifying with hotlapping (well hotlapping in genearal), but if you have descided to run it like that there's no meaning to moan about it.
With over 100 drivers many are going to be dissapointed they are not allowed to race allthough me and others will practise a lot.
Is there a posibility to race with two servers? Top five in the second server will swap with the bottom five in the first server after each Round? I realise there will be problems how to count for the championship, but you guys find something clever out I'm sure ...
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :We need his full name. H. Melin - we need what the full forename is.

ok ... #51 Hans Melin
S2 licensed
How come #51 H. Melin, nobreaks11 is marked red? Some error in the registration?
S2 licensed
Driver added to Team IRM

[*]LFS Username : nobreaks11

[*]Real Name : H. Melin

[*]Team : Team IRM

[*]Preferred Number : 51

Edit: Number changed to 51

The spr is uploaded there too.
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
The differens is very small ... maybe the wheel is turning a little heavier with the checkmark aktive. The ffb is about the same though.
With the ffb set to 70 ingame it works pretty good. I can feel the curbs (not allways though) but with a lot lower effect then with the G25. It's more and more looks like it's a thing to adapt to the new wheel ...
S2 licensed
Name : B. Holmberg
LFS Username : Cawwa
Preferred number (02-99): 50
S2 licensed
  • LFS Username : Cawwa
  • Real Name : B. Holmberg
  • Team : Team IRM
  • Preferred Number : 50

    Driver 2
  • LFS Username : nobreaks11
  • Real Name : H. Melin
  • Team : Team IRM
  • Preferred Number : 51
Oops .. replay asap
Edit: Replay uploaded
Edit2: Another driver to the team, with the spr for him
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Well for starters you don't really drive with 472 degrees wheel rotation do you?

Yes you are right, I put it down to 420 ingame ...
S2 licensed
Ok, I tryed with the new version and it feels a little better. Still the wheel feels completely dead at the track. The G25 use to get at least a little feeling. Tested with 75 ingame.
S2 licensed
Lol ... the setup plan at the attached file is the same in all lanugages, I don't want to force you to learn Swedish ...

But thank you for the link ... I didn't know about the 101% in LFS since I never used the Logitech Profiler before. I allways run direct in LFS, but now I wanted to sign more buttons so the easiest way was to actually use it.

Never the less, I tryed those settings with about the same result ... no ffb on the track itself and only the slightest feeling on the curbs and off track. The only thing that happens when I put the slider up in LFS (up to 100) is that the wheel get havier to turn around.
S2 licensed
Forgot to say I'm on XP and running the Z28
S2 licensed
I got my G27 yesterday. I must say I'm dissapointed with the force feed back. The feeling is very close to zero, driving a dead fish isn't my cup of team ...

I've tryed your recomendation here in this thread, which are the best so far, but still so far from the G25. No feeling at all at the road and very little over the curbs. Over the grass its a little rumbling for a short moment.

To bad since turning the wheel is so smoth and nice.

I'll attach my settings (in Swedish but you know what is what uh? ... )
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Wow, I'm amazed I didn't notice that. Sorry fubar!

Fubar ... don't listen to him, just kick his ass ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Just a quick note; SRS #09 would like to announce their resignation from the league. Nothing to do with the race-ending crash! Just for different personal reasons among members of the team. We wish everyone good luck for the rest of the season and thank the NDR team for all their hard work in bringing this league back.

Hmm ... isn't #09 Fubar racing? SRS are #10 uh?
S2 licensed
Sugested change in the rolling start rules:
VIII. Race Procedures
3.The race shall be started with a double-file rolling start after one lap behind the Safety Car. Drivers are to remain in single-file formation until the last sector where all tyre warming activities are to stop and teams are to get into double file and the front row must be on the pitlane speedlimiter until the marked point. When the front row have passed the marked point they release the pitlimiter and slowly accelerate waiting for the green. The rest of the field follow the front row until the green flag flies. The pole-sitting team may choose to start from the right or left of track, prior to grid setting.

I also suggest the following: No passes in the same file is allowed before the start/finish line.

About the discussion about #27:
He tryes to catch the field after last turn. When he catches the field the green goes and he just continue in his good speed. Imho he does nothing wrong acording to the rules as they are now. (the T1 accident is another story here, I guess Kev got to eager ... )
What courses this unfair situation is the rules themselves who force the front row to go on pitlimiter this close to the green flag. It should be the other way around. The front row should have the advantage to descide when to go. As it was now they got the disadvantage.

But as the 7karat driver points out, nothing could happen if passing wasn't allowed before the s/f line. (Nascar style)
S2 licensed
I'm coming too ... good initiative ...
S2 licensed
Yes please, signe me up too.
S2 licensed
Quote from gridghost :Jag får säga att jag är extremt nöjd med min plats, och bara ett varv (ganska exakt) efter FeGe

Jag hoppas att ni ursäktar eventuella missar och fel jag gjorde under racet och hoppas att jag är välkommen i fortsättningen.

Detta tycker jag är väldigt bra gjort av dig. Första online racet och nätt och jämt varvad efter 23 varv på Westhill med dessa helvetesbilar måste betraktas som succe!! ...
S2 licensed
We need to sign up here even if we allready have signed up at ?
In any case I want to participate for this race ...
S2 licensed
Team Name: Team IRM
Number: 86

Unfortunatly the preparation time was to short for us to set up a race evening this Saturday evening. We are so sorry we can't race this Saturday ...
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester : <--- on that page (actually any NDR website page on the system), left side, just under the main menu.

Set it in GBP, any amount you wish to contribute. We appreciate any donations we receive.


Sorry Lizzard, didn't see you where in at first so there is fast drivers there without doubt. I really ment unexperienced endurance drivers. Was thinking of myself though, slow but very experienced and want to be in this league.

As usual Paul says what I wanted to say allthough he actually can express himself ...