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S2 licensed
Team Name: Independent Racing Mates
Number: 31
Car: FXR
nobreaks11, H. Melin, SWE
sjoblom, M. Sjoblom, SWE
Znabb, R. Ronning, SWE
Cawwa, B. Holmberg, SWE
S2 licensed
If the government allows it I'll be there ...
S2 licensed
Team Name: Independent Racing Mates
Number: 31
Car: FXR
nobreaks11, H. Melin, SWE
sjoblom, M. Sjoblom, SWE
Znabb, R. Ronning, SWE
Cawwa, B. Holmberg, SWE
S2 licensed
After we got turned around at the 11th lap and my disconection we ended up at 16th in our first GTAL race. This track was as built for the FXR car so it was a good start for us, I doubt next track will be the same though.
This was fun!!

Congrats to 7karat who took the win, outstanding!!
Also congrats to Tripple7 and MoS ...

Thank you admins, you do a tremendous job ...
S2 licensed
Apoligy is apreciated and of course accepted ... cya on the track ...
S2 licensed
No, we wount reprotest. We are just so dissapointed to loose all those places for a bad move from 01.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Warning to #1 for causing avoidable incident.

Can you explain this please?
S2 licensed
Lap and Timecode: Lap 10 sector 2
Cars involved: 01 and 31
brief description of incident: #01 pushed us around just before the hairpin and we lost several positions
S2 licensed
Why on earth are we spamming about tracker infor is correct? If it's ok then no message is needed uh? If there are some errors, say so ...

#31 Independent Racing Mates is correct ... there me too!! ..
S2 licensed
Thank you for organize this for us. Very useful and good practise ...
S2 licensed
Every yellow under SC when drivers enter pitlane.

Numorous of cars goes inside the apron before T3 to enter pit. Doing that they pass a lot of cars.

The rules states when pitting under yellow you enter to the pits after T3 before the commitment cones.

This happened during all SC periods
S2 licensed
Thank you ... wrong password though ...
S2 licensed
Password to the NDR|GTAL server please ...
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :As it is fairly short notice, we'll disuss waivering the rule for you

Thank you ...
Seems as Pacesetter is eager to do some miracle though ..
S2 licensed
Team Name: Independent Racing Mates
Number: 31
Car: FXR
nobreaks11, H. Melin, SWE
sjoblom, M. Sjoblom, SWE
Znabb, R. Ronning, SWE
Cawwa, B. Holmberg, SWE
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
#31 Independent Racing Mates

I don't think we can have a skin ready for tomorrows qualifying. I hope we still can do the qualy without it.
S2 licensed
I have to admit I was hoping to get IRM into GTAL but sad to see you guys had to redraw ... Would been great to meet you on the track ...
S2 licensed
Bah ... it's about time you guys POSTBONE the rant in allmost every new team thread ... and find a real life and a real girl who can give you a irl boner!!

If that don't work ... just go race the hormones off ...
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester : ... // ...
By the way I/we still haven't decided on a guest team, so there may not be one for this round. Who knows yet.


How about inviting the next team from the waiting list? ..
S2 licensed
Thank you
S2 licensed
Is this prequaly and race going to be streamed? If so where?
S2 licensed
LFS Username: Cawwa
First and Last Name: Bertil Holmberg
Country Code: SWE
Desired Car Number: 50
Team Affiliation: Independet Racing Mates
S2 licensed
You are welcome, allways nice to have you with us ...

Thx for the stats Gray ...
S2 licensed
Replay for server A is now up as well.

@ Texas Sorry we didn't save the qualy replay.
S2 licensed
Agree, the G25 is butter bucks for the money ...