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S2 licensed
Quote from Frankmd :Dont really get that, but I assume you are happy it is correct now.

Yes I'm happy becourse you are such a nice guy ....
S2 licensed
[quote=Frankmd;222623]From the SQL data of our tracker I've understand that you did an extra lap after the race was finished. I will recheck it now.


Snip ....
S2 licensed
Uhm ... we were fighting hard with pedals problems at the end but managed to keep #10 car behind us. So what happened? Aren't we #11 at the finish line? Penalty for something?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I tested with VLC. All worked good, but there was no difference in quality ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Frankmd :The application form said 'XFR Racing' at the team name, so... But we will use team XFR in future of course

Oops, my fault then, sry about that. Yes Team XFR would be great ...
S2 licensed
Frank or Hoelsen: Our team isn't correct mentioned in the team list.

Since XFR stands for eXtreme Fun Racing, it comes out wrong to say XFR Racing. Pls use the Team XFR for us. Thx in advance ...
S2 licensed
Team XFR
#12 FZR car
agor, Goran Andreevski, Macedonia
nrcToretto, Marc Schreiber, Germany
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden
Xenoa, Ari Härö, Finland
S2 licensed
A new season!! Great! At last! Thx for the invitation!

The way MoE choose the teams is up to them to answer. Team XFR have applyed since the Aston 24h event last season, but we weren't allowed to race that one, or the next one, or the next one. In the last event we were allowed to race. At that time we were so frustrated, I still feel it, so we understand your feelings very well.
I suggested and offered my services to have a smaller event to teams who wanted inside to prove themselves worthy a spot. I'm glad this is the case now with LFS-GT. Happely for me and for sure you guys Scoop is the one who runs this event and I know for a fact he is going to do this exelent. He have done it during the summer!
There you go teams who have not been invited: You can prove yourself worthy!! Run in the LFS-GT!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mrs FienDi :That would be our new system. The more you participate, the more you get rewarded and vice versa.
We came up with this new system because you guys wanted it

Basically it means that Eblio is taking a hit because he has only been in one event and our reward system is penalising him for it to make sure mid-season joiners can't win the whole season. His points will change if he participates more.

Any clearer?

Thx for your answer ...

Not really clearer. Eblio would be able help us to gain more points to the team, for each race. Of course he can't compete for the championship individually, three races would never, in any system, be enough.
What I recall from the discusions about teams it was about the same as for nations standings. Now a team gets penalty for bad results instead of getting a reward for good results.
Imo the team calculations would be about the same princip as for the nations.
Even easier would be to only calculate the 3 or 4 best results for each team at each race.

Hmm ... I should bring that up in the Sugestion thread instead ... this season is as it is ...
S2 licensed
Really ... no one understands the team points? ...

Oki ... seems as I'm not the only one then ...
S2 licensed
We have decided to have Wednesdays and Saturdays evenings as permanent times.

In special ocations we might move the times temporary.

In any case emails are send for lesson 4.
S2 licensed
We have decided to have Wednesdays and Saturdays evenings as permanent times.

In special ocations we might move the times temporary.

In any case emails are send for lesson 4.
S2 licensed
We have decided to have Wednesdays and Saturdays evenings as permanent times.

In special ocations we might move the times temporary.

In any case emails are send for lesson 4.
Team points
S2 licensed
I don't know how important the team points are for you. Prolly it's not a big deal and it isn't for us either. Never the less it should be some kind of understandable system.
Eblio in Team XFR is a very fast and good driver. Unfortunatly he didn't have the oportunity to race in OLFSL untill now. Automaticly his points was counted for us and here are some strange things I don't understand.

When two of our members didn't race any more, I asked Sirocco to take them away from the team points. He did and sudenly we were in top at the team standings with quite a good margin. Now when Eblio raced he got 116 points for his 4th place in pool 1. In the teamstandings he got 18.
Can someone who understand this system explain that to me? illepall
S2 licensed
Congrats to Team Cyber!! Awsome ride specially in that UFR car in GT2. To bad we couldn't race all the races but we have only ourselves to blame for that ...

Scoop, thx a lot for all your effort! Thx to all admins who made this possible wich of course goes to Prophet as well for that last race! Great job!

I'm also glad you now are running those support races to MoE. You have proven you handle it very good!
S2 licensed
Pool 2
Sry for that resetting. I messed my brain up and thought about the MRT5 races where it wasn't allowed. I thought it was ok since the damages still are there. Anyway it wasn't possible to go to Spectate mode with the "messages blocked" mode, now I know that too.
S2 licensed
I can't find anything from the live video stream. It's not up for the today races?
S2 licensed
Meet up tonight, we might be able to fix something good ...
S2 licensed
Good luck with your team guys!
S2 licensed
Quote from psychojuggalo17 :I take it now is 2 late 2 join? Ive been grounded form PC n havent been able 2 check the forum or ne thing

I take it as you haven't registered? If you don't have done that go to the first post and see what you should.
You are most welcome and it's never to late to sign up. We are four teachers and some other team members who are burning for this Onlinr Racing School ..
S2 licensed
Quote from Dredd :i must of been really really bad, no email

Yes, you are probably a bad boy and using bad email addy ... ... I don't trust hotmail is one of the fastes and best out there ...

Are you sure you don't want a gmail acount? If so let me know and I'll invite you to one.
S2 licensed
Lesson 3 mails have been sent.

Pls contact me if you didn't get any mail

Btw, the forum have gone through a face lift ... new "rankings", more smilies and new banners for you all ...
S2 licensed
Lesson 3 mails have been sent.

Pls contact me if you didn't get any mail

Btw, the forum have gone through a face lift ... new "rankings", more smilies and new banners for you all ...
S2 licensed
Lesson 3 mails have been sent.

Pls contact me if you didn't get any mail

Btw, the forum have gone through a face lift ... new "rankings", more smilies and new banners for you all ...