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S2 licensed
LFS Licence Name: Cawwa
Real Name: Bertil Holmberg
Preferred Car Number: 50
Team Name:Independent Racing Mates
S2 licensed
#14 All ok
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :

A bit slow in reaction are we ...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
teamName: Independent Racing Mates
number: 15
car: FXR
Mats Sjöblom (sjoblom) / Sweden
Bertil Holmberg (Cawwa) Sweden
Micke Fyhr (Citywidemicke) / Sweden
Hans Melin (nobreaks11) / Sweden
Ronny Rönning (Znabb) / Sweden
S2 licensed
The version I tested yesterday around midnight CET seem similar to the new screenies in the OP.

It's ok to me. I just realized it's more then two weeks till the race, I thought it was next weekend. So go ahead with this ... a from me.
S2 licensed
For you who just don't know enough swedish:

Palt-coma: (google tranlation of the meaning of the word) The word describes the drowsiness that affects the stopper measured after a hearty meal
S2 licensed
I haven't tested this version just yet but still have some pov's on it ...

All chicanes where you can blow through without lifting or braking isn't a chicane. The "Boothy-chicane" in KY3 is a very good exemple how you can make a good track even better. Imho you should had two of them in FE4 and I guess the result from this race makes this discussion about this chicane at Aston. At least you can't blow right trough it without lift or brake. Ok, it's a differens between 160 and 120 and the chicane should be harder to pass from the start, but to change it now should be a bit harsh with such a short notice. After all it's holliday time and the many of the drivers are still in the "palt-coma" stadium - hell, AND some of us aren't sober just yet ...

Anyway, I see this as a good initiative but with too short notice. IF you still want to do this, please make the announcement VERY soon.

Just my :twocents: :wmann3:
Last edited by boothy, .
S2 licensed
#14 Independent Racing Mates

Posted dec 14th
S2 licensed
#14 Independent Racing Mates ... spelling
Otherwise it's ok
S2 licensed
Quote from sjoblom :teamName: Independent Racing Mates
number: 14
car: FXR
sjoblom, Mats Sjöblom, Sweden
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden
Citywidemicke, Micke Fyhr, Sweden

Add a driver and a little edit

teamName: Independent Racing Mates
number: 14
car: FXR
sjoblom, Mats Sjöblom, Sweden
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden
Citywidemicke,Micke Fyhr, Sweden (mail send 2010-12-15)
martinson, Mattias Martinson, Sweden

14 Independent Racing Mates; Mats Sjöblom, Bertil Holmberg, Micke Fyhr, Mattias Martinson
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :sorry was in a rush this morning and hit submit before checking it lol

I give you a tip which I use in my profession: "It was on purpose, I just checked if you were awake!"
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :when we say all cars pass #20 and he was waiting behind him you should have passed. ... // ...

Ok good, I didn't do anything wrong then ... ... I compared it with a situation where ppl go off track and spin under SC, they can't claim the position back and have to blend in when they are up to speed again.
S2 licensed
Omg what a noob mistake we did. A rather good position went to allmost last position due to fail driver change. At the top of it we did another stop to swap, but of course forgot to change the pitinstrucions. Poor Sjöblom had 100% fuel and double new tires ... not so strange he messed up his buttons and managed to press the pitlimiter and a DT of course ... sigh. The good point was that we had enough fuel to the end ... hehe.

@Admins ... please don't command "#15 please make room for lapping car" when the blue flag was gone and the driver wasn't seen in our mirrors. Of course we make room for a lapping car. I saw this command to other drivers as well but everything went smooth I think. The lapping car understand he can't pass right away but plan the overtake in a safe manor.
Otherwise the admins did a good job, thank you ...

Btw - when SC came out at the end #23 car didn't pass the car with flat tire. I was behind but passed both of them eager to catch the SC. Was I allowed to do that?
S2 licensed
Quote from Znabb :Thanks for the link but it's $120 for the Calibri font family.

Ah, com'n it's not that expensive. Just sell one of your bikes and all is solved ..
S2 licensed
teamName: Independent Racing Mates
number: 15
car: FZ3
sjoblom, Mats Sjöblom, Sweden
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden

If we are allowed we'll try to gather drivers for a second car for this event only.
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Can you all please have a look at the tracker to check I haven't failed

#14 is ok ...
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Be advised of latest rule change made tonight. Thanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :The rules have now been updated. There is no issue with the driver.

This decision to implement a rule has been taken due to abuse of the ability to jump around last year. It is hoped that the way the rule was written will allow legitimate team hopping, while deterring team hopping just to team hop.

A good update of the rules imo. You might have some objections since you didn't have this rule when the season started but I guess no other teams have use other drivers this season. We would be the first but the driver in question will only race for us this round and then run for his origin team. As far as I can see this rule is only for the better.

Thank you for clarifying this issue ...
S2 licensed
I find our situation a bit strange. The admins are thinking of changing the rules now before Round 2 about drivers compete in different teams. Why on earth shouldn't a driver origin signed up for another team drive for us and then go back to the origin team? Or jump between teams if he so desire? Nothing is mentioned in the present rules about it despite we saw some real team hopping last season.

Last week I send a mail about a driver I wanted to use and have not got any answer. That driver made the qualy this Sunday. Maybe not the best thing since I haven't got any answer, but still there should not be any problem about it. No penalty is handed out for us.

Our confirmation have not been confirmed from the admins and we wonder why. For sure you are not going to implement a new rule this close for Round 2?? Or implement new rules in the midle of the season???
S2 licensed
Quote from Cawwa :Is there any problems with our confirmation or the new driver added?

No answer?
S2 licensed
#14 Independent Racing Mates

The same skin as for Round 1: ... d=109667&d=1287853415
S2 licensed
Is there any problems with our confirmation or the new driver added?
S2 licensed
teamName: Independent Racing Mates
number: 14
car: FXR
sjoblom, Mats Sjöblom, Sweden
nobreaks11, Hans Melin, Sweden
Cawwa, Bertil Holmberg, Sweden
martinson, Mattias Martinson, Sweden (mail sent 2010-11-11)
S2 licensed
Quote from codehound :... // ...

As far as fun racing, we may be slow but we are an older bunch who enjoy each others friendship and have a good time trying to race each other carefully.

Oh - you are an older bunch ... hmmm ... I dunno if this really is something for us youngsters in Team IRM then ...