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S2 licensed
In the A-server it was a bit hectic. The first pile up lifted me from 13th to 5th. After that I had great battles during the whole race but manage with my perfect pitstop snatch the fourth place. For once the strategy payed off ...

Congrats to the podium ...
1. GraVT F. Gehammar
2. rCoRe D. Adelin
3. IRM H. Melin

Podium B
2. VM|Gray
3. IRM M. Sjoblom
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
Thank you and congrats to the second place ...

Replay from server B is up at the OP. As soon as I find out how to up load the replay from server A it'll be there too ..
The stats is soon there too ...

I apoligize to the late registered. We have a rule that says if you miss the qualify you can still take part of the event, at the last place at Torsdagsrace B server.
Unfortunatly I didn't keep an eye at this forum, only in the forum
S2 licensed
Quote from thereaperlt :im in if its not to late

Its ok, you are welcome ...
S2 licensed
Password is sent out
S2 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :Uh guys, don't you think it would be about time to send that PM with the server info and password?

Yes Z is right, we send the password out at 19.00 (CET (GMT +1)) when the servers gets private. Before that the servers are public.
S2 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i :Finally will not be abl to come tonight. Sorry to say that so late :s

To bad you can't join us, but it's no problem for us. Cya in the tracks ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Arni Arnason :Register me for this race, i will try to be there...driving my FXR , no XRR this time, im getting old and it takes me ages to get up to speed

Haha ... Arni old .. no way young man!!
S2 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i ::o several server

There's two servers Torsdagsrace A and Torsdagrace B
S2 licensed
The max drivers are 60, I don't think there's any trouble for you to drive ...
S2 licensed
Live broadcast at
S2 licensed
Those of you who signed up at don't need to sign up here. If you do you'll get the password doubled and let us work more ...

In Sweden and Finland there's only one alcohol problem ... there isn't enough of alcohol ...
S2 licensed
Good luck with your team guys ...
IRM invites you to Midle days Thunder
S2 licensed
We in IRM have the great pleasure to invite you all to a funrace at the coming track in the GTAL. The race is held this coming Monday.

Sign up procedure

Sign up here in this thread or use the forum.
If you sign up here your password will be send to you through the forum PM system. If you sign up at (rekomended) that automatic system will send you the password.

Monday 28 December 2009
Track: South City Long Reversed
Cars: GT2
Qualify: 30 minuts
Laps: 56
Forced pit: None
Weather forcast: Low wind

The race is going to broadcast live at

Torsdagsrace shortly (TR)
- TR have two servers, Torsdagsrace A och Torsdagsrace B: if more then 32 are racing we will be divided into two divisions.
- You can practise/qualify at any of the two servers, the times are allways mended.
- During the qualify session you can press shift-i at any time to see the mended result in a special tabel.
- You might change server after the qualify session. The special tabel will show you what server you are going to perform your race.

Schedule (all times in CET)
19:00: Warmup / Practise. The servers get into private.
21.00: 30 min qualify session start
21:45: Race start

All welcome!!

Signed ups here 26 (Signed up at 19)
Turbo Dad;
Arni Arnason;

Replay server A
Replay server B
Last edited by Cawwa, .
S2 licensed
The leds are working though, I tested it in iRacing ... ... and a nice fireworks when starting up the computer, two calibrations!! ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Nobody92 :To be honest, i have no clue what is what on screenshot of your settings as it is not one of the languages i understand, but maybe this link can help you: ... tting_up_a_Logitech_Wheel. As you can see, only Overall Effects Strenght and Degrees Of Rotation are used, as other settings are useless in LFS.

This issue was fixed in 2007 in version 5.00 ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Puzzle :When Scott hit me, i went to the grass, and i don't had the control of my car, i try to brake, but it was impossible.

Yes I saw that in the replay ... we all got lucky there, could have been alot worse ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Scott Mckenzie :Was my fault not yours, you just turned in a little but had the right to.

I just got hold of the replay and watch this incident a couple of times. Actually I don't turn into you but I don't follow the normal outer racing line. As I see it you got a tiny punt from Santos and turned into my rear wheel. On the other hand I might wanted to cover the inner line and coursed this incident, I really don't know.
In T1 Santos come flying across my nose so we got even there ... lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Scott Mckenzie :Your Name: 10 S.Mckenzie
Your LFS Username: Scott Mckenzie

Driver(s) involved: 10 S.Mckenzie, 43 R.Santos, 50 B. Holmberg

Description - Your opinion of what happened:

put my car in stupid place, 50 turned in a little causing me to hit 43. My fault for putting car in stupid place. Posted this here to say sorry to Rui

Which Event / Session: Race 1

Time of incident (e.g. Race 1 - 03:45): race 1 lap 1, on main straight few seconds after start.

I don't have any replay of that, but my memory says I was showeled back and forth a couple of times while trying to avoid cars by braking.
Sorry I hit you.
S2 licensed
Is the replay for the races available somewhere?
S2 licensed
I'm very pleased with my G27. Now when I got more used to it, it feels very good in ffb. The differens is the "harder", more rughf ffb in the G25. That is all gone and instead it's more soft and "smeared out" feeling, a lot more pleasant for the hands ...
I just love the buttons in the wheel itself, allthough it costed me a DT in last MoE since I mixed the pit limiter up with the talk button ... well shit happens and I can't blame the wheel on that one ...

Other then that it's no differens from the G25 and it's not worth the money for the wheel buttons and belts for the ffb. If you could get a cheap G25 I would recomend that one. I never use the gear shifter so I can't comment that one though.
S2 licensed
Ah ok ... I mixed the two systems ...
Thank you for clearify this to me ...

This new system is easier to understand and looks interesting ...
S2 licensed
Ok, I read but don't fully understand. It's clear how it works now in the preseason race today ( I think... )

But during the season ... see if I got it right here.

Let's say Round 3.

Qualify and Race 1 you get weight acording to your place in the champioship:
1st - 42kg
2nd - 35kg
3rd - 28kg
4th - 21kg
5th - 14kg
6th - 7kg

Race 2: All weights are taken away. But the racers get ballast after their place in Race 1
1st - 42kg
2nd - 35kg
3rd - 28kg
4th - 21kg
5th - 14kg
6th - 7kg

Race 3: All weights are taken away. But the racers get ballast after their place in Race 2
1st - 42kg
2nd - 35kg
3rd - 28kg
4th - 21kg
5th - 14kg
6th - 7kg

On top of this you have ballast acording how many championship point you have. They are not taken away at any time?
S2 licensed
Quote from Cawwa :I hate prequalifying with hotlapping (well hotlapping in genearal), but if you have descided to run it like that there's no meaning to moan about it.
With over 100 drivers many are going to be dissapointed they are not allowed to race allthough me and others will practise a lot.
Is there a posibility to race with two servers? Top five in the second server will swap with the bottom five in the first server after each Round? I realise there will be problems how to count for the championship, but you guys find something clever out I'm sure ...

Bump ...
S2 licensed
Quote from Joe_Keaveney :There won't be any weights for the 1st race, just the 2nd and 3rd ones at this pre-season race.

Yes, but still no one can practise with the new weight added ...

Do you get rid of any weight in case you are placed from 7th and down?
Do you get rid of any weight after some races without points?
.... or do you keep the weight added for the rest of the season?
S2 licensed
To take care of the car is a part in the qualy session as well as in race. Deal with it.
Voted no.