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a thought about cars "flip-happines"
S3 licensed
I could not sleep last night and one of the thoughts that came up is, that the reason why some cars in LFS are too much easily flipped on their roof is the too forgiving suspension damage... here's why>
because the suspension damage is too forgiving, the most setups are VERY stiff, because there is no need for too much suspension travel... the only reason real cars have more is to deal with the unevenness of the road, bumps, curbs... In LFS we are not afraid that we get our suspension damaged and to get better times, stiffer suspension is better... So when you drive over a curb with such a stiff suspension, the suspension does not absorb the bump that much, but on the contrary, through the stiff spring carries the bump over to the body of the car, thus the car flips much more easily...

could it be or am I out of my mind here?
S3 licensed
don't read it if it's not good for you...
S3 licensed
Quote from T.J. :Driving lights should come on when the ignition is turned on...

depends on the country... in our country all time lights on are a law just shortly...
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :But I guess the devs have to take the chances to get real cars and a bit of publicity "for free" where they can.

nope, unless you mean a different "for free" ...
S3 licensed
Quote from ORION :You are not doing anything wrong though

thanks for saying this, made me feel a bit better
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :It's all about the benjamins baby

if so, then it's sad...
S3 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :1 free car and 1 track wow they need to include it.

I guess its too late now... the track has just recently been made into rF and the owners lost interest in having it in LFS... about the car, I don't know, I could ask, but dunno why I shoud...
S3 licensed
great news!

but it made me angry... about two years ago I offered the devs to include a race version of Skoda Octavia, I got permisson from the factory, but they said no... More years back I offered them a real life racetrack for free (the one I used to work at), even got them very accurate GPS data of the track that one very known team (very successful in 24h of LeMans) made during testing there, but again - no...

I really don't want to brag here, but I was the deputy sport director at the second largest racetrack in our country, now I work at the ACCR (the body that has the sport authority in our country), got licenses for Clerk of the course and sporting steward for both cars and bikes, for bikes even a FIM license and just now I'm part of the international Jury at MotoGP in Brno...
I got a very direct access to most resources (drivers, riders, factories, track owners, etc.) directy related to motorsport, but the devs just ignore me, if they wanted I could bring a lot to LFS, I tried, but with no effect...

what am I doing wrong? this really took away my motivation to do anything more in this field for LFS...
S3 licensed
I call for new content for a long time now and thus I'm all for this idea! But I don't like the pay-per-content idea. This would divide the community into those who have all the content and those who don't...
S3 licensed
hmm, would it be possible to have an "auto vote" system here? I would set it to YES for any new tracks! to answer in every thread wanting new tracks in one form or another...
S3 licensed
I have LFS set to English even tho I traslated most of the "game" part to Czech...
S3 licensed
already suggested... and many more other cofigs too... ... highlight=new+aston+track
S3 licensed
Quote from marzman :Isn't that normal in racingleagues? Schumager didn't moan he had to drive Monza year after year (not saying i would not appreciate new content)

True, it is normal, but he drove there one (ok, maybe a little more) weekend in a year... and there are many MANY more leagues/races in LFS in one year then (in) one F1 season...
Last edited by Chaos, .
S3 licensed
I used to work at the second largest/most known/etc. racetrack in our country Autodrom Most (it was the first to be built, but now is secondary because it does not correspond to the latest safety rules of FIA / FIM). It has some very interesting corners (especially the "old version", a small chicane after the start/finish straight followed by a long lefthander, in most cars taken at full throttle, usual speed there is way over 200 km/h (120 mph)) and the drivers say the whole track has its specific "flow" and its more interresting than the GP track in Brno...

It is now 3 years back, when I went to the owners of the track and asked them what they think about getting their track in LFS. They were exited about it and were all for it. Their only condition was that the track has to be modeled as it stands, with all banners etc. Otherwise no fee, it would be for FREE.
I told this to the devs, even got them a very accurate GPS data of the inside/outside/ideal line of the track, but they said maybe sometime in the future... Years passed, the track has just recently been made for rF and the owners lost their interest in getting the track in LFS.

I call for new track for a very long time now... LFS has become boring for me for the same reasons Becky posted. I drove all the corners too many times already and when I organise a league I just have a strong feeling of deja-vu when selecting the tracks for the next league... I don't know the intentions of the devs, but letting such an opportunity to slip through their hands is a bit sad... I just hope they will awaken soon and realize that
LFS needs some new content (tracks especially) to keep the people interested.

Eric does indeed a great job modeling the tracks, but he still is alone and because I helped the guy who made the Most racetrack in rF I know its very VERY HARD work to make a good track. Opening LFS to free modding is a way to hell, I agree. But I just don't understand why the devs can't let people make tracks, use them offline only and choose only the best into a official patch for online use...
S3 licensed
ok, so this way its not a cheat, but then how do you recognize who uses a script and who learned this?
S3 licensed
hmmm, and what about using manual clutch, with a pedal, buttons to shift (not H-gate shifter) and having the clutch calibrated so, that it disengages almost instantly when you touch the pedal? I guess that with a little practice its possible to shift even faster than with the script...
is this also cheating?
S3 licensed
imo not doable, because everyone has to have the same physics, otherwise the online play would go out of sync...
S3 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :When you choose no wheel/driver on xfg (and probably other cars) the part steering column you see is disgusting :S.

+1 to not seeing the steering column when having the wheel/driver turned off...
S3 licensed
this issue is known since the introduction of the ramps...
S3 licensed
2 years ago I negotiated that the devs could make the race track in Most(i used to work there) for free, but it did not happen... they said later and that the first real life track will probably be some track near their homes... by now, they made the track for rF and I guess the management of the racetrack will be no longer interrested in another game...
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Like where? South city is the only place with bumps.
It's my major gripe with LFS...everywhere is smooth as glass.

not true, there are bumps on most tracks, but you don't recognize them... try the tracks in the Force Dynamics 301 and you will be surprised how bumpy the tracks are...
S3 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :most of the tracks in LFS are too bumpy =S

i guess you haven't been to some small/local racetracks
S3 licensed
Quote from wsinda :In short: if you fill your server with ads, you are extracting money from your visitors. It would be the same as when you charge directly for the racing, except that
- the racers don't know how much they pay, so
- they can't choose the server that offers the most value-for-money, and
- the stream of money is indirect, so there is more overhead cost, and the racers will pay more for their racing.

what? racers don't pay anything, only those who buy the ads pay something... I don't have a "pay-per-adview" system installed in my eyes... do you?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :Anyone: PENIS ENLARGEMENT -billboard?

i don't know a server admin who would put this up on his server... sure some kiddos server maybe, but do you go to such servers? I think the majority of people go to well known public servers or league servers... And I seriously doubt that you will ever see one of these ads on these servers...
S3 licensed
no surprise the test subjects drove more aggresively, when they had to play Burnout, Midnight Racer and Need for Speed.

For me, playing LFS made me more cautious and more aware of what others are doing... I had 3 car accidents in my life... All were only light crashes, with scratched door, bent suspension, etc.... All before I found LFS... Now, after almost 6 years with LFS, I had no accident at all and I drive many more kms per year than before due to my job...

So I don't really know where the truth lies...
Last edited by Chaos, .