I am thinking of getting myself a Nikon D70 as a 2nd set since I'm currently using a Minolta.
Not that the Minolta is a bad camera its just slow as f*ck.
And I cant seem to keep my hand super still during long exposure shot does anyone have tricks for this?
Well we could start a rant about how adobe sucks and we al need quarkxpres?
If that is what you are on about.
And to be really honest with you yes there are alot of design flaws in the adobe programs.
Like where I have to actually click duplicate layer, instead of just ctrl-c or applekey-c.
Which for me is about the most annoying flaw of PS.
I don't know what Creative Suite version your using but dam that was dumb of you to say.
Since in CS5 as well as CS5,5 you can easily mirror the layer you are currently working in.
And that is from me a creative Desktop Publisher who has done work for companies like: NatGeo, Discovery and Hunkemoler.
While NatGeo and Hunkemoler are companies I still hire my services to.
Although I'll agree with the fact that it is far from accurate, but that is why we have Illustrator and Indesign.
So long story short want perfect high quality logos circles rainbows or just arty stuff use Illustrator!
Got myself trough the most crappy job ever.
Now I work at Hunkemoler. (yes that fashionable lingerie brand)
Got myself a dSLR
Have managed to mend my Honda by myself
Sold that piece of crap that is called an Xbox360
Had some tough financial troubles(due to that crappy job)
Was nearly killed in traffic accident
Still suck at LFS or any other sim for that matter
Did some shit that was an utter waste of time
No GF yet again (craptastic)