Since you geting the same respond everyone getting "Practice, Practice, Practice" I try to be a bit more helpful and point out the things that I think are crucial and come from my own experience when i was learning to drift (Just dont think I am pro or something

, I still cant do those crazy 300m long 90 degree drifts you see on the vids and while I can drift the corners I am still far from the really good drifters.
I just want to point out things I had to realise before I was able to start drift and recover from it )
First of all if you previously played on Gamepad and used analogue smoothing turn it off, i makes control harder even with gamepad, at least I wasnt able to drift before I turned that off.
Turn of FFB and set wheel to 540-360 degrees when drifting, at the beginning at least.
Since counter steering needs to be applied fast in order to be effective 360 degrees for beginning is rather good because when you get the idea of how fast it should be with 360 you can move on to 540-720.
Otherwise you might never even start to spin the wheel with the speed required for countersteer to be effective.
Dont relay on FFB since you apply the countersteer when the car is still moving a bit sideways you always feel some resistance till the very last moment.
And dont try to leave the wheel so FFB turn it for you it doesnt work that way.
This is important! When applying countersteer dont relay on FFB, I relay mostly on my eyes and feel of the car.
When car slowly stop moving sideways and start moving ahead thats the moment you need to straighten the wheels.
You must countersteer in the transitional state while car still sliding but slowly starting to go straight.
Start with car like XRG it doesnt have much power so before the tyres get really hot using throttle as on/off switch is excused (Later you can try with something that doesnt forgive using throttle in such way like FZ5).
Basically when your rear starting to go ahead of your front its the moment you need to ease on the throttle.
Search on you tube drift bible and just watch some tutorials of Keiichi Tsuchiya he explains it rather well also give a few hints how to figure out whether you apply countersteer too early or too late, how to approach corners etc.
Basically most of stuff you read about real life drifting can be applied in LFS.
Train a lot at the skid pad trying to drift around circles but not doing 8'ts or ovals.
Drift while your tyres are hot.
And yeah what he said, practice, practice, practice.
Edit: something I forget to add because I assumed its kinda obvious but just in case it isnt.
When drifitng you control front of your car with steering wheel and your rear with the throttle.
For example you want your rear go wide (bigger drift angle) you add throttle, you want your rear to follow your front wheel you ease on the throttle.
Because when you add throttle your rear loses grip its like driving with your rear wheels on oil, if you turn left your rear want to go right, so if you add the throttle at that moment it will slide right, you add more throttle it will slide right even more, your give full throttle and your spin.
Its how you actually drift trough the tightening corner without breaking your drift, you keep like half throttle trough shallow part of the corner and add lot of throttle when approaching tightening part (just dont make it full throttle in one moment, keep gradually adding throttle so your car wont just spin), of course you countersteer with your steering wheel as your rear going round you.