Well, you bring it on yourself. Sarcasm only works if people are aware that it's sarcasm.
You're like the boy who cried wolf; you come out with these 'sarcastic' posts which are pretty much indistingishable from the conspiracist drivel you normally restrict yourself to, and then when it goes over everyone's head by about a mile and half, act all hurt and confused, and immediately start defensively slinging insults at everyone about how they're 'not thinking, maaaaaann...'
You'd do well to remember that everything you do is in the context of everything else you do. You can't just decide that hasn't happened then throw throw a tantrum when other people don't.
I try. I like to think that under the tinfoil hat you're an okay guy, but bloody hell you make it difficult sometimes.
Rant over, let's talk about how cool spaceships are.