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Doesn't your friend have any ideas?
S2 licensed
To be fair, these past two pages are probably the most rational and least insane I've ever seen him in a proper discussion on here.
S2 licensed
Quote from John5200 :Huh, usually they do it the other way around, sculpt the model, then retopo (based on the complexity via hand/automaticaly (computers just can't beat a good artist)), then baking all the maps.

Well yes, you need to retopo the original base model to better fit the new geometry of the high-poly, but I left that part out due to this being a forum post about the fact that you can use textures to fake detail, not a ZBrush tutorial
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Am I correct in thinking that new video games have actually been able to keep a pretty constant poly count over the past few years with advances in textures and shading? I thought that even the most amazing-looking new games would betray their poly count if you could see them without textures.

Correct - here's a pretty good example of a character in a modern game (image credit here: ... grotey_finished/0001.aspx ):

The general process is that the artist will create a low poly mesh of the character (image 2). They then load this into a 3D sculpting tool which hugely increases the polycount (to the order of hundreds of millions of polys) but allows the artist to work pretty much as if they were sculpting in clay. They can add as much as detail as they like here and the result is image 1 - all the detail in this image is polygons, none of it is textures.
The sculpting tool then compares the high detail model with the low detail model and creates a 'Normal Map'. This is essentially a texture which, instead of storing colour at each pixel, it stores the difference in the angle of the surface between the low poly and the high poly version.

The result when the normal map is applied to the low-poly model is image 3; pretty much indistinguishable from the high poly model but thousands of times simpler and faster to render.

The only parts that really show it's low poly at all are the edges of the model where the polygon angles give it away (look at the creature's back and the top of it's front leg). This can be reduced with tesselation, where the graphics card dynamically adds extra polygons at the edges of the model to smooth out sharp angles.
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :MP would be damn awesome

"Yee haw! We done did got ourselves a CON-VOY!!!"

S2 licensed
haha, I have my new favourite 'far too close to the bone' joke now.

Did you hear the joke about the child with AIDS? It never gets old..
S2 licensed
A good set of trucker lights should allow you to drive across the English Channel by simply boiling the water away immediately in front of the truck.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :The same can of course be said of drunks.

It's not so much 'people who are high' that I find tedious, it's 'people who define themselves by the fact that they smoke a lot of pot', who wear HI-LARIOUS 'take me to your dealer' t-shirts and seem to talk about nothing else, high or otherwise.

That's something you don't generally get much of with drunks (although I agree, the people who DO do the equivalent with booze are also very tedious people).

Quote from Bmxtwins :if we allow people to go to shops and get high, its simply going to be similar, they're going to drive high.[...] Also children will turn into bums.

[citation needed]
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :
Another random gripe: Why the hell did microsoft even sell an Xbox with a 4GB hard drive? Forza 4 takes up 3GB of it, Skyrim takes the rest. Now I have to decide which one to delete this spring.

Why don't you just upgrade to a larger... oh no wait, consoles can't do that*..

*Yes, I realise you technically can, but it's a hefty hack-job.
S2 licensed
The interesting thing about the Marajuana is the extent to which it's been legalised. Here it was declassified which just meant that if you were caught with a small amount then you'd not get prosecuted. The US states have gone 'full Amsterdam' with plans for licenced shops to sell it and licenced growers.

I can see the plus sides - it essentially puts the dealers out of business; it can be taxed; and it ensures that there's legal laws for quality control. I generally find pot-heads to be incredibly tedious people though but that's just me.

My immediate thought was "We now go to Asian repor ... ome A Flower Looks."
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
He's a communist and a Muslim too.
S2 licensed
"Zere vere zwei peanuts valking down zer Strasse. And von vas assaulted. Peanut."
S2 licensed
1. I haven't got £500.

2. I'd just be really bad at doing it.

But yes, the traits that allow people to get into positions of power are precisely the reasons they shouldn't be allowed it at all.
S2 licensed

The Republicans haven't been this disappointed since the rebels blew up their Death Star.
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
You want some good retarded Obama viewpoints? Look no further than here:

(unfortunately it uses dynamic pages for everything so I can't link to the specific Obama ones - there's a search function though)

Quote :At Barack Obama's inauguration, Aretha Franklin thrilled jubilant onlookers with her rendition of "God Save The Queen" (renamed "My Country 'Tis of Thee"). No one understood why the music of Britian's "God Save The Queen" was scheduled for the inauguration of an American President - except for Washington "insiders" like the Clintons, the Gores, the Bushes and the Quayles whose VIP seats were furnished with a dark blue fleece blanket. (see Ring Of Power, parts 4 and 5)

Another highlight of the inauguration was the arrival of Barack Obama's limousine which has been offcially named "The Beast". Anyone who is familiar with Biblical prophecy knows that "The Beast" is the Biblical term for the Antichrist and so is the number 666. The Antichrist is also called Satan and the 'Prince Of Darkness' or 'Dark (black) Prince'. The number 666 appeared in Barack Obama's campaign commercials. For his mobile and campaign text messaging, he used the numbers (62262) which adds up to 666 when the "2's" are added together.

Many youtube videos and websites are selling the belief that Barack Obama is the Antichrist or the "Prince of Darkness" found in Bible prophecy...and that's exactly what you're supposed to think! The corporate media spin doctors have been busily dropping all of the 'not so subtle' hints including naming Obama's limo "The 'Beast'. Why? Because when the real antichrist (Prince William) steps onto the world stage in 2015, the crime families want the public to accept William as the true Messiah. According to Bible prophecy, the Christ Messiah cannot return until the Antichrist rules for seven years.

S2 licensed
That's why I said 'early days'
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Abortion = murder

So is masturbation serial murder on an unprecedented scale? I imagine a good proportion of this forum would be up there with Pol Pot.
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279K now, trending towards 8.5 million
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Early days, but Kicktraq has it trending towards £5.6 million.
S2 licensed
Oh hell yes.

Until I started playing World Of Tanks, I have NEVER put so much time into playing a game as Frontier on the Amiga.

Try firing it up on WinUAE, set to emulate an Amiga 4000. It completely eliminates the pretty atrocious frame-rate problems it had on the 500 and 600, and makes it even more of a joy to play.