There used to be a stage in Network Q RAC Rally (PC game from about 15 years ago), where you'd drive about 3 miles down an almost entirely straight road at absolute top speed; after which he'd suddenly announce '30, square right' and you'd go straight on over a T-junction at 140mph.
My Focus is still going strong nearly 6 years after I bought it I love it, I have a feeling I will actually be in floods of real tears they day I have to scrap it.
Swallow your pride and drop the engine size down to 1.2 or even 1.0. As I said, after a year or two once your insurance has halved, you can start looking for something faster.
Buy whatever results in the cheapest insurance. Then, in a year or so when you have some no-claims-bonus and your insurance has halved, get something you actually want.
Expect insurance for the first year to be two or three times what the car is worth, especially as a young driver.
I came into driving late; my first car was a 1.8l estate, and as a 30 year old, with a job and a young child (so not likely to wrap it round a tree racing my friends) my first year's insurance was £1400, three hundred pounds more than I paid for the car.