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I just missed out on 50% off Carmageddon Reincarnation, by about 30 seconds. I've been meaning to get it for a few days, just went to buy it, and between adding it to the cart and checking out, the sale ended Frown
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :What is Diagonal Wheel Drive?

My favourite part:

Quote :Fuel efficiency is doubled. Say if car is running 10-14 km it will move to 20-28 Km.

S2 licensed
I read most of the first page going 'What? This is a huge LFS Forum reunion! Klutch is posting in here?? Gills? Maggot??'

But then I read the date. I am disappoint.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :obvioysly not pure white

Yes, pure white; kind of a pearly-white.

Obviously I can see it has a blue tint in the picture, we are both receiving the same information, but my brain interprets that as bluish crappy lighting, so compensates and I perceive the dress as white.

Regardless of whether I'm right (I'm 100% convinced from reading various things it is really blue and I'm just being deceived by the lighting) I think it's such a cool example of how much our brains just plain make shit up if they're unsure.
S2 licensed
So, that dress, then.
S2 licensed
So, do you see it as white with gold trim, or blue with black trim?

I can only see white and gold, although I did manage to get it to 'pop' into blue & black earlier today. I can't do it anymore.
S2 licensed
It may as well be.
S2 licensed
Quote from :Funny how other countries (UK, US) make biking extremely special. After years and years of battling all kinds of weather conditions to school and back 'we' are most of the time done with it. Especially the parking can be a pain in the ass...

The wierd thing I found when I went to Amsterdam wasn't just the sheer number of bikes, but the fact that almost all of them seemed to have been made out of scaffolding poles, in around 1940.

I think I saw two 'new' bikes the whole time I was there.
S2 licensed
1999 Ford Focus Estate. 1.8L but probably weighs 3 tons.

16 years young and still going strong. The past two MOTs have needed a grand total of about £70 of work done.

I could never drive a small car, the number of times I've needed to fit something inside it and it has fitted would mean that I would get so pissed off not being able to fit the same things in a small car.
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
I can smell you from here.
S2 licensed
I need that put on a plaque on my desk.
S2 licensed
Just had a go, it’s really good fun. The handling is noticeably better than a lot of Arcade racers (presumably we have Mr. Smith to thank for that Smile ), and I really like the Borderlands-style shaders.


I only had a few minutes to play (a sneaky go in the bogs at work) and I found it wouldn’t let me quit while I was halfway through the tutorial!
The only control which is active is the one the tutorial wants me to press next. The back button in-game, the settings menu in-game, the back and menu buttons on my phone, neither do anything. In the end I had to go to the task-manager and end-task it to quit.

Playing on a Galaxy Note 3, running Android 4.4.2
S2 licensed
DOSBox for Android and UFO: Enemy Unknown. Say goodbye to three weeks of your life.

I've also got into World Of Tanks Blitz which is surprisingly good.
S2 licensed
I really can't get my head round how powerful hand-held devices are these days. I still have trouble believing my phone is capable of 3D graphics.
S2 licensed
Yeah, it's like a little tiny squirt gun you stick up your nose. The spray has something clever in it which both dissolves all the snot and relaxes all the swelling inside and lets you breathe again. It only takes about a minute to work.
S2 licensed
Or just get some nasal spray for about £2 which works miles better than eating garlic and has the added advantage that it doesn't involve eating garlic.
S2 licensed
Yeah, the trouble with c++ is the amount of dicking about and extra bits and peices you need to just to get a simple 'hello world' running.

I still have trouble getting a new project started in VS2010.

Java's not too bad a beginning, especially with something like Netbeans which will add all your #includes for you as you go so you don't need to mess about having to import libraries just to get something to show on the screen. It's advanced enough to teach quite complex things, will show you OOP, and yet you can get it outputting some text in three or four lines.
S2 licensed
5000ft reached; better drink my own piss.
S2 licensed
To reiterate: If you are riding a bike and are cold, adjust speed either up or down.

S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :
I still go to work by bike, snow and ice are the most exciting, and -10*C doesn't really feel cold if ride in a good rythm.

Exactly. If it's too cold you're not riding fast enough.
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Fury

Awfull.. first time seeing Brad Pitt in a bad movie.

Fury movie in a nutshell