Racer XYZ is actually a persona invented by Scawen with the intention of turning every thread on the forum into mad off-topic babbling about Russia, in the hope that everyone will stop reading it and this millstone round his neck can finally die the death it's been waiting for for the past five years.
To be honest, although the theme music stirred up some pretty hefty childhood memories, I'm a little disappointed. The dinosaurs still seem to still be clinging to the 1980s idea of scaly lizards, when we now have a good idea that pretty much all theropods had feathers, and the 'super-dinosaur' idea is just a bit..... crap.
I think it's just stretched the entire thing out like a balloon - it'd look the same from the other side - look at the distance between the treads compared to the tyre behind it.
After spending a lot of time dicking about in KSP, that's SERIOUSLY impressive to think that they managed that with an actual, real space probe. With no reverting back to Vehicle Assembly.
I love the way USB cigarette-lighter chargers are now small enough that they just fill the socket entirely with no trailing wires or transformers sticking out, so I can keep it there permanently. For about £3 I can turn a useless peice of equipment on my dashboard into two USB charging ports.
Just found this free-to-play game last night, it's awesome. Think World Of Tanks crossed with Kerbal Space Program. You build tanks/flyers out of little blocks, fit them with guns and then fight them against other players in team-based arena battles. As you progress, you research better parts such as new guns, faster wheels, armour, shields, jet engines, etc.
Brilliantly, each robot is modelled as individual blocks, so when you shoot the other vehicles you knock parts off until so much is missing it can no longer drive or shoot.