You write all the countries down and draw them out between the players. Then just watch the results as they are announced and for every one of your countries which gets 'Nil Points' from each nation, you take a drink.
Pay a woman money to have sex with you and it's prostitution and illegal.
Pay that same woman to have sex with you, film it, and sell the tapes for profit, and it's entrepreneurism and is fine.
Yes I did. Flying for 10 minutes out to a target just to get immediately shot down the second you meet an enemy plane is not my idea of fun.
If they had the proper flight models with the Arcade battle types it would be great, but Historical Mode just winds me up in the same way Il-2 did - the hoops you have to jump through just to get a game with some other humans.
Australia - where the spiders are so giant and hellish, they eat SNAKES.
Photographer Ant Hadleigh caught the whole battle on camera in his backyard in Freshwater, Australia. He said "A few times the snake managed to get up and attack the spider, and the spider would run back up the web [...] You could see the spider just chewing into it and the part which the spider was eating had gone all black and the insides were bubbling [...]"
Warthunder is OK, but I've not found myself missing it when I don't play, like WOT.
What winds me up with War Thunder is the fact that with the multiple respawns each team is made up of around 60-70 aircraft so even if you kill 10 of them you'll still not make a dent in whether or not your team wins. You may as well just toss a coin.
Yes you get that in WOT too but nowhere near as much.
Why not have fictional everything? Why not have a fictional computer, then you can just sit at home masturbating whilst punching yourself in the face and crying.
I've always pictured forum posts as being the Avatar talking so I've been happily picturing Justin Bieber talking about inserting skyscrapers in his anus.
Never noticed any Russian Bias. I do perfectly well in my non-russian tanks and any tanks which have an obvious advantage are limited by being weak elsewhere
For example, the KV-1S with the 122 which is one of the prime receivers of 'ZOMG TEH RUZN BIAS' cries - if it's parked round a corner peek-a-booing at you then it WILL win. However it has paper armour and takes aeons to reload, you just have to make sure you engage it on your terms. Every tank should be OP if it's played to it's strengths versus a tank which isn't being played to its strengths. That's the point of having strengths.
I had a few hundred gold kicking about, so with my 300 for the password change I bought the FCM36 PaK40 premium TD, plus some camo for it, both on 50% discount at the moment. I'll save the rest for demounting equipment.
Had this blinder of a game yesterday - it's not the size of your gun, it's what you do with it that counts
Just started seriously playing Tier 7 (I'm very purposely not rushing up the tiers) this month after I bought the T29. I'd had the KV-3 since it got up-tiered months ago, but never really played it that much.
My favourites (apart from the T29 which is awesome) are still my beloved PzB2 740(h) and my T40.
Regarding the gold ammo argument above, I'll happily eat my words and say it's made a very insignificant impact on gameplay, at least in the tiers I usually fight (4-6).
Obviously the release of the smoke is computer-controlled (the world's biggest dot-matrix printer.. ) but is it five planes in formation or one plane with five smoke generators?