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S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :If you've got insurance you can pretty much get flu shots for free here.

If you're a human being you can get flu shots for free here
S2 licensed
Which way is the train going?

S2 licensed
It's like Night Of The Living dead Threads round here lately.
S2 licensed
It seems the iOS version is free for today too.
S2 licensed
Frontier: First Encounters running through DOSBox
S2 licensed
For Mysho's sake, female balls only.
S2 licensed
I'm certain the vortices in Die Hard 2 are cause by real aircraft, it's not a CGI film
S2 licensed
There's a lovely example of it happening for real at the end of Die Hard 2; where John McClain has blown up the 747 and the other aircraft are using the flaming wreckage as landing lights, landing through the billowing smoke.

Watch for it next time

What's more those vortices can last for 10 minutes or more, just lazily rolling down the length of the runway. There are rules on how close light aircraft can follow heavier ones when landing, as vortices from a big plane can easily hurl a smaller one into the ground.
S2 licensed
Everything I draw ends up looking like a diagram of a vagina.
S2 licensed
That's a lot of whores to hide. There'll be a crash and piles of them will fall out of cupboards.
S2 licensed
Make a mob-grinder which will spawn both good and evil mobs (so needs both lit and dark areas), which has two options, selected by a switch -

1. Mobs are then killed by whatever means you want and the drops carried to one spot for you to pick up.

2. Mobs are carried, alive, to a holding area where you can then kill them en-masse with whatever means you want, for you to pick up the xp orbs.
S2 licensed
Found my Windows CD now, so I'm doing a clean reinstall.

Thanks for the advice anyway guys
Are there any legit registry cleaners?
S2 licensed
My PC needs a good cleanout, but I've searched high and low for my Windows CD and can't find it, so can't do a fresh install for now.

Are there any 'spring cleaning' apps out there that actually work, instead of just causing more problems than they claim to solve?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mysho :
what other games do u guys play / recommend on adroid?
Carmageddon on Android
S2 licensed

The original Carmageddon is finally being released on Android next week, and will be free for the first 24 hours. Pretty awesome news
S2 licensed
Well shiver me timbers. The circuit-board swap actually WORKED. I've got everything back!!! BIG thanks to everyone who gave me the confidence to actually try it.

Didn't need soldering at all - all the connections from the CB to the drive wre the compression type where the contacts are just pushed together when it's screwed down.

It also seems the problem wasn't caused by general wear & tear on the drive, it was....... leaking watercooling fluid..
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
Rule 31. No exceptions.
S2 licensed
Been a while since I did any. In most of the videos I've seen it just pops off so possibly (hopefully) it depends on the drive. It should arrive in the next day or so so we'll see.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Lovely ambience music.

Oh yes, I'm a sucker for a tender love ballad.
S2 licensed
Blaize Bailey was utter gash in Maiden, he's just nowhere near a good enough singer. He's pretty awesome in Wolfsbane though.
S2 licensed
Just bought a drive on Ebay. This is mine:

This is the one I've bought:

Serial numbers are only 7000 apart, so they seem to have been made only a day or so apart, bit of luck there.

Fingers crossed for the circuit board swap.
S2 licensed
I have a group of about ten songs that vie for the title of 'favourite' depending on my mood and how long since I last heard them.

At the moment Probably 'Walk with me in hell' by Lamb of God, or 'This Calling' by All That Remains.
S2 licensed
Don't be too brilliant at the racing parts if there's voting, as people might see you as too tough competition, and vote YOU out.