It's not a constant click-click-click as it spins, it spins up normally then there's five or six loud whacks which sounds like the read head hitting the stops, then it sounds fine.
If it was a head crash, wouldn't it be a constant clicking as it spins?
My drive spins up (so it's not the motor) and then I get 5 or 6 loud clicks before it goes quiet and I get a 'Boot failure' error. Does that sound like the symptoms you had?
If it's a real thing, why advertise it with a three year old game that's MILES better on the PC anyway, retails for about 5 quid, and which the native PC version would run significantly better than trying to emulate the 360 version?
The problem is that the compiled assembler code in the retail product is specific to a certain CPU architecture (which the 360 and PC don't share), so you have to translate instructions on the fly as they're sent to the CPU. It's certainly possible to emulate any system, but this translation software has a large perfomance cost, assuming you even have the inside knowlege of the emulated CPU architecture to write it.
If you had the source code you could theoretically recompile it for a different architecture, but you'd still have LOTS of platform specific libraries which would need to be replaced for it to even compile, let alone run and be playable.
Oh god yes, that was an amazing game. How moddable will AC be? Could someone put a modern version of those tracks in there?
One thing I never worked out (as I had an, ahem, 'aquired' version, so no instructions) was what the black circles that appeared in the damage meter along the top indicated. Anyone know?
All this posturing is them trying to force an official 'we're sorry, you won and we were wrong' from South Korea for the Korean War. As it stands, it's still just at a (very long) ceasefire.