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S2 licensed
Fashion Goatse!

S2 licensed
There you go.
S2 licensed
Just Cause 2 for £1.99 at the moment.

Cracking game, imagine GTA but instead of an upwardly-mobile crime-lord you're a terrorist (sorry, 'freedom fighter') on a South American island, one of the largest game maps ever.

The main 'thing' (all good games have a 'thing') that makes it stand out is that you have a grappling hook which you can fire at stuff and then either pull it towards yourself or reel yourself in. You can also use it to attach two objects together.
For example you can use your parachute (which respawns indefinitely) to parascend behind a car, or pull a bad-guy off a building, or attach the jeep you're being chased by to a truck travelling in the opposite direction, or jump out of a helicopter seconds before it explodes, fire the grapple at the other helicopter which just shot you down, reel yourself in, shoot the pilot, climb in and carry on your mission from in there.

I've been in a huge firefight, ran out of ammo, needed to take out a guy dug-in with a minigun and eventually got out of it by using the grapple to attach him to a passing aircraft. "ICANSEE myhousefromheeeereeee....."
S2 licensed
Speaking of which:

S2 licensed
Also, having female friends for reasons other than 'because I want to f*ck them'.

It must be weird being a meat-headed simpleton.
S2 licensed
I think his closely-guarded secret may be not refrerring to women as 'sloots'.
S2 licensed
I think every quantitative measurement should be indicated with little smiley faces.

Not just in cars, in EVERYTHING.
S2 licensed

My dad (a 65-year-old Iron Maiden fan, FTW) today reeled off a list of bands he likes at the moment, one of which was Albany Down. I thought 'hang on a minute, that sounds familiar....' dug out this thread and lol and behold it was our very own Dajmin's band. I thought that was pretty cool.

Small world
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Yeah, someone can have my Mirror's Edge and Dead Space 1 codes if they want.

EDIT: Mirror's Edge key has gone.
Last edited by Crashgate3, .
S2 licensed
I imagine it's due to there being no (or minimal) internal structure to the tyre - they're just modelled as a springy rubber 'bag' around the wheel. So when the wheel spins, the centrifugal force* makes the tyre expand around the wheel.

* yes, I know it's actually centripetal forces, 'centrifugal force' is perfectly acceptable term to use in a rotating frame of reference.
S2 licensed
You wouldn't download a car..
The Humble Origin Bundle - Eight AAA games for ~£3
S2 licensed

8 triple-A games, in a pay-what-you-want bundle (minumum $1), with all the money going to Charity.

You get:
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise
Crysis 2: Maxumum Edition
Mirror's Edge
Dead Space 3
Medal Of Honour

and if you pay more than the average (currently $4.74) you also get

Battlefield 3
The Sims 3 Starter Pack

Yes, admittedly none of them are perfect examples of their genre, and chances are you've already got a couple (I have Dead Space and Mirror's Edge already), but for 3 quid you'd be stupid not to.

You get Steam keys for DS, BP, C2:ME, MoH and ME, and Origin Downloader keys for the rest.
S2 licensed
English is like C++. A collection of whatever seemed useful at the time, taken from other languages.
S2 licensed
It would be visually more obvious on a monster truck (as the tyres take up more of the screen) but as Keling says, you'd feel the effects more on the go-kart.
S2 licensed
The 'That's Racist!' kid was posted with tongue firmly in cheek, don't worry.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :NASCAR on ice.

That should be a musical.
S2 licensed
I once went to see a Sheffield Steelers vs Manchester Storm game where the fight lasted longer than an entire period.
S2 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :That triple "f" is something rather new. In order to simplify German (in Germany) it was introduced 7 years ago

It's all a conspiracy by the German signwriting industry.
S2 licensed
Presumably, the photo at the top was taken just after the girl hugged the guy in the middle?