I don't think it's a photoshop, it's just taken with a lens that massively exaggerates the perspective making an (admittedly large) rabbit look freakishly huge.
Does anyone regularly use any browser that isn't Chrome or FF? I've been a FF user for years but it's REALLY starting to get on my nerves, mostly due to the random 10 second freezes and the fact that it'll happily much through 500MB of memory with just a single tab open.
I can't use Chrome because the Mrs's bookmarks are on there and using two browsers is far, far easier than having to set her up her own login or having to explain browser profiles.
haha, the thing with the cat is amazing! I've calmed my cats for years by holding them by the back of the neck (if anyone thinks it's cruel, it's not; it's how their mothers hold them when they're kittens, so if you hold the skin there, they relax) but I'd never have thought of just attaching something there.
Being incapable of work (let's assume that it would be a genuine claim - you crashed your racing car or something ) isn't the same as being unemployed.
How much would you get if you were perfectly capable of working, just 'between jobs'?
I get around £1100 a month (after deductions) in my current job, at a stockbroker. 3 years ago I was made redundant at my last job and was unemployed for 6 months, constantly applying for jobs and searching for work, and I was getting just over £500 a month as unemployment benefit. It was just enough to live on but I wouldn't want to try it again.
One thing I did completely disagree with was the checks they did to make sure you were looking for work. They consisted of them asking me if I'd been looking for work and me replying 'yes.'
Pretty sure I remember reading (or seeing on TV) speedboats have a dead-man's switch in case he helmsman falls overboard. No idea if they actually do though.