Basically you need a reasonable knowledge of the track and car, plus a decent setup you're comfortable with helps alot.
I tried your setup and I couldn't complete a lap (like I said online, I can't drive the FXR unless it has a locked diff). I don't think the setup is really built well for the track, I couldn't take T1 as fast I can with Flotch's setup (100-102mph) and the rear end wasn't very stable when it came to braking before the hairpins, but maybe that is just down to my driving style...
Yes there is, Options > Misc > Dynamic LOD Reduction: 1.00
Your wheels will be square at the start and the detail on the other cars will be poor, but you keep your frame rate high. And when the pack spreads out the detail returns to full.
The GTR's are hard to race, mainly because of the cars different strengths and weaknesses of each of them. The FXR is fast off the start but slow on straights, the XRR is slow off the start but quick and the straights and the FZR is good all round.
Alot of people get impatient when they're trying to pass so they pass as soon as they can, which mostly causes crashes...
I was disapointed with Wales' performance against Poland, but after the game they mentioned the England score, that put a big smile on my face.
I believe it's the 4-5-1 formation Sven has started using that is bringing out these poor performances. The only player that seems to suit it is Beckham, and he isn't really on his best form at the moment. Beckham is always the first to be criticised, and I think it is really unfair. He is playing fairly well, the best in the England squad at the moment, but he is taking the most stick for it.
John Toshack for England Coach I say, bring Hughes (or Coleman) back to Wales
Good idea, the tests need a bonus to give the drivers an incentive to do them. I have noticed alot of people driving cars they are unable to drive, you learn alot about them in the tests. After a frustrating session the other day, I thought that it might be a good idea if there was a server option that requires people to have passed the test with the car so they can drive it on the server that enables that option.