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Quote from de Souza :Well I went off to watch Siirto's pit, and it was ok. So the problem could be on mine??

Rewinded to lap 37 and saw... this...

Does it count as an infraction? I mean I was already on the pitlane side. (please???)

Edit @ Cropsy: Twice? I don't get it. Only one pit.

You could be in line for 2 penatlies, is all I'm saying. You might get away with one, who knows.. People have been penalized for pit entry and exit before, but not twice on an entry, as far as I know.

S2 licensed
Quote from de Souza :
Don't know about Siirto, but I'm sure I did it right this time!

As far as I could tell, you cut the entrance twice!
S2 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :Zoom madness!
If it's ok i will use the Zoom pic on our website for the upcoming news about this race?

Of course, feel free to use them.
S2 licensed
From the nightmare that was Westhill

Last edited by Cropsy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :
Dadge uploaded the replay here.


Quote from franky500 :Gonna catch up with things and then get the official results sorted.

Please don't!
S2 licensed
I forgot to save the replay, any chance someone could put it up?
S2 licensed

Quali went surprisingly well, got 4th spot.

The race didn't go so well. For most of it I was in a daze, the only thing keeping me fully conscious was the big pain in my arse which eventually became so numb I could barely stand afterward.
The start (along with the rest of the race) was very uneventful. After TJ had passed us like we weren't there, Siirto and I were half a second apart for what felt like a long time until he eventually disappeared from my mirrors.That's about the closest thing I had to a fight for the whole race.

I pitted around lap 32, expecting a tyre change as I had 'Change tyre if wear is 51%', but it didn't come. I think I might have a 20 second penalty from that pit entrance.
Exited the pits in 6th place with massive gaps infront and behind me.
After TJ pitted there was about 6 seconds between us. While it would have been nice to catch him, my main concern was increasing the gap of the cars behind me as I wasn't sure if I had a penalty coming my way or not. I figured I would finish 4th if the penalty stood, comfortably 2nd if not.. maybe 1st...
I was in a pretty good rhythm, consistently low-mid 10's and several new PB's. Then it all went tits up, on lap 52 I blew a tyre going into T4 and dropped down to 6th after my pitstop. And here I'm sure I'm getting a(nother?) penalty for cutting the pit entrance.
I came out just ahead of Gerdoner, as I was on new tyres I didn't hold back at all, but completely lost my rhythm. Even still, I slowly pulled away from him.
On Lap 59 a back-marker left a tyre stack on the race line entering the 2nd chicane. I punted this pretty hard and it sent the front of my car into the air leaving it with some fairly nasty suspension damage.
For the last lap my steering felt awkward. It was light, but controllable. Fortunately Gerdoner didn't close the gap.. but I guess it doesn't matter as I'm gonna be just about last after that penalty (or 2).
S2 licensed
Again, I haven't got around to practicing and with work today I'll get in very few laps before Quali.. and there's a chance I'll miss some if not all of the Quali session.
S2 licensed
I have! Used to collect these obsessively when I was a kid.

Found 3 new codes from a quick Google search:


Edit, oh shush Zeug!
S2 licensed
Nice to see you're still around, Petri! All the best.
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 : ... p%20League%20quarter1.wmv for the 155mb version,

That works, cheers!

Great video, good job
S2 licensed
It keeps hanging on 'Connecting...'
S2 licensed
Some from KY
S2 licensed
For me, qualifying was frustrating. I started off taking big chunks out of my PB's, then I lost my rhythm and wasn't getting close to it. I could have perhaps improved my position in the dying seconds of the session, but ran into traffic and stayed in 10th.

The start of the race was surprisingly clean, I was expecting something nasty to happen at T1 but everyone got through with very little paint swapped.
Widdow started behind me in 11th place, which gave me a good view of his truly epic start, I think he jumped 5 or 6 places on the first lap. Top quality racing from him.

I went for an early pit stop this time because I wasn't too comfortable racing on this circuit, and that showed when I had a collision with Gerdoner early on at the chicane (sorry about that).
When I pitted on lap 6 I was trailing Dadge and gAg which looked like it was going to turn into a heated battle.
Other than a short fight with Franky and a little later with de Souza, it was rather quiet for me until I ran into Dadge exiting the pits on Lap 34.
At this point I was already knackered and my arse was numb - and I just knew Dadge wouldn't stay behind me without giving it a bloody good go.
Around lap 40 he had moved into passing range, and for so long that's where we stayed. For the next 5 laps or so we were swapping position constantly. I didn't think the racing could get any better.. then gAg joined in between us after his pit stop.
There was plenty of times I thought they got the better of me, or I got the better of them and the tight racing was going to end. But it just didn't, none of us were willing to quit.
From there on we were all jumping between 2nd and 4th, the last 10 laps were particularly special. And it really did go down to the wire.
On the final left hander of the last lap me and Torpaa made contact, there wasn't much, although a little bit of lag turned into a pretty nasty bang and caused him to spin (If it wasn't for that, Kamo might well have seen himself drop to 5th).
gAg got caught up in the crash too, and pulled out just ahead of me. I took over coming out of the final turn, and was convinced I had 3rd. But he moved into my slip stream and stole it, 0.02 ahead of me.

It was an amazing race, it's definitely up there with the best I've had. Hat off to Dadge and gAg - and thanks to the pair of you. Top racing!
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :still hungover are we?

Aye, still recovering. But I had work today too, that didn't take as long as expected so it turns out I can race, and I can squeeze in some practice too.
S2 licensed
Afraid I'm gonna have to drop out of this one.
S2 licensed
I haven't got around to it yet, and will struggle to get any practice in over the weekend...
S2 licensed
And a few of mine
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :
Tracks need to be in lengh, no more than 2 minutes per lap (maximum) and ideally be less than 1 minute 40 per lap.

Keeping that in mind, AS Nat would be a quicker race than Rev with it's close your eyes and hope for the best T1, and deceiving last corner.
Or better yet, AS North (or Rev). It's not that much longer than National.

BL1 rev gets my vote too, and FE Gold - either way.
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :
Quick note: Next race is on SUNDAY 11th, not Saturday as it previously stated.

Good stuff, I might be able to make it then.
S2 licensed
My pre-race goal was just to add enough fuel to see me to the finish this time, but after I qualified in 5th just behind Franky I was determined to give it a good go... or at least beat him.

At the start of the 3rd lap me and Franky were jostling for position, side by side for the first 3 turns and Jokelainen right behind us. At T4 Franky had the better line and left me behind, allowing Jokelainen to get the better line into T5 - he pulled off a very slick, clean pass.

This left all 3 of us fairly close, with too much of a gap to make a move for a few laps. While we were all making mistakes and opening and closing gaps there was a big convoy forming behind.
On Lap 9 Franky, for whatever reason slowed on the back straight forcing Jokelainen to brake, therefore I had to brake. Allowing Sidi to pull along side me and pass on the outside of the tight hairpin - I was victim of another slick pass.
I stuck with him until I tried to get my position back. Going into T2 on Lap 10 I got it wrong and hit the barrier, letting gAg pass and Pingo right next to me. He got the better of me at T4, and as I was off the racing line and perhaps a bit too desperate to keep up with him I lost a place to TJ too. But he gave it right back when he clipped a barrier. Leaving me in 9th.

A few laps later I managed to catch up with Sidi, but even with his big ballast he's still a bugger to pass. Our fight allowed Torpaa to catch up, and this is where things got a bit ugly.
On lap 14 Torpaa tried an adventerous pass at T1, he braked late trying to divebomb me but failed, fortunately there was no contact. However, on lap 15 he tried it again. This time he was further behind, and me and Sidi were already side-by-side in the braking zone. Sidi managed to cut in behind Torpaa, but I didn't. He pinned me against the barrier as he was carrying to much speed. However, on the next corner Torpaa managed to pin Sidi against the wall causing him to spin and I ran into him (sorry!). Llane then managed to pass me at T5 after some massive under steer, but he ran wide on the exit hitting a barrier. On the exit of the fast left hander, as I was next to him he ran a little wide, pinning me against the barrier.
All of this left me was some fairly noticeable suspension damage, fortunately it wasn't too bad. On top of that, I was worried about my Clutch temp, it was slipping into the red frequently so I had to ease off slightly.

It was all very quiet until Lap 24, where after an extremely dodgy defensive move by Torpaa on gAg at the tight hairpin saw him spin, I punted Torpaa which helped him face the right way.
A few laps later he tried another dodgy defensive move on me at T2 cutting right across inside the braking zone to block me, karma got the better of him and he outbraked himself, allowing me and Sidi to pass.
For several laps Sidi was on my tail, but his ballast gave me enough edge to keep out of touching distance. And I got some more breathing space when Sidi and Torpaa collided at T2.

Franky and gAg were having a furious battle ahead of me, for many laps we had been closing in on them. The closer I got, the scarier it looked.
They touched at the end of Lap 29, letting Franky forge a big gap.. until T2 on Lap 30. Franky ran wide and collided with gAg again, letting me slip just ahead of them both.
Rather than become their play thing and have my bumpers re-shaped - I entered the pits. And it was a wise choice, when gAg pitted a few laps later the time he lost fighting with Franky was massive.

From there it was a lonely hot lapping session, I was trying to work out where I would end up when everyone had done there stops. I assumed 5th and got 5th after Jokelainen made a mistake on the 2nd turn coming out of the pits, letting me slip pass... and I missed Siirto pitting early on.

All in all it was a good race, but damn exhausting!
Unfortunately I won't be able to make the next race, hopefully I'll see you at Westhill.
S2 licensed
Knocked out a quick results piccy, for old times sake...

Seems your stats messed up after the penalties were applied, Franky. It put Jokelainen behind Naraeho but he was actually 2 seconds quicker..?