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My race was rather quiet. Early on I was fighting P.Santos for 5th place, but Gang took advantage of our scrap and stole the position. After a few more laps of switching positions Santos (purposely?) disconnected. Shortly after Gang made a couple of mistakes allowing me to catch up and challenge him for the spot. We were switching position for several laps until he went into the pits on lap 11.
From there on, I was all alone. The group infront had created a large gap and were lapping far quicker and more consistently than me.
On Lap 35 I had a tangle with Torpaa. Shortly before I had lapped him, then coming out of the last turn I ran a little wide, allowing him the get in my stream and take me on the straight. I assumed he was going to stay infront of me, so I tucked in behind him onto the raceline before T1. But we both had different ideas, just as I moved behind him he broke early to let me pass, maybe I could have avoided him - although this time we had the same idea and both tried moving to the right and we collided. Both of us went sideways and I slipped onto the grass, fortunately we both recovered well and neither of us lost TOO much time.
After that K.Piropo was right behind me and lapping a lot quicker. Rather than risk losing more time in a fight that wouldn't have ended well for me, I entered the pits. Leaving me all alone again..
It was all going well for me, I was sitting in 4th after Gerdoner got a flat and finally lapping consistently.
Then on the final lap, just coming out of T1 I run out of fuel. Game over.
I intended to start with 61%, but it seems I forgot to add that extra 1%.

It was a fun race anyway, hopefully I'll be around to join the next race.
S2 licensed
My first skin in a long, long time...
S2 licensed
I'm hoping to attend this one, and probably a couple more before the season is out. Things haven't been clicking since I came back from my long break, so I'll be sure to get in plenty of practice before Sunday.
S2 licensed
Quote from menantoll :You guys need to learn the difference between dead not as busy as it used to be. The difference is huge. We get new users every day in ihr servers.

Lfs is far from dead.

The game may not be dying, but racing is.
At least it feels like that to me. Before I quit - about 3 years ago - you were spoiled for choice with different combos. Nowadays, you're pretty much stuck with multiclass, demo, cruising or drifting servers. Unless you're happy to race with grids that aren't even a quarter full.
Personal RAC skin
S2 licensed
After sometime driving the rac in the CLC servers, I've decided to create a skin for it. I've tried several different designs, but resorted to copying my fxr design. Although, I'm not quite sure it works too well with the rac shape.
It's nearly completed, just a few bare patches need to be filled. Only here to get opinions on whether it's worth finishing, or having another shot at the design.
S2 licensed

Track environments
Aston 35394 miles

Track configurations

Aston National 20696 miles

FXR 32860 miles (more miles in this than all the other cars put together :schwitz


Track environments
Autocross 284 miles

Track configurations
Fern Bay Black rev 4 miles

LX6 93 miles
S2 licensed
Me and Javi were battling in the XFR's for awhile, I got a little impatient with his blocking, and after he made a risky pass entering the Eau Rouge, I decided to get away from him as quickly as I could, before he takes us both out. After that it got a little lonely, Locovich crashed while me and Javi were fighting, and Javi crashed while chasing me, and pulled out of the race. Hopefully there will be a better turnout for Westhill.
S2 licensed
I'm in, with the XFR again.
S2 licensed
Results pic & Stats (kinda messy, don't know why...)
S2 licensed
Qualified 4th, equalling my PB. The start of the race was superb, for the first 12 laps I was stuck inbetween, infront and behind the DB guys, with some great fights. Due to some stupid moves by me, they both eventually created a gap to stop the fights and pull away.
From then on it was all very lonely, which left me alot of time to think about a strategy. I went into the race not knowing what to do because I spent time practicing for the LFS GT rather than this (and didn't race in the LFS GT afterall).
I started with R3's, but when I pitted on lap 42 I changed to R2's, to give the DB guys a bit more of a challenge. Sadly, that didn't work. They were still too quick for me. My rear right tyre refused to heat up, making the right hairpin and chicane very hard to take. Finished 4th.

Congrats to Lake, amazing drive from him - We need you in the LFS GT

Results pic & stats coming soon...
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :Just checked timings.. if race was moved 30 mins later. think some of u LFS GT'ers could make it?

I'll do my best to be there. Probably won't get any practice in though, and might miss the quali, I'm usually knackered after the LFS GT races.

edit - Have you already signed me up as sccc|n00b or is that Zeug?
S2 licensed
woohoo!! Aston National at last. I'm in.

Edit; No I'm not. Same day as the lfs gt
S2 licensed
South City Cab Co

Driver: Peter Oey
LFSW: Popeye
Nationality: Netherlands

Driver: Richard Croppier
LFSW: Cropsy
Nationality: Wales

Driver: Jan Gruner
LFSW: three_jump
Nationality: Germany
Last edited by Scoop, .
S2 licensed
Quote from skander :I have complaint about RICHIC .

The bank was open and a german do know who blocked it
so i said im gonna push him out and if i rob just get the money but leave me alone dont spec me because i wanted to help

and no RICHIC puttted me on spec with my uf1 i dont have money to buy a knew one
i said CLEARLY that i would help and maby rob and not run away!!!!1

Why he heggg did he do it then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really mad now 2ND time he is doing this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed this, just like you missed my message saying "stop complaining" :banghead:
I told everyone that if you're caught robbing the bank, you will be forced into spectate - many people saw this, and many people continued complaining when it happened to them. The cops will not bend over and let everyone run riot.
S2 licensed
Nice one Franky, hope you can keep good order like you did in OFP.

Quote from franky500 :
3.) Abuse will no longer be taken, Give abuse. take a ban.
4.) Please keep foul language to a minimum.

I warned someone about these rules you keep, he replied "ROFL IM AN ADUALT I DO WHAT I WANT BIOTCH". I was suprised how well he proved his maturity (and how proud his English teach would be).
S2 licensed
Quote from CJ Ice :Didnt do anything, i was makin a pitstop at that moment

That is not true. AMR busted you for speeding and wreckless driving. You refused to pay the fine, much later on you still hadn't paid it, so you were banned (by vote if I remember correctly).
Razvan wasn't on duty, but that doesn't mean he can't kick or make you spectate for not paying a fine, all admins can do this as it is against the game rules.

Anyway, I doubt you will be missed from the server...
S2 licensed
Plenty of grumpy people around this morning. The server isn't working correctly, so some are complaining about that, and most are whinging because they haven't read the rules. One even blamed me because he lost his UF1 after he pitted. illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :I'm trying to get my badge and uniform at this very moment . Hopefully I'll be back on showing you my lights in your mirrors

In that case I won't be robbing the bank with you around... or atleast until I imrpove my LX6 skills.
S2 licensed
Qualified first, for the first time this season I managed to put my pole position to good use and keep the lead for the whole race. Xenoa was hovering around my rear bumper for the first couple of laps, on lap 3 he made some mistakes and he dropped back. I gained a comfortable lead and kept at a steady pace.

On the 2nd lap of race 2 I braked long before T1 which caused D34NO to hit me, making him go into the gravel. Again, very sorry for that. My front right tyre was left very hot, and I was sitting in 11th place.
On lap 6 I was in 6th chasing Kiki Momo, it stayed like that until lap 14. Everytime he made a mistake, I would too, it was the same when I was ahead aswell. Coming out of the first chicane I ran wide, so did he, going into the following corner he went wide again which helped me stay ahead. Finished 5th.
Throughout both races I had problems with my front right tyre, I think it's down to getting a new steering wheel a few days before the race rather than tyre settings. On almost all of the turns my tyres were working harder than they should have been. Hopefully I will have gotten the technique right by next season.

Congrats to Alt-Ctrl for winning race 2. And Xenoa for winning the league.
Thanks to Kalle for organizing the league.
S2 licensed
I had practiced with Xenoa earlier in the day, and learnt he is alot quicker, so getting Pole was quite a suprise to me. For the first few laps Xenoa was chasing close but not attempting to pass, until my tyres overheated and I made several mistakes. He finally past then I overtook him again at the first hairpin. Going into the turn after the first split marker he pulled off a superb pass and pulled away. I didn't have the grip to keep up so I stayed at a steady pace.
With three laps left Porculio and Alt-Ctrl caught up to less than a second, luckily at this time my tyres had cooled down and I could keep ahead of them, just.
This was the first race all season I have done without crashing.. and not setting the fastest lap.

Starting the second race I was nervous at being knocked out by someone else because of the lag lap. Many, many cars hit me, I went onto my roof and more cars hit me.
The start wasn't as bad as the lag lap, but the outcome was worse. Novoa tried to pass at the worse possible turn on the track (T6), we went in side by side, he was far too fast and off the racing line. So he went wide and forced me into the barrier. Due to bad damage and a brain fart I drove into the barrier again a little bit further down the track. I'm very annoyed at Novoa, and thinking about making a complaint.

Congrats to Xenoa/Cawaa/XFR
S2 licensed
I love the n1 skins, they were the main inspiration for my personal skin. The ATC skins are my favorite at the moment though, and have been for some time. The green and red part is a great design, and the large white portion gives it a clean, sexy look.
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :Second race I ran wide and on the grass on turn1 and was up the inside for turn2, which I cam int oo hot and understeere into Cropsy, sorry mate.

Thats ok mate. Just a racing accident, wrong place at the wrong time.

Good job with the stats.
S2 licensed
A few pics from Race 2 of the UXRL tonight.