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S2 licensed
Quote : im really beginning to think this game is all about arguing, bickering, and generall being arseholes to each other every night.

There is far too much of that I agree, and the LFS community isn't what it used to be, but it is still one of the best and most helpful communities there is in the online gaming world. Don't be put off by a few non-racing related incidents or racing incidents, you (along with everyone else) will get into arguements while racing whether you want to or not...remember you're on the internet.
S2 licensed
How is that video supposed to help you learn how to drift? It's just your typical drift video, but with piss poor quality...
S2 licensed
I thought that had fixed it, but it has happened twice again today. This is so frustrating, after it happened earlier today I was just waiting for it to happen again, then when I thought the problem had gone away again, it happened again...when I was leading too
S2 licensed
I can't really get hold of another card until next week. I'm pretty sure it's not a graphics card problem, it's unlikely to have two cards that have the exact same problem. Plus I don't think reinstalling LFS will help really, as OFP is having problems too.
S2 licensed
Well, that didn't work. I'm having problems with LFS too. Alot of objects disapear and parts of the track, also it becomes very laggy, the FPS drops very low. Any ideas what is wrong with it?
S2 licensed
I got my pedals back this morning, and just had a few laps around Ashton and they seem to be working fine, they actually feel better than they did when they were brand new. Good job Shaun, thanks again.
S2 licensed
I replaced my graphics card to (with the same card), and OFP just crashed again, same error messages. I'm going to try the DriverCleaner that Fordman mentioned before, and the 81.95 drivers Fred mentioned (I was using 81.98).
S2 licensed
OFP crashed again last night, I thought I sorted it by downloading the latest directx last night, but it has just crashed again, but this time with a new message:

CreateIndexBuffer failed 8876086a - out of memory?

I guess I'll pick up a new card tomorrow...
S2 licensed

Thanks man. You have way too much time on your hands
S2 licensed
Can someone render my skin (attatched), with the same scene as Tristan used for Spinnenbein's render? and make it 1280x1024?
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :That skin is really a beauty... Maybe add the green on the front bumper from the old skin too... But I couldn't think of anything else to make it more beautiful than it is now...

Thank you
I just tried adding the old green bumper, but I don't think it fits in so well with the new changes, so it is now red, and the skin is complete.
S2 licensed
Quote :select the layer of your banner, then draw a selection box around it. click distort>shear and a popup window will appear. click in the middle of the vertical line and drag it horizontally out of center and watch your banner distort.

i hope i explain that well?

Yeah, that has sorted it, thanks alot

Quote : i use buntas 2048x2048 pro kits and just resize to 1024x1024. any better way i'd like to hear myself.

I started making the original skin before Bunta released the pro kit, even before S2 was released. I couldn't be bothered to ship all of the layers from the current .psd to the pro kit psd.

Anyway, here is the skin & the previous version.
Not many changes really, and the only really noticable changes are towards the front of the car.

Improvement or not?
S2 licensed
Damn right After a horrible day in work that really change my mood, he gave me a fair price too.
Roll on monday.

I can see it now, get my pedals back and my grapics card packs in.
S2 licensed
I used to race in the ATC 60 lap GP's alot before S2 was released. They took about 95 minutes. After awhile they felt too short, I was talking to Franky about it, he was planning on making them longer but then S2 was released and the GP's disapeared, nice to see they're back.
S2 licensed
Simply superb, one of the best videos I've seen.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Hi Again Cropsy

I have the same card, and I must say, no problems here atm, but I did have problems with certain drivers from Nvidia. LFS actually done this once.

Usually find this happened when I didn't use driver cleaner when changing Forceware drivers.

Also, another thing. You didn't say which brand of card it is. I have the BFG 5500 256mb O/C version, and the stock h/s and fan is to be honest, totally naff. It got to hot, and crashed. I replaced this with a Copper base Thermaltake H/S and fan unit, and it works a treat. Obviously your card is alot newer then mine, but this was easy to test. Get PC running for a few minutes, start your game, and then feeling the H/S ( NOT THE CARD ) if it burns you, then its to hot


Last time I uninstslled the driver through add/remove prgrams, this time I was too lazy and just installed the drivers again without uninstalling them first.
It's an Inno3D card, there is two computers in the shop now that are open with the same card (apart from they are 128mb, not 256mb), and both of them are very hot. Not exactly hot enough to burn me, but just about bearable. I will check mine tonight when I get home and have another session on OFP. I would change the fan, but when it comes to hardware, I just don't trust myself (and with good reason). If I have any more problems with it I can change it anyway.
Thanks yet again mate
S2 licensed
Quote from FRED :i have the same card but havent had any problems
im still using the nvidia Version:81.95 gfx drivers
which version you using?
if you try older drivers and still have the same problem its more than likely to be faulty card

I think I have the latest drivers 8.something. I'll try the 81.95 drivers when I get home if I don't already have them.
S2 licensed

If it is faulty I could return it and get a replacement, but I'm tempted to get a different, newer card...
S2 licensed
I'm having a problem with my graphics card (I think). This has happened before and it's just happened again. Both times it's happened while playing operation flashpoint, just after a map has loaded and the game is about to start,it freezes for about 1 minute then closes.
Last time it happened I just reinstalled the graphics card drivers, it's simple to fix but damn annoying, is it down to a faulty graphics card, bad drivers or something else?
S2 licensed
Quote from sshhaabb :Hello all

I am very new to LFS and have tried to climb a ladder from the top.

Its been a mistake coming in with a fast car from the begining and spoiling it for others as yourselves.

I am improving daily and and have started learing all the rules and have understood the respect of drivers on the track.

I hope you guys give me one more chance and remove the bans.

Looking forward to racing with you all again.

Everyone gets impatient with beginners, I would suggest you try several of the lessons in the training. Those lessons will really help you learn how to control the cars, plus help you learn the line of the tracks and the best places to overtake people.
I've seen you on the Speedway RTR server quite alot, that is Ashton National with the GTR cars. It's a tough track with hard cars to drive, not the best learning ground for someone who is new to LFS. If you want to continue driving there with those cars, it will be best if you practice more offline rather than online. Also, have a look at the world record replay. When learning a new track I always find watching several of the replay from LFSWorld helps me learn the brake points, line etc...
S2 licensed
Oops, I made the skin at 1024x1024, for some reason I thought skins had to be uploaded at 512x512 one problem sorted.
I tried using shear before, but I don't understand how that tool works, whenever I try to bend it, the whole layer moves and becomes slanted, like italic text.
S2 licensed
I have edited my old FXR skin slightly, it's very nearly finished. I just need two answers before it is done...
With photoshop, how can you curve an image so it can fit on the suntrip properly? I just want the Vodafone text on the sunstrip, but it tends to curve away from the bottom.
And, when resizing (again, with photoshop), what are the best settings to use so you don't lose so much quality. I have tried using sharpen, but that just seems to make the edges darker.
S2 licensed
I've got the latest 8.0 drivers, but sadly I haven't really been able to test the card, because the day I got it I also decided to open up my pedals and fix them, which I shouldn't have done.
I managed to get in a couple of races before I f***** my pedals, it was quite an improvement. I did have one problem though, the game froze for several seconds, twice. One time in the pits and another going up the hill of Ashton, causing one or two people to crash. This never happened when I had the 5200 installed. I was told that it could have been caused by still having the 5200 drivers installed, hopefully that was the case...
S2 licensed
when you download them, right-click and rename them, then put them into the settings folder. Just make sure you leave the car name at the beginning.
S2 licensed
Heh, well haven't you grown up alot in the last four-five months, Bart? Last time I saw you, you was trying to wreck us AS National - GTR drivers and insult our parents...your english hasn't improved much though.