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S2 licensed
Just giving your business a head start
S2 licensed
They're black MOMO. I did have a look at that guide, but still no joy.
I contacted Fordman last night about it and he kindly offered to fix them for me.
S2 licensed
That is some achievement. Congrats Victor, well deserved.
S2 licensed
Quote from Batterypark :What's this stuff about LFS ruining social lives? I've never witnessed anything like it, and I've been playing since 2002 (mostly offline though).

I had to take a three month break to get a social life, now I'm back racing my social life is slowly fading away...
S2 licensed
Recently my pedals started playing up, at first I wasn't getting 100% throttle, being too scared to open them up and fix them myself I looked around for another solution. I downloaded the 4.60 drivers and that sorted it out at first.
Then after awhile it started 'spiking', I didn't mind at first but it seems to be getting worse each day, and caused me to hit someone today, so I decided to open them up and try fixing them...which was a bad idea, I'm useless and these kind of things. Currently they are in pieces on my living room floor, I have an idea where everything goes but some things aren't on right (I think) and one piece fell out when I opened it and I have no idea where it goes...
So, now I need to buy some new pedals. Where can I get them from?

Ironically, all my problems started when I arranged to give my old wheel to someone. :banghead:
nvidia geforce fx 5500 256mb drivers?
S2 licensed
Hi, today I decided to treat myself to a new graphics card. Last night I was talking to a few people on LFS about graphics cards and it turned out I had the worst. In work today I noticed we had a fx 5500 instock, so I thought why not...
My boss usually complains about Nvidia's drivers, although I didn't have any problems with my previous card (fx5200 128mb) and the original drivers, I would like to update them anyway.
So, what do you guys suggest?
S2 licensed
Quote :for the operation Flashpoint and BF2 peolpe we must get together some time.

How about tonight? I haven't played with you ATC guys for along time.

What is the website where you get your addons?? I've been trying to get the address right for ages, but no joy.
S2 licensed
Quote :errorist Threat

Is that a bad joke or a funny error?
S2 licensed
Good job, it's a shame that many people will ignore these rules and tips, despite the obviousness of them.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ardent :If you wanna play a football manager online, better play hattrick. It's a browser game, but with really good concept. It's very international, almost all languages are supported and has more than 600k players. I play for more than a year now.

Although it's very tough for newbies, once you get the hang on it, it's very addictive. It's also free, you don't get any advantage if you pay a supportership, just more community features. Maybe some of you play already, in almost any forum I find hattrick people :P

I signed up yesterdsy, I have to wait a few days before I can start playing properly...
S2 licensed
I play Operation Flashpoint quite alot, kinda frustrating though because I'm a really crap shot.

Also I just got Football manager 2006 yesterday, I haven't played it much, but I'm loving it already. If anyone else has it & is up for a network game, give me a shout
S2 licensed
happy birthday
S2 licensed
Added me, but in the wrong city because it wouldn't let me add the name of my town :/
S2 licensed
Working now

Suprised he left his old team to be honest. You must be chuffed to have him
S2 licensed
I can't get onto your site
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :If you want to be really mean (and I do) then you can ban them when they're not even at the server I think (with admin commands).

I'd like to be mean too, but I don't have admin rights to any servers apart from the cyber server but that is down at the moment. There is very rarely an admin around when those two idiots are there.

Quote from avih :hmm.. didn't notice he used my name... but yes.. they're wreckers and very impolite in general... :/ we didn't manage to ban them yesterday, they always split before the vote is complete..

Minicooper came back again after you left, he started to whinge again after I wouldn't send him my setup, wrecked me, tried to ban him but he quit before we could, then he came back with my name.
Awhile after he left, Noefti came in and told me he was using my name on another server, I went to check it out and Bartolocadiz was using your name aswell as Mini using mine

I can't believe that we're having these kind of problems on S2, I expected this kind of thing on the demo, and of course wrecking, but this is getting as bad as S1 demo now.
Name thieves
S2 licensed
There is two regular idiots I see, they're usually on an Ashton National server, I see them pretty much everyday and I usually end up voting to ban them. Very childish, they like to insult racers and their parents. They're wreckers, and they're becoming well known amongst the people that regularly drive on Ashton National with the GTR's.

After several arguements with them, one has stolen my name, and another has stolen avih's name. I guess they're going from server to server to try to give avih and myself a bad name.

Please note that my lfs username is Cropsy (not minicooper) and avih's is avih (not bartolocadiz), if you see them, please kick/ban them.
S2 licensed
Cyber-racing has two shops
S2 licensed
Vain: I didn't buy the wheel for realism, I just wanted a comfortable wheel to drive, and compared to my sidewinder, this is like chinese water torture.

mrodgers: Hi mate, I've got a job now so I can't live on American time anymore, no more racing for me in the stupid hours of the morning.
I tried setting the force to your setting but the wheel turned on it's own, I couldn't stop it. I have it set on 50% now (overall, spring and damper all on 50%). I'm starting to get the hang of it, I got within one second of my pb on AS Nat with the FXR. Could have been faster but I took the corners slow because of the fear of the rear end swinging out, and Ihave to take the last chicane painfully slow otherwise the rear end goes AWOL.

Shotglass: I have a MOMO, I dread to think how hard it is to control counter steer with the DFP.
S2 licensed
I've put set the strength to just 10% and I still can't drive it. The biggest problem I have is counter steering, keeping the car going straight out of a corner is ridiculous. If the arse end swings out one way I can control it (sometimes), but when it snaps back and goes the other way I have no hope.
S2 licensed
I got my wheel today, and I have to say I don't really like it, I've only had a few atempts with it, but it is horrible to drive with. Hopefully it is because of my settings, I've had some trouble setting up the forcefeed back, can someone recommend some settings for it?
S2 licensed
Before you join the server you will see a screen asking for a password, put your admin password in there. /admin=password changes the admin password.
S2 licensed
15yr old + booze x access to the internet = that
S2 licensed
I was close to getting a Red MOMO the other day, it was £41 until the last minute, but 3 people bid £80 in the last seconds, I only bid £65
My black was only £45 anyway, no doubt it will be better than my sidewinder...
S2 licensed
Thanks for that

I was going to get a Red MOMO but they were too expensive, so I just got a black one off ebay...