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Quote from mamoru :Holy shit dude, not a single dot in the whole freaking text! You know how hard that is to read?

For the millionth time, stop exaggerating. The last character in his post is a dot.... Are we counting the dots in the ""i"s?
S3 licensed
A new dubstep mix I made lastnight.
Dubstep summer mix
S3 licensed
The girlfriend stopped talking to me last night. She wanted me to take her somewhere special for her birthday. Apparently, "up the arse" wasn't what she had in mind.
S3 licensed
Police came round to my house today, and told me that my dog was chasing someone on a bike.
I told them it cant be my dog, as my dog doesn't even have a bike.
S3 licensed
Listening back to lastnights mix. Project Eden 51.
S3 licensed
Quote from CheerioDM :Google sucks bro.
Didn't you know?

Maybe you're doing it wrong.....bro.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :I kinda put the the signal light back. Just cut out the glass, glued the rubber on it and tec7'ed the thing to the car. Easier and the looks are better then the open space. It breaks? No damn is given as i've got 4 other...

Looks much tidier that when you first removed the headlight, way way back.
S3 licensed
Paddy tells Mick that he's thinking of buying a Labrador.

"**** off", says Mick, "have you seen how many of their owners go blind?!".
S3 licensed
I think my dog must be an engineer...
I kicked it in the bollocks and it made a bolt for the door..
S3 licensed
The audio is probs only 128kb/s on that video. Imagine how sweet it would sound in raw wav?!?!?
S3 licensed
Since you put it like that....
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Since when $119.99 is rip-off

Since it was $288.48
S3 licensed
It's actually a requirement in the driving test...
S3 licensed
Quote from hanzime :And here we go AGAIN !!!!! Again or serer server is offline !!
Status unknown..
And again without any warnings or an e-mail from Dean to warn us the server is down and what the problem is and how long he is estimating time to solve the problem..

I realize Dean tries to pleas us , but PLEASE start with INFORM us instead of making us find out for our selves and have to search for the problem in these forums again !

Dean cannot warn you if the issue was unexpected. all he can do is try to fix it when it breaks.
S3 licensed
Nice. Time for a bigger monitor now me finx lol. I really like the bmw wheel. Looks tidy.
S3 licensed
I hope you expressed your disagreement using drift as your medium.
S3 licensed
If there's a webcast again, I'll tune in. the banter is better than radio.
S3 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :Get a room kids.

19 hours too late bud. lol
S3 licensed
The missus left a note on the telly for me. 'It's not working, I'm leaving....'
I plugged it in, turned it on, effing nothing wrong with it.....
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :right... thats the worst excuse youve ever come up with for your lack of intellect
why do i even bother engaging in conversations with the village idiot?

Because it's a level you're more comfortable with?
So would you rather I tried to cover my mistake? let's not talk about your mistake eh? when was 128gb 4 times smaller than 3tb? Honestly dude, you go around this forum messing up completely good conversations. look at this one for instance. Do you ever remember a time when the majority of this forum agreed with you? No, neither do I. You should have been swallowed. Your dads must be so proud.
any way, it's 4am. time to go to bed and scratch my balls. I would say it was fun, but I don't like making fun of fuktards.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
I said £60 for a 128 gb drive. You call me an idiot but you think green drive are better than performance drive. Good luck breaking the land speed record in your prius. If its name calling you're after then let me know. I can think of loads of things to call an asshat like yourself. You're like the cover boy for morons.
Unless you meant the bit where I accidentally miscalculated the overall price for 3tb of ssd drives. But rather than fix it, I thought it would be best to keep the mistake, just to piss you off. Dont be so mad kid.
It's ironic that I'm watch idiot abroad and also talking to you. Strange how things just work out isn't it.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass : ... B&limit=10&page=1
you might want to try reading next time

http:// ... e&utm_medium=productsGive it another try. I'm not sure if that link will work but I see much lower prices on the same site. There is no harm in filling all your sata slots. Nobody will think any less of you.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :well done youre using a drive for a purpose it was never intended for and now you whine that it isnt capable of doing that

if youre unable to build a pc that doesnt sound like a triple 7 taking off you dont

i dont know where youre getting your prices from but they are completely wrong
that works out as 0.29€/gb when the cheapest ssd you can buy here right now is 0.51€/gb and that from an oem with a less than stellar record in ssd reliability and has a 2-3 year old controller on it
if you want something current from a reliable company youre lookign at something in the range of 0.7€/gb more than twice your number

speak for yourself buddy

Ebuyer. In case you haven't noticed, not everybody lives in your country. I'm using the drive how it was intended. Its storing data. I'm not putting up shelves with it. I didn't say my pc was loud, I said that if there is a component that is louder than you hard drive then what is the point of having a quiet hard drive? How much more do you need to exaggerate to help you make your point?
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :you must be doing something wrong then
i use only green drives and all of them (including the unbelievably slow 2.5" drive that came from an eeepc (ie cheapest of the cheap)) can handle 1080p files just fine

unless youre massively overclocking you must be clueless about building pcs then
my gaming pc has 5 120mm case fans +cpu fan +2 gpu fans +psu fan it runs very cool and its still barely audible even while playing (the loudest noises are some high frequency stuff from the voltage regulators presumably on the motherboard and the 2tb wd green drive)

the currently obscenely cheap 512 gig crucial is ~350€ so to replace a single 3tb wd green drive (~140€ now ~115€ before flooding) it would cost you about 2100€ compared to 140€ for the hdd
not to mention that youd use up all the sata ports on your average motherboard instead of just 1 for the hdd

I'm putting raw video onto my drive and editing it with 5 other videos. surely a hard drive should be able to cope with that? surely i have the mental ability to be able to manage such a small task.
yes, i have no clue how to build a pc, I must have fluked all the successful builds i've done in the past 12 years. How many hours per day are you off your effin head? the discussion is about green hdd's spinning slow. but now you're looking to spend over 2 grand on solid state drives. If you're going to pick expensive ssd's to help you make you point, you should aim a bit higher. £120 gets you 512gb of ssd. £240 for 1tb of ssd. that would be just over £700 for 3 tb of ssd. If you like, you can give me 2 grand and i'll get you 3tb of ssd.
is there any chance you could stop being a knob? just for one day?
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass : yeah clearly a drive that does ~100mb sequential reads and ~70mb sequential writes (random access is ridiculously slow no matter how fast the drive spins) is way too slow to handle the usual purpose of a large drive ie saving large amounts of data like photo collections

I have a green hdd and it's slow and shit. can't handle the video files I put on it.

Quote from Shotglass :
none of my computers including my gaming rig have fans that are loud enough to drown out hdd noise (all of theose hdds are sitting on rubber and all of them are 5400 rpm drives and i can still hear all the 3.5" ones)
the only exception would be the notebook which while playing games has a decent amount of fan noise... while using it for (flash free) internet surfing the fan is completely off and the only thing (clearly) audible (used to be) the hdd

I think I can reset the balance on this one... I have fans that are louder. I have an antec 900 case and those fans are big. more airflow = more noise.

Quote from Shotglass :
which is still 10-15 times more expensive so its far from viable as a large storage solution (obviously all my system drives are ssds these days with the exception of my htpc/silent-desktop for which i have the ssd lying around but lack the time to install it)

ssd prices are coming down all the time. £60 for a 128gb drive is quite affordable for what it does. They also use lass power don't they? no spin up time, access times are lower.