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S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :

Bitches see me rollin', they hatin'.

drive on the road ya hippy!
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Dualcore CPU in 2012? Ew.

I have no issues with my Phenom 550....
S3 licensed
New Summer mix. 3 hours of floorfillers and anthems.
Sun Dazed
S3 licensed
Quote from dsmit239 :well see ima pove C**t ;P i only have a steering wheel cause i bought it from Cash Converters -_- and they had no pedals there.

so, you have an internet connection, LFS, a computer fast enough to run it. and a wheel. and now you're too poor to buy pedals?
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Some more advice - don't buy Cross refills. They are hideously expensive - eBay ones are like £2.

And thus defeating the purpose of buying an expensive pen . you'd stick remoulds onto a Ferrari wouldn't you lol.
S3 licensed
My mate set me up on a blind date for last night.

He said, "She's a lovely girl, but there's something you should know... She's expecting a baby."

I felt like a complete eejit waiting in the pub wearing nothing but a nappy...
S3 licensed
I'd keep it bud. you'd only get a few hundred dolla. And you'll kick yourself (the cost to build is way higher than the cost to sell).
S3 licensed
I watched and did nothing.
S3 licensed
128bpm is an average pace for working out to. try to select music of that tempo.
S3 licensed
New house (party) mix. Keep er lit Seamus!!
Bolingo Planeto
S3 licensed
no. he doesn't have a good signal when on the boat. and he's too tight to have a data plan on his phone ( i think).
S3 licensed
strangely enough, i have spoken with Franky today. well, I sent him a text. he responded. He should be about later tonight.
S3 licensed
Wasn't sure where else to post this. It is music related and really worth a watch if you've ever been interested in turntablism.
Scratch the movie
S3 licensed
Nothing enabled on my side. I see the full images. I guess I don't use this forum via my phone. Pay no attention to me bud. I've just woke up from an extended power nap and I might have some sand in my vag. :/
S3 licensed
Although you've been challenged t make 1000 posts in 1 month, it's starting to look like spam. You should have more success if you hold a conversation on one of the threads rather than one word posts.
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Guys, just post links if you can't be bothered to resize the images.

no issue here. your problem maybe?
S3 licensed
Quote from Skagen :And asking if someone is having their period is regarded as 'constructive critism' in the other parts of the LFS community.

Nice video, and welcome to LFS.

No, that's adding humour to an otherwise serious discussion. Most people will see the funny side of it.
S3 licensed
lets hope he gets back from the Norfolk Broads (annual family holiday) in time then. had he not spent time in hospital this year, he might have not gone on his much needed family holiday. I swore I wouldn't post in this thread again but I felt I should at least post something as I don't think his dad has broadband on his longboat. :/
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :For me personally charity is just part of being a good person and I believe that the only true charity is when you do something without seeking reward or opportunity to promote yourself by it, and as nice as a G27 would be - and it is a fantastic prize - I am not motivated by it to do something I would not otherwise be doing, which stays between me and the taxman.

But I want to post in support of your initiative, because there are so many things out there that need fixing and need help.

I know charities get a bad rap for wasting money and funding nice homes for executives, although not all are like that - but that doesn't stop you doing something like buying some blankets and giving them to the homeless.

Or even something small and less overt like spending time with a grandparent if yours are still alive, who if they are getting on a bit might just be delighted to have some company for a while.

Charity isn't about giving money to collectors in the street, it's about caring. It doesn't matter who for, as long as you care.

/applaude CheerioDM

S3 licensed
Quote from LazLoW :Love the haters.

Nobody was hating.
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :

Nice. you got some speakers to go with the sound? look into these:
Corsair SP2500 2.1 Gaming Speakers More like small studio monitor rather than gaming speakers.
S3 licensed
you weren't being a dick bud. it's natural to give a shit about your work. it shows you care. but take it on the chin. try to still take a racing line when drifting (wide entry, nice apex, wide exit). this way you have a better chance of maintaining a higher speed and thus a better drift angle.
give the default XRT a go. get the rear tyres nice and hot. this will make your drift angle better but comes at a cost....super sensitive rear end (that's what she said). but if you have good throttle control, it will come easy.
S3 licensed
Quote from CJDA9 : I dont need to show you anything,

is this a thread you started showing us your drifting?
Quote from CJDA9 : all this trash talk from you guys is ridiculous.

did you say:
Quote from CJDA9 :High fellow lfsers i figured i would make a thread for my drifting videos on YouTube please comment rate

Quote from CJDA9 : No wonder why this community is dying i am sorry if i am offending anyone but i have never got this kinda of treatment anywhere on a forum before. Here i am driving for fun when all you guys care about is who is better...

you asked us to comment. we commented. is it really our fault that you can not take criticism?

nobody has insulted you or called you any names. all we have done is told you that there is much better drifting to be had in LFS. Is it really our problem that you used a hack/mod to get more power and lock from the most powerful road car in the sim?
the comments were constructive so why do you have sand in your vagina? chill out, take what was said and apply it to your next video. is it really that difficult?
you can't really blame us for your average drift (i'm being kind)? and lets be honest here, you're drifting on the longest, most open corner in the sim. you might as well have done it in blackwood carpark. Drifting is a demonstration in car control. what you did in the video is not car control. the car snapped at the end of the drift, no control. your entry was too tight. again, no control. i could go on, but you seem to be easily offended.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :aww, did you think that was aimed at you?

Guess i should've quoted Jakg, didn't think it'd be that unclear T_T

Nope. I knew by the lack of "of" in my posts that you were not talking about me. I was just pointing out that although you might have been correct in your observation, your post was also a horrible read. Using "of" instead of "have" is actually an accent thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :holy shit how can you use 'of' instead of every single 'have'
absolutely horrid to read

you might want to make sure your own shit's in order before you critique somebodies writing skills.