iPhone dead, so i needed a stopgap, free handset and a budget t-mobile contract of £15.50 a month, plus my 3 contract sim from the iphone works in it so i still have my unlimited data, its more than adequate until my 3 upgrade in october.
I have the same problem as mackie, people are already off around that weekend and the boss cant allow me to be off too, i did try and lean on him but it didnt work sadly
Its called punctuation, you don't need a full stop until its the end of the sentence, and that was all one sentence, hence the commas, but no full stop until the end, like this.
You may be right, although both rear springs were broken and 1 front one was cracked when i came to look at the dodgy leaning over look it had accquired, so budget coilovers were quite literally cheaper than a set of new springs believe it or not, i got a cheap 2nd hand set from a scrap yard but it was just stupidly high.
before and after...
too high, wheels too small (broken spring on rear)
bigger wheels improved it, but still too high, esp with the new springs now fitted to the rear (m3 mirrors and jewel side indicators are better too)
looked under my car the other day, and both chassis rails are down to bare metal where it constantly bottoming out has worn away all the paint/underseal, the exhaust has taken a fair amount of grazes too, so i have wound the front coilies up about an inch, well, 21mm on one side and 26mm on the other, once everything had all settled properly after a few months it was a little uneven, although i know im going to have to set it all up again to get it mm perfect as the back is 9mm lower on the driving side, it was 12mm out before, but levelling the front has taken some of it out, but i bet once i get the back right the front will be out again, oh the joys of fully adjustable suspension.
Jak has this weird thing about blanking his plates out, i swear he forgets that he drives along the road with them on display to the general public EVERY SINGLE DAY though
I use a guy on ebay called tyresonlineuk, very reasonably priced i would say, i used to get them from a local place, but a 205/50 17 from there is approaching the £40 mark, so when i can get a pair for under 60 incl postage it just makes sense to buy from ebay, postage is 16 quid for a pair of tyres, altho i am lucky in the sense that a mate of mine works for ATS, and has a tyre machine in his van, he either does them for me or if he is busy chucks me the keys and i fit them myself.
in 205/55/17, just a little bit of sidewall stretch, plus the 225's that these rims had fitted to them before i bought them looked like balloons, they do the job for £40, yeah they are part worns, but 4.2mm tread on each, plus the way this thing eats front tyres theres no point in paying £100+ per tyre when they barely last 3 months, well, about 90% of the tyre is fine, just the very inner edge goes bald, but thats a price i pay for going low i guess, the side effect being huge camber, adjustable top mounts may well soon be on my list of things to buy.
Lol its OK it has been noticed, thats the early version of the flyer, the finished and printed ones that are being handed out have been corrected, i just couldnt find a screen shot of the newer one.
Cheers Impreza, message sent, as i say, i know its a massive long shot at getting it back for her, but worth a try i guess, plus she is one of my best mates so i have to try.
I normally use an online translator, but as this is something a bit more important i need it to be as spot on as possible, any spaniards here able to help me.
Basically, theres a week long rave event called HTID in the sun on in lloret de mar this week, and the first night she got there, my mate chanel has managed to lose her phone, and as much of a long shot as it is, i was wondering if someone could convert the following into spanish so i can text it to the phone in the hope that a local has found it.
"Hello, this phone belongs to a lady called chanel, who is here in spain on holiday and she has lost it, she is staying at the Rosanna Apartments, Rambla de Romà Barnés, 2317310 Lloret de Mar, Spain, 972 36 34 59, and would be very greatful if the finder of this phone could please take it to the reception of that hotel, a reward of 20 euros is offered for its return."
Yikes, id totally forgotten about this, i shall check out the dates at work on monday so i can get them booked off asap, as i was well annoyed that i had to miss last year, i shall do my very best!
Have seen the veet one a bunch of times and it still makes me chuckle, the guy who does these is a legend, strangely the veet one isnt there, but heres a few of the others he has done, introducing, darren 'pistolfeet' porter!
R.I.P Liberty 'Bubble' Page, one of the most dedicated drum n bass raver girls i have ever had the pleasure to know, taken from us on thursday at the age of just 22, we went to the rave as planned tonight, and we stomped it out just that bit harder in her honour, and we all know that she would be as proud of us for going to it without her as we all are of her for being the lovely girl that she was, we smashed it just for you girl, sleep tight x
Liberty 'Bubble' Page, 1990 - 2012. Gone, but NEVER forgotten! <3
E: Just wrote something, im calling it libz lyric....
You may have passed but your never forgotten, sometimes i think this world is just so god damn rotten,
all the best ones, the good ones, are taken away, i simply cant make sense of it, what else can i say,
life it isnt fair sometimes its just so wrong, how can young people like yourself be here one minute then gone,
but in your honour we'll rock proper yeah we'll smash up the rave, stomp that little bit harder, for Liberty 'Bubble' page.