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S3 licensed
Those start light objects are from the layout being one used for an NDR event (the server has layouts from all NDR events available to it) - which we have controllable via insim when we run SCs and such. I don't think in any of the events run with them, I'd ever heard of anyone hitting them and causing them to land on the circuit. I'll audit the layout to test this case now I suppose!
S3 licensed
Quote from Ascona b :for next race remote please! no spec is bad.

Remote now up - in the time between OEC III and OEC IV the server was off and timed out of my insim relay list - forgot to check when I launched the server a few weeks back, but it's on Remote now.
S3 licensed
I’m thinking undefined path; I’ve got to check that out when I get home from errands.
S3 licensed
I've got the Open Endurance Cup server up now; with Airio running. It's using the restrictions from last year, I know Thilo is analyzing data to see if any tweaks can be made. There's no password on the server, you'll find it under the same name as the league, it's on version 0.6T.
S3 licensed
Hi folks!

I’m again providing the server for OEC Four, and I’ll have it up in the next few days. I’m likely going to switch from Airio to Lapper again, since Airio isn’t supported and although a great application, might well be long in the tooth. I’ll be assessing that option this weekend. I’ll post again when the server goes live!
S3 licensed
Quote from The_Great :this NEWDIMENSION RACING still exists?

why there is no CITYDRIVING UK banner? more applicable nowadays

Quote from MousemanLV :Been away for 8 months on LFSforums and I am glad to see that the game is changing. Keep up the great work, I am genuinely happy about the progress. Even though it will never be like it used to be back when NDR and Genuine Racing held races, it would be definitely nice to hop on LFS one day once we will be able to say that a new era has started to take its shape. Smile
Even if I was one of the individuals who hated on the progress of LFS, I am truly happy to see that you guys are still working on the game. It just shows that you are really passionate about what you do, even if it doesn't match the standards of today's gaming industry (which is what I appreciate because it keeps the true and loyal people in this community still around and cheering you on for what you are trying to achieve).

Great work, a bright future is ahead.

New Dimension Racing still exist, we've done a small number of events in the last years. Internally, we're discussing resurrecting, hoping to bring stuff back to life sooner rather than later (and hopefully in line with these updates coming to the public).

I'm loving the look of Aston with this redo, but I'm also curious of the final layout of the old nearly 180 at the north end of the circuit. The Grand Touring cut between the main pit straight and the north pit straight has been tightened. I'm sure I'll fall out of my chair when we see what work is done to Kyoto, and will have a heart attack when we see Fern Bay!
S3 licensed
Quote from Thunderhead :Doubt anyone here even remembers me lol

I remember you! You participated in iCON Touring Car Championship, and made a promo/intro for the first season of it and raced with us in it.
S3 licensed

Vote bans last for 24 hours, and only on that server. Sadly, short of speaking with the server owner, there's nothing that can be done. Best is to just find another server and move on.

I'll be cleaning up your other threads; will leave this one.
S3 licensed
My wife has been fine with me doing the few we’ve done lately, I’ve just not had the satisfaction of it being worth. Been working on internal things, website coding, results redoing.

Oh, and the jump from PHP 5 to PHP 7 has caused tracker errors, so trying to sort that out, too. I’m highly keen to keep a presence in LFS, just try to time events to get peak involvement. The LFSCART Voucher event, the iTCC resurrection, and the TBOC Special all went well from what I saw.

I have a feeling that there’s a possible community of newer users who don’t have a place to learn to race, but I’m not sure it’s enough to do usual leagues - back to simple leagues like our LFS Beginner’s Cup, LX Challenge, MiniFBM, TBOC.

If I can make the NDR website do most of the bureaucratic work (results, points, entry, password access, etc), I can do more. The biggest issue is the manual time. Same for if we ran anything in rFactor 2 or Automobilista, for example.
S3 licensed
If your friend you referred to here had his demo account banned from the forum for posting about licensed content, and has since purchased a license, either PM me his name or send an email to the developers, and we will unban if we confirm he has purchased.

Bans and unban requests are usually not discussed in open forum, and are usually handled in private. I'm not going to get into details of who we ban and unban and for what reasons here.

If you have any further questions, please contact me or the developers directly.

Closing thread.
S3 licensed
I would not say I'm too lazy Tongue. Plus, this year, the traditional weekend for the 500, I will be at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course flagging some open wheel racing (USF4, Formula Atlantic, F2000,F1600), but if I can assemble a team we may try the insanity again Tongue
S3 licensed
Thank you all for racing, we were glad to have you for this event. I'll get a recap article up in the next day or two, and post here when I've done so.
S3 licensed
Official Results and Points now available!
S3 licensed
If memory serves correctly, the old description said it was in West England.
S3 licensed
Replays and Provisional Results now available.
TBOC 2017 Holiday Special: Replays and Results
S3 licensed
TBOC 2017 Holiday Special: Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 0a: Free Practice, Qualifying, Sprint Race, Feature Race)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident
Brief Description of Incident

Protests are due by 20:00 UTC on Sunday, 31 December 2017

Penalty Log
S3 licensed
Quote from jmeade :You're Welcome ... that would have been a weird race ... actually hilarious it you think about it

What Jared is referring to is an error in the initial publication, where the rule stated that the sprint race would have a "05 minute time limit" - this has been corrected to the intended 25 minute time limit.
S3 licensed
All racers entered as of the time of this post should have a PM in their inbox with race day password, among other details.
S3 licensed
You will be able to watch all the action at the NDR YouTube Page, at :
S3 licensed
Also, there is likely to be a web stream for this event. Details available tomorrow once all is confirmed.
TBOC 2017 Holiday Special: Race Discussion and Briefing
S3 licensed
Hello racers, welcome to the TBOC Holiday Special! Please feel free to discuss the race here. Do take note of the following briefing notes.

Spirit of the Event: We usually ask for no contact, but we understand that some is to be expected in touring car style racing. What we still do not want to see is excessive contact to put a driver off-line so that you can gain a massive advantage, and you still should not try and "help" someone get further out of shape if you can help it. Hard racing induces some door banging and "chrome horns" - but keep it sensible and don't tread wild on the other racers. We want to see hard racing, but please keep it fair. Yes, this is the same bit that was in last year's iTCC Holiday Special, but we consider the TBO Challenge a similar touring-car style event.

Qualifying Procedure: The qualifying session will be held in one server with the current entry quantity. You may spectate/pit/head to garage any time at all during the session. You may run as many laps as you desire in the 20-minute session. We ask that you do not exit the pitlane if there is not enough time to start a timed lap.

Race Procedure: The Sprint Race will be gridded based on qualifying results. The Feature Race will be gridded based on Sprint Race Results, except for a reversal of positions 6-10 based on Sprint Race duration as explained below:

The last digit of the winner's race time will set the reversal. If the number is 1 to 5
inclusive, 5 will be added to that number to get the reverse. 6 through 9 will be taken as
that number. 0 will equal 10.

All races start by way of standard LFS standing start. No lag lap will be used.

No pit stops are required, but you may take one at your own discretion if felt necessary.

Race Meeting Points: Points will be awarded per regulations, and a Champion of the Meeting will be awarded.

Post-Race Procedure: Following each race, top 3 must report to start/finish for a podium photo. After the podium photo following Race 2, the top 3 in points will be called to start/finish for a photo.
S3 licensed
Also, I've finally gotten Airio running again on the server. I was having issues launching it due to a package not installing correctly during a recent upgrade.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :I have shared the event on Czech LFS FB page. It's interesting combo, so maybe even considering attending myself Tongue (if there's enough admins to go by).

There should be enough admins to go by, since we don't do Safety Cars, and in TBOC the racing is *usually* clean and civil enough that there are no incident reviews in the middle of the races Tongue