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S2 licensed
SwitchProxy Tool

Bold = Used frequently
S2 licensed
If you disconnect from a server and try to rejoin it again, LFS did not receive the info that you had disconnected and it thinks you are trying to go on the same username twice (racing with two computers using the same username). It should fix itself in less than a minute, I would NOT report this to the dev's unless it lasts for a long time (more than an hour).
S2 licensed
Nice crash, that truly shows how good the crash physics are in this game.
S2 licensed
Lino, what program do you use to get those temperatures of your CPU etc.?
S2 licensed
Ok thanks, I had never seen a 24 person server before.
S2 licensed
Fixed, I shut down my computer and my monitor for 10 minutes (speakers are built into monitor) and then turned it back on and it seems to remedy the problem. The only thing I think that could have caused this was maybe something to do with the memory.
Sound Problems (major)
S2 licensed
Every time I start lfs I get the same message "error initialising : sound". I have tried a fresh install into a separate folder, same thing. iTunes and all other programs work fine through the speakers. I have tried changing speakers, deleting the cfg.txt file. None of this works. I really have no where to go and I can't think of any other fix. I am pretty sure LFS doesn't use registry keys, so maybe memory problem? Any help is appreciated at this time.

EDIT: whenever I press shift+w I get "error initialising : sound", then immediately below it i get "Reinitialised sound." when I press shift+n I get every time "SHIFT N - sound - Off."

Last edited by Dennisjr13, .
24 person limit on server [not a bug]
S2 licensed
There was a server today (Friday, June 02, 2006 at 6:18 PM EST) that had 24 person limit to the server. I joined the server and the admin seemed pretty suspicious and he didn't really want to talk about it, but he acknowledged that the server did infact have 24 slots. I have provided a picture for proof that this happened (3rd server down):

S2 licensed
Thanks for your sets Bob. Your drag one is pretty good. I can never beat people that have worked on their sets, but I can definitely keep up. Good Work.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain : 944 S! :lovies3d:


:lovies3d: love that car
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :yes, that is an excellent idea and would make the races more interesting to watch.

Considering bandwith issues, I was thinking about the following. I'm no programmer, so maybe the following will be complete nonsense. In that case please forgive my ignorance

Say you want to create an "LFS TV" like discussed in this topic. Ofcourse this will put a serious stress on the bandwith. But what if you would put a maximum on the ammount of connected players who watch the race by a direct "TV" connection. But those spectators would function as a sort of secondary server/seeder/hub for more spectators. In other words their upload bandwith will be used to further "broadcast" the race to a part of the other spectators. Who in turn do the same for more people. The race can be buffered so delay will occur but that wouldn't be too big of a problem. A bit similar to the way bittorrent works.

Would something like this be even remotely possible or am I talking out of my a**se? Am I even making sense? lol

I think this would be very hard to do and keep it live. With all the packets trying to make it to certain destinations, they would get there on the wrong time or even lost completely. This would be very odd to receive though. The only possible solution is to use the upload of one person completely for someone else. (If that made any sense to you)
S2 licensed
OFFTOPIC: I'm from CT too, what part? (Northford/North Branford area here)

ONTOPIC: Some good North American teams are Eagle Racing Team, Land Of the Free, Core Racing, and NASSA. Try joining one of their servers and racing with them, then pop the question
S2 licensed
S3 won't come out for years, and either way you will pay the same amount, just some now, and some later if u buy S2
S2 licensed
This is probably because the front wheels are locking up while they are still connected to the engine. Its like putting the engine into 4th from 0 mph.
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :Yeah, 1g

Crash [P to U - now FIXED]
S2 licensed
Game just randomly crashed as I was playing LFS, I was on the Eagle racing server (FOX on SO Classic) and I had done 2 races, half way through the 3rd, the game crashed, I have no clue why it did.

I am running the latest version of LFS (Patch U)

PC specs
Windows XP (SP2)
P4 1.8ghz Dell Dimension 4500 (not OCed)
Geforce 6600GT (not OCed)
Sound Blaster sound card?

I've provided the error report if that is any help:
S2 licensed
I remember truly seeing that too. ( I have a non OCed 6600GT, HP 19" monitor, Dell P4 1.8ghz)
S2 licensed
Quote from Sawyer :And in the states you can get a MOMO I hear for 99$. Here you still have to pay a good 150-170$ for one. illepall

I just bought one (in the states) for 77.99. It came out to 92.74 after shipping, no taxes either illepall.

EDIT: it was a driving force pro
S2 licensed
Never liked intel cpu's, so as soon as it came out I got a 7up skin with AMD on the side
S2 licensed
Im guessing that something is eating up your RAM, check out how much is being used by your software firewalls and antivirus programs. Other than that, I have no clue why it would run alot slower, unless the GPU is fried :|
S2 licensed
Quote from TaiFong :Here is the official story:

Scavier: "Yo, Bimmer, I need that fly ass whip right there"
BMW: "Aight"
Scavier: (To LFS community) "Ay, check dis. We got this new thang right here, dawg. Fast as hell, yo."
LFS Community: "Oh snap son!"

S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :He doesn't want to shop from newegg, though. He's from across the pond.

Just sayin that I have the same computer as him, and after I upgraded to the 6600GT, the performance improved ALOT, many games that I could only run on low settings now run at high resolution (32-bit), best quality, and amazing sound.
S2 licensed
I have the same computer (Dimension 4500) and recently bought a 6600GT. I had a Geforce4 4200Ti before and the improvement was amazing. I would reccomend going with the 6600GT (good prices on