Whenever I try to use LFS Companion or Pit spotter with LFS, I always get this error:
"InSim : Admin password does not match
InSim : packet received before ISI packet"
This message will repeat over and over again really fast. It starts as soon as I start LFS and it continues while I'm playing until I exit out of Pitspotter and/or LFS Companion.
The bmw sauber is the only real life car the developers paid a license for. The RAC and MRT were given to them so the company would get free publicity.
60 foot times are used in the USA on all drag strips. It is used to measure how fast you are off the line. It is very important in deciding your suspension setup and tire pressure to get the best 60 foot time.
Both of these are great pieces to add to your system and make it perform much better and last alot longer. They are built by trusted companys that any computer nerd could tell you . You should be able to play pretty much any popular game maxed easy. (This will run you not too bad but I'm not sure how prices change from our country to yours)
It shouldn't be hardware related, try running the programs the people have posted up, and get a good antivirus, keep this problems from happening in the first place, I would reccommend AVG free
this willl ping google 100 times, and give you the results, try that, screenshot the bottom part ("ping statistics") and upload it so we can see it.
EDIT: if you just type "ping" into the cmd prompt it gives you a list of values you can enter like the "-n 100" stuff to change the packet size and number of times.
The pedals don't work through the wheel as the wheel has been dropped (smashed), but the pedals are fine. I've heard people using an extra set of pedals as a clutch pedal, but I was unsure of how they did it. The plug end for the pedal is the exact opposite as a ball mouse I have (it fits right into it) I was wondering if there was like an extension that switched it around?
I recently broke my DFP wheel but my pedals are still fine, I ordered another DFP wheel and pedal set and I was wondering how I would attach the extra set of DFP pedals to my computer. The broken wheel I have now only has one slot for a set of pedals, but I can't find any more slots on my computer or my wheel. Is there any way to attach 2 DFP pedal sets to my computer so I can use one as the clutch?