the blackwood sunny sky is mine, but he is using the one i did for south city. the evening one isnt mine and i dont even think its eric`s. tbh that one looks very unreal and computerish
i remember the lowest fov being 40, then 20 and then 12 ..and i guess 12 is really the minimum to go, below this value, there might appear some problems with textures IMHO. These appear already in 12 sometimes.
But i`d like to control the speed of the zoom keys..because "slow zoom in/out" isnt slow enough and "fast zoom in/out" isnt fast enough. Also zooming could be much nicer with some smoothing
i think you should read the rules of posting into this section.
the autocross map was removed because it was just rectangle/square.
im not sure i understood what you exactly mean, but if you mean custom onboard cameras, you can do them:
change to "wheels view", esc->option->view and there you can move the camera using sliders.
yeah that fixed it. guess i should try driving on tarmac more
oh and btw, i like the Matrixi`s suggestion about SHIFT U cam "tracking" the closest car (like you have follow car * YES/NO, there could be track car * YES/NO
hmm now i get it even in SINGLE PLAYER - i choose Westhill reversed, go to garage, choose any car (with road tyres) and when i click ok, it says "warning - road tyres on rallycross track"
i love the roll function but dont like the track selection screen
found a "bugs" -
- at KYOTO the weathers "Cloudy afternoon" and "Cloudy morning" have flipped lighting - so the AFTERNOON weather has morning lighting and MORNING weather has afternoon lighting
- the roll slider in SHIFT U doesnt work. If you use CTRL+ arrow keys it rolls only by +/- 2° (but if you press spacebar it works)
- when you have the keys/sliders hidden and roll the cam, press spacebar to display the keys/sliders and the roll gets reset to 0.
it wasnt autocross but skidpad, and im not sure you could "leave" it and fly over to that "kart track". and skidpad came in lfs 0.2, it was`t in earlier versions (for public)