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S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :I'm I hearing braking squeaks? What sound mod?

brake squeaks are fake, added in premiere
S3 licensed
i have the same and i think it happends only on ATI and it has something to do with AF - try to turn off/on the AF and see if it still happends
S3 licensed
ive done this few weeks ago, so take a look tristan
S3 licensed
Quote from NetDemon01 :Any chance of getting that in english? Or atleast letting me know what language it is so I can try a translator. All this online talk is making me want to reinstall RBR, especially now that I have the harddrive space for it.

EDIT:: Ok I got the plugin installed. What do I enter for the username? I know 'lfs' is the password as you stated. I tried liveforspeed international for the username but that didn't work. :-/

oh, the page was linking to english translation earlier, now its czech
well just click the brittish flag at topright corner. And you have to register on that site to be able to join tournaments (and that is the username)
S3 licensed
S2 is still in Alpha, so if you download this:, you will have your Alpha
S3 licensed
ok, so i finished the liveforspeed international tournament.

you can view the results here: ... de50d0c665f09b4b9c2fa62a3
and the comments after each stage here: ... 0&comments=1#comments

btw: be really carefull in the 1st stage, especially in the downhill section! it draws you to drive very quickly, but there is so many twisty turns. IMHO that is the most dangerous part of all rbr stages
S3 licensed
ok, i changed the damage to "realistic".

i allowed all possible cars, so that there is big chance, that you will have atleast one of them and will be able to join the tornament - because its very often problematic - too many cars, too many physics and other stuff. (and now imagine such thing in LFS, the "real" online racing sim )

i`d recommend trying to join the tournament without downloading any new cars. The new cars are maybe faster, but you will notice that only if you are really really fast driver and know the tracks pretty well.
S3 licensed
ok, i created a tournament in "RBR TOURNAMENT" plugin:

liveforspeed international tournament - link
password: lfs
1.5 hour till you can join the tournament (starts @ 14.00 CET and ends on 5.9.)
for info how to join it, read here:

btw: if you dont finish the stage, you can retire and continue in the next stage, but carrying 180s penalty. And you have to drive all the stages at once, you can`t leave the tournament and finish it later
Last edited by Don, .
S3 licensed
there is more online patches/plugins. Propably the most used one is "RBR Tournament". Using that plugin, people dont have to drive the stages at same time, but at any time during the tournament (usually 1 week). And while you are driving thru the stage, you see other peoples split times (that is if you arent the first one on the road) and after finishing the stage you can see the results also.

for more info:
S3 licensed
you know, there is thread about RBR:
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :Also put every else help to off too. Even clutch help. In real life WRC cars doesn't need clutch while shifting (only when putting to reverse?) and it's just cooler to use the clutch manually in the start.

Real life WRC cars use clutch when starting to move, to change gears they dont have to use it. Few weeks ago i turned off the clutch help in my RBR and now its much better - the engine stalls much more often and that is more realistic. Also sometimes it takes like 30 seconds till the engine starts agin
S3 licensed
keys for zoom are actually 4,5,6,7

4,7 - quick zoom
5,6- slow zoom

and if you hold for example 4 and 5 (quick zoom in key and slow zoom in key), you will get medium speed zoom
S3 licensed
Quote from Zonda :
This now Sunset for Blackwood GP and Sunset, Dusk for Fern Bay ?

Sorry? If you are asking for Sunset skies, then i don`t have any and propably won`t do one. Sunsets are too boring here. And noone drives in different conditions than sunny anyway.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
looks good
havent notice any bug
S3 licensed
and to hide all the HUD you have to press SHIFT+F
S3 licensed
select the tyres using LASSO or ELIPTICAL MARQUEE TOOL and goto filter->blur->radial blur (there you can choose between SPIN or ZOOM, use spin)
S3 licensed
whats that with the topleft corner? theres TILT in shift+u already, so no need for photoshop tilting

but i like the colors of the pic
S3 licensed
actually there is a thing called LFS MOVIE MAKER. ... T=117&DOWNLOADID=6818

ps: is a good website
S3 licensed
Quote from --PoDo-- :I hope you like our new pitcrew....we hope they start their new job after the next patch

very nice!
S3 licensed
oh, i thought the physics laws are the same for all the cars, no matter if they have 100 or 500 bhp
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :Fair comment. It's not a photo. It's actually a montage of a couple of different rendered skies taken from a free site offering hemispherical sky maps. I worked on this map a lot, adding in a sunset, adding/taking away clouds and trying to match the lighting with the game. I think it looks ok, but if you have any high-res sunset skies I'd like to know about it

dont have any, sunsets are too boring here, so i havent even tried to make the texture of it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Great job. Are those skies Don's too? Or just default.

the blackwood sunny sky is mine, but he is using the one i did for south city. the evening one isnt mine and i dont even think its eric`s. tbh that one looks very unreal and computerish