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S3 licensed
You need to add a populated server option. I like to drive on servers that are reasonably well populated.

Recently, thanks to the STCC mainly, there has been more TBO servers, this is a class I enjoy a lot. Its also fun to race them on unusual tracks.

I would really like to see more LX6 and LX4 servers, these cars are so sweet to race, LX6 especialy since the tyre patch and I cant for the life of me understand why the LX4 is so under used, this car is awsome.

I would like to do more racing in the GTRs, but I just cant bring myself to drive them round AS NAT.....again...its so Autumn 2005
S3 licensed
Cheers, I was missing a couple of these. sorry to hear about the plagiarism.

Thanks also for the hires skins, nice bonus
S3 licensed
im using the same wheel under XP64. The drivers install auto and then I had to install the Side wider software, Which actualy doesnt work under x64. well it works and gives me propper FFB etc but if I try to open the SW control panel it crashes. I have to use LFS to adjust things like FF strength etc.
Last edited by DratsaB, . Reason : Formating
S3 licensed
I always turn game music off and have winamp running in the backround. most of the time the LFS sounds are louder than the music.

And its true.... Motörhead's "Ace Of Spades" is the most dangerous song to listen to when driving IRL or in a sim....that and "Jesus Built My HotRod by Ministry" :auto::bananadea:ambulance
S3 licensed
Quote from ferret :I've been clicking on the LFS Forum link from the main LFS site for so long now that my hand that holds the mouse goes to the exact pixel location of the link!!

NOT Now though!!! Now it goes to LFS Manual - Aint that weird, my eyes can see the link is wrong, but my hand wants to click it illepall

yes, i have gone to the Wiki more than a couple of times
S3 licensed
My clutch is a seperate pedal set to my brake an throttle. just the way everthing is setup its near imposible for me to LFB with out causing some injury , clutch is just too far away from brake
S3 licensed
whats the diff between "FF steps" and FF strenght (in game option)?
S3 licensed
Typical, I only find this thread after I berated FSX in its thread. Anyway I love combat flight sims. I recommend LockOn Flaming Cliffs. I am eagerly awaiting BlackShark, there hasn’t been a decent helo sim in donkey's years . Lockon can be a strain on your pc if its mid range, but then again I like my eye candy.

Il2 and its add-ons are also great. never been a better time to buy either. it was getting a bit confusing with all the add-ons but now it looks as though the will be releasing a new 1946 theoretical add-on with all previously released content included since Forgotten Battles. Well worth it.

As to joysticks, I have a Saitek X52 and while it is a great stick with limitless options for programmability, build quality is questionable (as was mentioned in this thread already). I had to fix mine out of the box . If you buy Saitek be sure you can get it replaced easily. e.g. not mail order. Although I do believe Saitek are pretty good about returns etc. And even with the probs I've had I love the X52.

Microsoft may not make the best flight Sims, but they sure made some sweet gamming hardware. I wish they were still in that business, would love to see their answer to a fully programmable HOTAS controller.
FSX demo
S3 licensed
Tried the demo, was unimpressed. My specs are 3500+ 7900GS 2gb ram. Took some time to get running smoothly even then i was dissapointed by how crappy everything looks when your on the ground or flying low. the terrain really looks the best at altitude.

and then, after flying round for a while, skimming my wheels off the water (nice touch tht ) I said to myself....- "So where are the Guns?" :biggun:

If you want a real flight sim, that looks good at all altitudes, and has guns, explosions and dogfights :fence:check out Lockon/Il2 sturmovik = nothing beats unloading high explosive 30mm shells into the side of an unsuspecting T80 from the comfort of your A10 and its 7 barreled gatling gun. = The best looking VS good performance combat flightsim there none
S3 licensed
Quote from supercar5694 :what about things like this?

Thats just done with a particular setup.

Join a Carpark server with UFRs and some one will no doubtably be doing the two wheel shuffel , just ask for the setup
S3 licensed
loool they must of been tight for space, reminds me of South City

great pic though
Last edited by DratsaB, . Reason : spelling
S3 licensed
I dont think its a good idea. Too much potential for hacking and as Hyperactive pointed out, where would they race, with S2 drivers? thanks

I think the demo is fine. I knew with the S1 demo that I would like the full S1 version. I still think its a good representation of the physics/tyre models etc. Demo drivers are spoiled with the XRT. Such a great car given away for free.
It shouldnt be taken away or anything, it shows how much variety Scavier have given demo drivers since the begining. Plus the demo gets updated with the full game. What more can you ask for?
S3 licensed
Great video, as always

keep up the good work.
S3 licensed
I use a H shifter for every car, Formula/GTR/etc (except BF1 cause that has 7+1 gears)

Hyperactive: What other features would you like to see LFS support, with regards to H shifters, before you would consider using one? Im using "FF Shifter" with an MS FFB Precision 2 Joystick, works a treat. I suppopse proper clutch modeling would be nice, for bad shifts/ stalls etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :First you need to record sound from LFS with the original sound, when the car is driving (get the car upside down so its easier) constant RPM, e.g. 4000, 6000 and 8000, then play the recorded sound files while you're tuning the CSR sounds in the editor.

I have noticed that if you are in windowed mode in LFS (dont know about fullscreen) and you switch to a different task e.g. CSR, whilst applying revs the sound will "stick" at that RPM allowing you to tune it with your CSR sample.
S3 licensed
Ok, points noted. back the drawing board, as they say.

The samples are actualy from a game some of you may be familiar with, RallyTrophy.

These are the car samples that I used:
LX4 = Opel Kadett Rallye 1969
UFR = Lancia Stratos HF 1972
UF1 = Mini Cooper S 1969

note: With the exception of the Mini, I did not choose the samples based on engine similaritys to the LFS cars, more because I thought they might work well with the car, which may have been a mistake. Also the fact that the samples are from seriously old school engines probably doesnt help.
no GT V8s im affraid .

Im guessing most ppl seem to like being able to mix the original LFS sound with the CSR sound, which I was trying to avoid. I had been trying to make sounds with the LFS engine volume off. (secretly hoping Scawen might make a specific engine sound "slider") . We need to be able to hear wind noise and tyre sounds properly, plus the LFS engine sound is pretty good for a guide on RPMs and pitch frequency to match and when working on my next CSR I will keep that in mind.

I actually kind of like that low end "chug chug chug" rumble in the UFR sound. Is it totaly unrealistic to use that for any car in LFS?

Again thanks for your input, Ill post my further developments here
LX4, UF1, UFR CSR Sounds
S3 licensed
I had previously released the UF1 & UFR, but after using CSR a bit more I discovered I messed up the low range completely

I have now re-done them and added the LX4, could you please have a listen to the previews and tell If they need more work or not? Before I upload them.
UFR SoundSet For CSR
S3 licensed
Here is my second Sound Set for the CSR featuring the UFR

Extract the contents of the .zip file to your \User Files\UFR\ directory.

Enjoy ...
S3 licensed
Updated UF1 Sounds, wasnt happy with the first one I made.
Here is my first Sound Set for the CSR featuring the mighty UF1K

Extract the contents of the .zip file to your \User Files\UF1\ directory.

Enjoy ...
Sorry 'bout rapidshare, I've got no other hosts. If anyone wants to mirror the file, go ahead. Thanks
Last edited by DratsaB, . Reason : Updated link to newer version
S3 licensed
Brake squeal is great. I have noticed some clipping(popping) though when I tap the brake pedal just enough to cause it to register on the red pedal bar in game (what the hell is the proper name for those green red and blue bars?), this happens whether stopped or moving. im guessing maybe the sample needs to be cleaned up a little.

On a side note. I must say, Yamakawa, the sound sets you make for the cars are by far the best sounding yet. The BF1, FZR and now the FXO and FXR which sound really very nice. I find other ppls sound packs aren’t quite up to scratch yet....sorry guys. I guess it helps when your the creator of the program.

Anyways, keep up the good work m8
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :
Edit2: Wiki Trivia - Wandsworth council had to put signs on the common advising parents not to allow children to litter the common. Children had been collecting rubbish to leave on the common in the hope that a Womble would appear to make use of the "things that the everyday folks leave behind."!

Thats pretty funny
S3 licensed
cheers for the update m8, downloading now
S3 licensed
Quote from jamesgp2viper :You can't edit the existing generated sounds for LFS, but we use Yamakawa's Car Sound ReMixer.

It is a separate program from LFS that uses data exported from LFS in conjunction with a set of wave files to produce its own sounds.

cheers m8, I know that. I want to make a sound addon for Yamakawa's CSR .

Quote from filur :Google found this for me, i've no idea what it is.

Ya Boya

thats perfect man. howd you find that, Ive been searching for ages. Couldnt find a sausage

cheers m8
S3 licensed
I want to try and make some sound sets and have found some sounds from a game I think would suit a car in LFS. Trouble is, those pesky programmers put the sound files in some form of compressed .bzf file. Anyone have any idea how I might go about acessing its contents?
S3 licensed
cheers for the update Scawen. Take your time guys your doing great.