Im starting to find comments like this quite annoying. I really appreciate everything we have been given in S2 Alpha and Im very happy with the rate that we get progress reports on. Im sure Scawen and the boys are aware that the comments of the above poster, and the recent other moan/demand posts are a very small minority of people, Im sure.
Just wanted to re-enforce the fact that, im sure, there are way more people (infrequent posters like myself included) happy with what we have been given and the development process in general.
Again, thank you Scawen, Victor and Eric for an amazing Sim.
Yes, I really like this little addon. Its very configurable and works well enough to be used without a H plate (once its set up properly).
cheers to the guy who made this. I didnt even know it was available because there was nothing on this forum about it ('till now), and id stopped reading the old RSC forums.
Some good points.
However, I am very happy with the GFX in LFS S2. With a resolution of 1600x1200 @85hz /32bit, full AA, full AF, all gfx options at max and Kegety's Smoke Mod, S2 is a thing of beauty. I am suprised to hear that Eric feels a bit embarrased about the quality of them.
I believe improved sound would add to the imertion factor way, way more than updated GFX.
He's is talking about when the race is over right?
Its not some thing i do often, mostly i only do it if some one rams me on purpose after a race, just messing about. I dont purposely try to take people out after a race (as i said earlier, they may be trying to warm up before the next race). I also really dont care when other people do it to me, as long as im not warming up.
sheesh..whats the point in having a damage engine if you never get to see the cars wrecked... (joking)
I just dont see whats so bad about someone smashing into a parked car after a race.
If it really, really annoys a lot of people i would make a point not to do it. But I find it kind of odd that such a big fuss is being made about it..
Edit: thanks for the backup Theafro, i was feeling a bit out in the cold. I guess LFS is not for the "Light Hearted" lol
Banning some one for crashing into you after the race is over? Thats a bit harsh if you ask me. Theres no problem in crashing into other people after a race is over, it can be quite fun actualy.
I wouldnt ram some one who looked like they where driving proper laps (they might have just joined and be warming up for next race), but you say you were parked, so you were fair game
Its just bad luck your wheel may have suffered problems from the violent forces. Perhaps turn down the FFB?
Is there a list of Ports that should be open on your router for a Client of LFS?
Or should ports be opened only if hosting a server? (im guessing this wouldnt be a problem, as i would expect it to not work at all if it was a ports problem, not intermitentaly/after a period of time, but i may be wrong.)
Also, where does LFS get its connection settings? Like how fast your connection is etc. The only place I have seen Connection options is in the "Hosting" section.
on a side note :-Yesterday, I managed to have several races (on different servers) without any problems, first time in a long while that has happend.
I was going to make a post about this. Im having similar problems. For no apparent reason about 2-3 months ago I started getting disconects, or every car lagging (with my connection "bar" rising slowly) somtimes it goes away somtimes it doesnt and i get disconected. I have changed OS's recently (from Win2K to XP64) and still have this problem. I have also changed firewalls and virus checkers with the OS change.
Another strange thing is the fact that i can usually race for about 30-40 minutes with no problems then it just starts happening, and continues to do so on most servers i join from then on. If i get a timeout/disconected from a server, the Master Server list takes longer to respond than normal, and all pings are slightly higher.
It definetly seems to happen on servers with more people on (about 10+), but I have had it happen on servers with only 2 or 3 people on also. It also seems to happen regardless of having a good constant ping to the server.
Finally, when this was happeing to me yestarday (every car lagging to me and my Connection bar timming out) ) I was asking some people on the server about it and they said that they could see my car fine and that all the Connection bars looked normal.
I am using S2 P2.
Sorry for all the info, but this is really starting to get to me and ruining my enjoyment of LFS. Im also finding it very hard to trouble-shoot.
I can drive with or with out pitspotter just fine. And it has never caused me to have a crash due to it being inaccurate.
You dont rely just on pit spotter and switch off mirrors if you your using it, thats a bit mad if you ask me (no offence ) . Its a useful tool, more so on some servers than others (eg Kyoto Ring -FO8s).
I dont see why anyone should have a problem with it, or consider it an unfair aid. As far as im concerned, with the amount of accidents happening online, due to lag, new drivers or whatever, anything that helps stop silly accidents (or help me keep my distance from some dangerous erratic driver) is more than welcome.
I would consider the Help options included in the game or the ability to use External/NonCockpit Views while racing (all of which I have turned off) to be more exploitative than this mod
Yes, this is one of the most basic yet most practical mods for LFS, Everyone should be using this. It has saved me from many an accident and it is totaly dependable, when it says "Clear" you can guarentee its safe.
heh he, Im guessing this was a push-bike? Glad you wernt too badly hurt.
Reminds me of the time I thought id be smart and try to keep up with a crappy hatch back on my bicycle. Unfortunatly, while I may well have been able to keep up with him, I couldnt stop nearly as quick and slapped straight in to the back of him, was quite painful and mildly embarrasing, as it was on the main street where i live lol that'll teach me
Yes this is a bug. It has been metioned before, perhaps not on the new forums though. (doh! too slow )
Regarding this much more difficult does this increased ride height make driving the cars(from a setup maker's point of view)? Does this bug cause the cars to be actualy faster than if there was no bug. ie when we get a patch will the times in these cars/top speed be slower?
Post any results here too please. I have started having this problem since about a week ago, its very annoying, and seems to be totally out-of-the-blue.
never had any probs with LFS S1 S2 etc before this..
I like this idea. My keyboard is kinda difficult to reach when i have my wheel setup, id love to be able to see tyre/suspension detail on another screen, I have another monitor less than 12" away from my main screen. Rear view would be a nice option too.
Now that we have so many cars and (very different) tracks, I would like to see setups being displayed in game that are dependant on the track you are drving on. It could be done by giving car setups a naming rule so that the game only picks out the setups based on the track your on. It could also allow a global name so that a particular setup could always be available for "that" car no matter what track you are on.
I find I have too many setup variations showing up that I dont need:- Rally, Oval, short track, long track, dragstrip, Rev track etc
I hope this hasn't been mentioned before..I did a search.