For a first attempt i think this is pretty good. it can only get better. So keepup the good work Becky, its great to see the sort of potential that we now have for modding LFS audio.
I was considering learning how to program purely because of the possiblities for sound modding. Wouldnt it be possible to add sounds for squeaky brakes, glass breaking when a particular part of the car is hit a particular velocity, bad shift sounds when trying to change gear without clutch engaged etc?
Welcome m8, great to see more Irish joining the LFS scene
I too am pretty average speed wise. I find that thinking "damn, how can i make up those 5 secs?" in a race just hinders my driving more than anything. I always do my pbs and consistent fast laps when im not thinking about it, and just enjoying the race. Its the same for me with qualifying, I rarely do pbs here as im thinking too hard about driving a fast lap. I always do a faster lap in the race than in qualifying.
A comfortable setup for your own style is also important. I cant make setups to save my life but i have gotten to know a few ppl who seem to like their car setup the way i do, and if asked nicley they will give the Set too me.
first time posting in this section. I was wondering if some one could render my FXO and XRT skins for me. They are based on the Sukhoi Russian Knights Display team. I am no expert skinner, but i am learning the tricks of the trade, slowly mind. . I was pretty pleased with these skins when they where finnished. Id like to see them rendered.
hey, it would be sweet to have models of the various LFS cars. I think i would like an XRT model the most. I wonder if there is a model RAC anywhere. that would be sweet
Im really glad you guys n gals are doing this. Its nice to have the option of Hires textures. Im always looking for ways to lower my ridiculous frame rate .
Tagforce is right about the need to combine your efforts, just so its less confusing for us end users with seperate updating etc and to make sure you dont spend ages fiddling with some thing thats already done.
One negative aspect about the whole hi-res texture thing is that it really does make other textures look ten times worse. Honey's Aston track texture, for example, the rumble strip next to the new tarmac looks very odd. But i guess this doesnt matter if everything gets updated eventually
Thats a better way of putting what i was getting at. I wouldnt like it to be enforced on every server either. But if just a few "10 lap or less" servers had it, it might be some fun thats all .
I had also forgotten about the last lap pit exploit, but I would like to think that most people would honor the unwritten rule of not doing the last lap pitting. Or is that too much to expect these days?
About pitting, can more servers please start forcing pitstops? It makes for a much more interesting race. It seems to be a feature that is ignored mostly. I know league races probably have more need for it with more laps etc. But even the public 5-lap servers would be a lot more fun it they where bumped up to 7-8 laps with 1 mandatory pit stop.